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File metadata and controls

46 lines (35 loc) · 1.85 KB

Compilation of things this repo needs, as I run across them.


  • More fully implement constants use in styles, make more consistant

  • Move iOS theme to it's own repo, make Android theme

  • Components:

    • Alerts
    • Form elments: Slider
    • Map
    • Popover that slides up from bottom
    • Photo viewer
  • Actions

    • Notifications
    • Pull-to-refresh
    • Slideable & Sortable ListItem actions


  • Testing... Until now things have been moving quickly and changing, but this is a must.

  • Cordova/Crosswalk API integration

  • Constant Overriding. See Buttons example in Kitchen Sink. You may want to just override the constants in a certain component. Say, you want a ButtonGroup that is green, but the rest of your ButtonGroups stay with your theme. This is a case where you'd want to pass in something like { constants: { activeColor: XXX } }. Though, because styles are compiled with passed in constants once at init time, we'd have to recompute in this case.

  • Modularity. Need to be sure to avoid requiring the index.js to load everything Good example is animations, right now they can only be loaded through UI.addAnimations, but in order to make the Animated.js mixin re-usable by outside sources, would need to have a "default" way of fetching animations, probably just looking on the component itself.

  • Get react-document-title working again, View's should be able to set it properly if their step === index when inside a ViewList.

  • Dead code elimination via webpack? Closure compiler? Right now it's a bit verbose to require lots of ui components, each one you must do require('reapp-ui/component/${name}'). In ./all.js I've exported all the components (which is also a bit tedous). A win-win would be way for people to just require('reapp-ui') and destructure any component, but have the build system automatically remove any non-used components.