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This document lists the changes (and individuals who contributed to those changes) for each release of python-vagrant.









  • Allow redirection of the output of the vagrant command subprocess to a file.

    In order to log the output of the subprocess that runs vagrant commands, or alternatively to silence that output, Vagrant.__init__ accepts two parameters, out_cm and err_cm that are no-argument functions that, when executed, return a context manager that yields a filehandle, etc., suitable for use with the stdout and stderr parameters of subprocess.Popen. Author: Manuel Sanchez ( Author: Todd DeLuca (


  • add instance attribute Vagrant.env which is a mapping of environment variables to be passed to the vagrant subprocess when invoked. This allows basic inter-process communication between Python and Vagrant via environment variables. Author: Alex Conrad (

  • Vagrant.__init__ now accepts a keyword argument env=None which will be assigned to the instance attribute Vagrant.env. Author: Alex Conrad (


Oops. Pushed non-master branch to PyPI, for version 0.5.4. Pushing master branch for 0.5.5.


The major change in this version is switching to using --machine-readable in some vagrant commands to make the underlying vagrant commands return easily-parseable output. The --machine-readable option requires Vagrant 1.4 or higher.

  • Use --machine-readable output for status, box_list, and plugin_list.
  • Allow arbitrary status codes, so new statuses do not break parsing. Previously, statuses were constrained to known ones for the sake of parsing. Now that machine-readable vagrant output is being used, any status can be parsed.
  • Status value constants (e.g. vagrant.Vagrant.NOT_CREATED) have changed to match the "state" value returned by the --machine-readable output of the vagrant status command.
  • The box version is now returned for a box listing




0.5.0 (release 2014/03/25)

This is a backwards-incompatible release with a number of breaking changes to the API. Some of these changes were made to bring the python-vagrant API more closely in line with the vagrant CLI, a key design goal of python-vagrant. Other changes simplify the code. This release also includes a number of pull requests.

Major (backwards-incompatible) changes:

  • Fix inconsistencies between python-vagrant and the vagrant CLI.

    A goal of the design of methods like status(), box_list(), and plugin_list() is to be a thin wrapper around the corresponding vagrant CLI commands, with a very similar API. These changes bring python-vagrant closer to that goal, I hope.

    When status() was originally written, it was with single-VM environments in mind, before provider information was available. Since then it was altered to return a dict to handle multi-VM environments. However it still did not return the provider information vagrant outputs. This command updates the status API so that it returns every tuple of VM name (i.e. target), state (i.e. status), and provider output by the underlying vagrant command. These tuples of values are returned as a list of Status classes. The decision to return a list of Statuses instead of a dict mapping VM name to Status was made because the vagrant CLI does not make clear that the status information it returns can be keyed on VM name. In the case of vagrant box list, box names can be repeated if there are multiple version of boxes. Therefore, returning a list of Statuses seemed more consistent with (my understanding of) vagrant's API.

    The box_list() method was originally written, as I recall, before providers and versions were a part of Vagrant. Then box_list_long() was written to accommodate provider information, without changing the box_list() API. Unfortunately, this meant box_list() diverged more from the output of vagrant box list. To bring the python-vagrant API back in line with the vagrant API, while keeping it simple, the box_list_long() method is being removed and the box_list() method is being updated to return a list of Box instances. Each box instance contains the information that the vagrant box list command returns for a box, the box name, provider, and version. The user who wants a list of box names can do:

    [ for box in v.box_list()]

    For consistency with status() and box_list(), the relatively new plugin_list() command is updated to return a list of Plugin objects instead of a list of dicts containing the plugin info from vagrant.

    The choice to use classes for Status, Box, and Plugin information was motivated by the lower syntactic weight compared to using a dicts. Author: Todd DeLuca (

  • Pull Request #22. Don't die if vagrant executable is missing when the vagrant module is imported. Wait until the Vagrant class is used. Author: Gertjan Oude Lohuis (

  • Move verbosity/quiet flags from **kwargs to instance vars.

    Unfortunately, this is a breaking change for people who use these keywords. Nevertheless, the proliferation of **kwargs in the method signatures is a bad smell. The code is not self documenting. It is not clear from the code what keywords you can pass, and it will accept keywords it does not use. Also, as new methods are added, their signatures must be polluted either by the vague **kwargs or a host of seemingly irrelevant keywords, like capture_output and quiet_stderr. Moving the verbosity and quietness functions to instance variables from function parameters makes their functionality more well documented, simplifies and makes more explicit many method signatures, and maintains the desired functionality.

    For a "loud" instance, use vagrant.Vagrant(quiet_stdout=False). Set quiet_stderr=False for an even louder version.

    In keeping with past behavior, vagrant instances are quiet by default. Author: Todd DeLuca (

Other minor changes and fixes:

0.4.5 (released 2014/03/22)

  • Add a 'quiet_stderr' keyword to silence the stderr output of vagrant commands. Author: Rich Smith ( The original author of the pull request Author: Todd DeLuca. Split the pull request and tweaked the code.
  • Disable broken SandboxVagrant tests. Does a Sahara user want to fix these tests? Author: Todd DeLuca.

0.4.4 (released 2014/03/21)

This minor release should be backwards-compatible. Add a 'reload' command, which the Vagrant docs describe as akin to a "halt" followed by an "up". Add a 'plugin list' command that returns a list of installed plugins. Add 'version' command, which gives programmatic access to the vagrant version string. Add '--provision-with' option to 'up', 'provision', and 'reload' commands. Author: Todd DeLuca (

Add support LXC statuses 'frozen' and 'stopped' Author: Allard Hoeve (

0.4.3 (released 2013/12/18)

Allow the underlying vagrant command output to be visible on the command line. Author: Alexandre Joseph (

0.4.2 (released 2013/12/08)

This release fixes a bug in Author: Nick Allen (

0.4.1 (released 2013/12/08)

This release includes improved testing, including a new VagrantTestCase. Author: Nick Allen (

0.4.0 (released 2013/07/30)

To indicate that this release includes a significant backwards-incompatible API change to status, the minor version number is being bumped.

Backwards-incompatible enhancements and bug fixes:

  • Return a dictionary from status() in all cases, instead of returning None for no status found, the status string for a single-VM or multi-VM with a VM name specified, or a dictionary for the multi-VM case. This change makes the return value more consistent. It also more closely parallels the return value of the underlying vagrant status call. Author: Alek Storm ( Author: Todd DeLuca ( fixed tests.

Enhancements and bug fixes:

0.3.1 (released 2013/05/09)

This release includes two bug fixes aimed at getting vagrant commands to work on Windows:

0.3.0 (released 2013/04/12)

This release contains backwards-incompatible changes related to the changes in Vagrant 1.1+. Vagrant 1.1 introduces the concept of providers (like virtualbox or vmware_fusion) which affect the API of vagrant box commands and the output of vagrant status (and other commands).

New functionality and bug fixes:

Backwards-incompatible changes:

  • Removed redundant box_ prefix from box_name and box_url parameters in box_add and box_remove methods. This aligns these parameter names with the parameter names in the corresponding vagrant CLI commands. Author: Todd DeLuca (
  • Added required parameter provider to box_remove method. This is consistent with the backwards-incompatible change in the underlying vagrant box remove command. Author: Todd DeLuca (
  • Method init, corresponding to vagrant init, has been changed to more closely reflect vagrant init. The parameter box_path has been changed to box_url. The method no longer attempts to interactively add a box if it has not already been added. Author: Todd DeLuca (

0.2.0 (released 2012/12/09)

This release incorporates numerous changes from a couple of forks on github, and

Additionally, support for Multi-VM environments has been added, along with several other changes:

  • vagrant.Vagrant and vagrant.SandboxVagrant methods which support multi-VM environments through the vm_name parameter. Author: Todd DeLuca (
  • A new subclass, SandboxVagrant, for using the sandbox extensions from the Sahara gem. Method names in SandboxVagrant were changed to conform to the cli names of sandbox. E.g. sandbox_enable() was changed to sandbox_on(). This is in keeping with the goal of python-vagrant to stick closely to the nomenclature of vagrant. Author: Todd DeLuca (
  • A rewritten tests/ which removes a dependency on Fabric, adds tests for multi-VM functionality, and moves some setup and teardown up to the module level. Author: Todd DeLuca (
  • Vagrant and SandboxVagrant no longer invoke subprocesses with shell=True. This way something like vagrant ssh -c <command> could be used without worry about how to quote the command. Author: Todd DeLuca (
  • Configuration is now cached under the given vm_name, when relevant. Author: Todd DeLuca (
  • status() now returns multiple statuses when in a multi-VM environment. Author: Todd DeLuca (

Please note that the changes to sandbox functionality are not backwards-compatible with the kamilgrymuza fork, though updating the code to use this project should be straightforward, should one want to do so.

0.1.0 (released 2012/06/07)

This is the original release of python-vagrant as its own package.