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We need Browsix-WASM's emscripten and Browsix-SPEC to execute SPEC CPU 2006 and 2017 Benchmarks. Browsix-WASM emscripten is available in browsix-wasm branch of Browsix-Emscripten.

In below steps we will compile bzip2 benchmark to WebAssembly and execute it with ref size of data set. To compile and execute other benchmarks with ref or test size of dataset, repeat the below procedure.

Using Emscripten

To use Emscripten 1.37.22, we need binaryen tools and fastcomp 1.37.22. The process to build fastcomp 1.37.22 is similar to the instructions mentioned on here.

  1. Follow instructions on here to install the latest emsdk.
  2. Clone fastcomp and clang and change the directory to fastcomp-1.37.22.
git clone
cd emsripten-fastcomp
git clone tools/clang
cd ..
mv emscripten-fastcomp fastcomp-1.37.22
  1. Checkout version 1.37.22.
cd fastcomp-1.37.22
git checkout 1.37.22
cd tools/clang
git checkout 1.37.22
cd ../..
  1. Create a build directory and cd into it.
mkdir build
cd build
  1. Configure and make
make -j4
  1. Open ~/.emscripten file and set LLVM_ROOT to the absolute path of fastcomp-1.37.22/build/bin directory.
  2. Clone emscripten from to emscripten or extract emscripten.tar.xz to emscripten.
  3. cd emscripten and execute ./emcc -v to run sanity checks. If there any errors (which are usually in red color), then double check the process.

Now we can use emscripten's C compiler emcc and C++ compiler em++ to compile C and C++ to WebAssembly or asm.js using Browsix-WASM.

Compiling SPEC CPU2006 Benchmarks

  1. Install SPEC CPU2006 Benchmarks. All instructions require that SPEC CPU2006 suite has been installed in /spec-cpu2006/.
  2. Set the values of CC and CXX variables in browsix-asmjs.cfg and browsix-wasm.cfg to absolute paths of emcc and em++.
  3. Copy browsix-asmjs.cfg and browsix-wasm.cfg to /spec-cpu2006/config.
  4. Compile 401.bzip2 benchmark to WebAssembly with ref dataset
cd /spec
. ./shrc
runspec --size=ref --tune=base --config=browsix-wasm.cfg --noreportable --iterations=1 401.bzip2
  1. We can ignore the errors spec scripts throws when it executes the benchmarks compiled binaries. However, there should be no compilation error.
  2. Similarly, to compile to asm.js execute above command but with --config=browsix-asmjs.cfg.
  3. A build directory will be created in /spec-cpu2006/benchspec/CPU2006/401.bzip2/build/build_base_browsix-wasm.xxxx/ and similarly for asm.js. In both cases, bzip2.js contains compiled asm.js and WebAssembly code for 401.bzip2.
  4. A run directory will be created in /spec-cpu2006/benchspec/CPU2006/401.bzip2/run/run_base_ref_browsix-wasm.0000, that contains input files and speccmds.cmd describing the commands for specinvoke to execute.

Browsix-SPEC with Browsix-WASM Kernel installation

  1. Install NodeJS 8.5 (or later). The latest 8.x release can be found here. Notice that emsdk provides nodejs 8.12.0 by default.
  2. Install Linux Kernel's perf utility on Ubuntu using
sudo apt-get install linux-tools-generic linux-tools-`uname -r`

Or on Fedora/RedHat using

sudo dnf install perf
  1. Clone this repo to browsix-spec2006 directory.

  2. Build Browsix by

make serve
  1. Build Browsix-SPEC by
make browsix-spec

Adding Benchmarks to Browsix-SPEC

Now we copy compiled binaries of SPEC benchmarks and run directory to the corresponding Browsix-SPEC directory in browsix-spec2006.

  1. Following commands to copy all run files (assuming your current directory is browsix-spec2006). Unfortunately, currently both WebAssembly and asm.js files has to reside in run_base_<data_size>_browsix-asmjs.0000 directory.
mkdir -p fs/spec/cpu2006_asmjs/benchspec/CPU2006/401.bzip2/run/run_base_ref_browsix-asmjs.0000
cp /spec-cpu2006/benchspec/CPU2006/401.bzip2/run/run_base_ref_browsix-wasm.0000/* fs/spec/cpu2006_asmjs/benchspec/CPU2006/401.bzip2/run/run_base_ref_browsix-asmjs.0000/

To copy files for asm.js, replace run_base_ref_browsix-wasm.0000 with run_base_ref_browsix-asmjs.0000. 3. Change file paths to correct file paths in Browsix-SPEC's filesystem in speccmds.cmd.

cd fs/spec/cpu2006_asmjs/benchspec/CPU2006/401.bzip2/run/run_base_ref_browsix-asmjs.0000/
sed 's/\/spec-cpu2006\/benchspec/\/spec\/cpu2006_asmjs\/benchspec/g' speccmds.cmd > speccmds.cmd-2
sed 's/\/run_base_ref_browsix-wasm.0000/\/run_base_ref_browsix-asmjs.0000/g' speccmds.cmd-2 > speccmds.cmd
cd ../../../../../../../../
  1. Copy executable file(s), i.e. bzip2.js.
cp /spec-cpu2006/benchspec/CPU2006/401.bzip2/build/build_base_browsix-wasm.0000/bzip2.js fs/spec/cpu2006_asmjs/benchspec/CPU2006/401.bzip2/run/run_base_ref_browsix-asmjs.0000/bzip2_base.browsix-wasm

To copy bzip2.js for asm.js, replace run_base_ref_browsix-wasm.0000 with run_base_ref_browsix-asmjs.0000. 5. Build specinvoke binary provided by SPEC CPU2006 Benchmarks using Emscripten and copy that binary to browsix-spec2006/fs/usr/bin. 6. Update Browsix-WASM's filesystem index.

./xhrfs-index fs > fs/index.json

Execute Benchmarks

  1. Execute Browsix-SPEC's server that finds the process executing the benchmark in the browser and attach perf to it.
cd browsix-spec2006
sudo node spec_server.js
  1. To enable SharedArrayBuffer in Chrome go to chrome://flags and enable Experimental enabled SharedArrayBuffer support in JavaScript. and in Firefox go to about:config and enable javascript.options.shared_memory.
  2. To execute the benchmark in Firefox, open Firefox in command line using firefox -contentproc=2 and to execute the benchmark in Chrome open Chrome in command line using google-chrome-stable.
  3. To execute bzip2 with ref dataset, navigate to http://localhost:9000/?size=ref&benchmark=bzip2.
  4. We can use Web Console/Browser Console in Firefox and Developer Tools -> Console in Chrome to see the progress of each benchmark.
  5. When the benchmark is finished, download the resulting tar file that contains the output of the benchmark, speccmds.out, speccmds.err etc. files.
  6. Data collected by perf is in browsix-spec2006/perf_data.