8 minutes per team
The artifacts of the demo and retro are posted on GitHub in the README.md
Prepare a Google Docs or GitHub file with all the information of the demo/retro.
- Do a live demo
- Post documents in the README.md
- 3-5 screenshots of the app (available at the root in GitHub)
- Video demo of the application (YouTube or Google Drive link)
- Code available in GitHub
- Sprint goal
- Number of stories planned versus implemented
- Number of points planned versus implemented (velocity)
- Sprint retrospective written summary
- What should the team continue doing?
- What should the team start doing?
- What should the team stop doing?
- (in terms of process, communications, technology, team dynamics …)
- Status of the evolution of the Product Backlog (Did the backlog change????)
- Burndown chart for the sprint
- Statistics from GitHub (GitHub Insights)
- Number of pushes / merges per team members