Sprint Goal:
Implement 4 User Stories
User Stories:
- US2 - Login
- US3 - Current Location
- US12 - Get Donation History
- US20 - Saving sessions
Velocity: 18
- H = 7 points, M = 5 points, L = 3 points
Number of stories planned versus implemented:
- Planned: 4
- Implemented: 5
- US2 - Login
- US12 - Get Donation History
- US20 - Saving sessions
- US21 - Log out
- US24 - Learn More
Planned versus actual velocity:
- Planned: 18
- Actual: 23
- What should the team start doing?
- The team should make sure the app is ready and prepare for the final presentation.
- What should the team stop doing?
- The team should stop overestimating the difficulty of our tasks and underestimating the time it takes to complete other backend (Firebase) tasks.
- What should the team continue doing?
- The team should continue to execute great communication, share information and helpful resources to assist during programming, esepecially during difficult times.
- What should the team start doing?
- Changed some of the USs that were implemented in Sprint 3.