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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Abdrakhman guitvcer
3 years of Python DX. IITU Student

Almaty, Kazakhstan

Manolis Proimakis manosprom

@beanuman Athens, Greece

E-Magic emagic2
Full Stack Web engineer - JavaScript, Typescript, React, Angular, Vue.js, Node.js, Python, Django, Flask, FastAPI, AsyncIO, Tensorflow, PyTouch
Farhad Uneci farhaduneci
Software engineering athirst


vfive fivejjs
ML Engineer, DS and software engineer

Data scientist and engineer Sydney Australia

Luan Fonseca luanfonceca
Senior Software Engineer • Python • Django • React • NextJS • Tailwind
Rinat Mahmutov talveRinat
MLOps and DevOps in banking
Abdulla Aidhaan i701
it does not matter what you use.

Sh.Maaungoodhoo Council Idhaara Maldives

Ashwin Balamohan abmohan

@jumpstoneai Bellevue, WA

sina E.sezza sinasezza
Software Engineer, proficient in Backend development

iran,hamedan | iran,tehran

Julio Arana Jr. julioaranajr
Cloud Systems Developer, Citizen of the world, Warrior of the Light and Promoter of the Universal Culture.

Hamburg, Germany

Matt Norton CarrotManMatt
Communicate | Contemplate | Appreciate

United Kingdom

Mohammed Abdelawal Mohammed-abdelawal
Software Engineer 🐍


Ahmed Hatem Elraei ahmedelraei
I'm a software engineer interested in web development especially back-end, Cloud computing, and Data Science. Quality delivery is my all-time priority and alway

Giza, Egypt

Dennis Mbithi D-Mbithi
Someone with passion for technology and innovation

Nairobi, kenya

Luiz D. M. Mainart LuizDMM
Full-Stack Python Web Developer.

@profitor Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil

Christopher Carvalho carvalhochris
Founder of Songcards: Listen. Discover. Collect.

Songcards London

Nebiyu nebiyuelias1
Full stack engineer


ProFatXuanAll ProFatXuanAll
MS at IKMLab, NCKU, Taiwan.

Taipei, Taiwan

Dmitrii dmitry-ed-gusev
Passionate software developer and delivery manager. Various interests: distributed tech: java, python, js; mainframe: cobol, rexx, jcl/jes.


Eduardo Pérez EduuardoPerez Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Bryan Grove bgrove-s7

Source 7 Knoxville TN

Robb Shecter dogweather
Open-data hacker

@public-law Denver, CO

Kanin Peanviriyakulkit dogrocker


George C Thomas george-ct52
Hey all , George here


Rian CasualEngineerZombie
Full Stack Developer | Django, React & Flutter 🚀 | Building web & mobile apps from home 🏡


Bünyamin Ergen bunyaminergen
AI Research Scientist

Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States