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Justin B. Baker FFjustin1
AI Tech Enthusiast | Indie Game Developer

Justin B Baker LLC Unites States

Ipseeta Priyadarshini Ipseeta
Java, JavaScript, NodeJS, Python developer 👩‍💻


Chadin Chaipornpisuth PingHuskar

Silverlake Axis Bangkok, Thailand

Ryan Gading RyanGA09
Data Analyst Enthusiast | Data Scientist | Teaching Enthusiast | Treasurer | Frontend Developer | UI Design (Figma) | Graphic Design (Canva) | Writing

Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Abdoulaye Wouri Chouf Richouf95
I develop your app's frontend for smoothness and appeal, ensuring the best user experience. 🛠️ Full Stack Software Engineer | 💻 Frontend specialist

Sahel Coders Niamey

Marcel Rojas marcelrojas

Lecheria, Anzoategui, Venezuela

Eugene K EugeneKwasny
Software engineer


Sandeep Kumar sandeepguptain
Architecturing and developing web application with different JS Framework's. Prefer to work with Frontend and Backend both.

Novigo Bengaluru

Vinicius 3vezes

Dublin, Ireland

David Eziefule davideziefule
Passionate software developer with expertise in full-stack web development. Experienced in building scalable and robust applications using modern technologies.


Clipso Clipso
Passionate software developer with a penchant for problem-solving and innovation. Building bridges between code and creativity. Enthusiastic about open-source.

KL, Malaysia

Katz Kawai katzkawai
IT & Economics

Nagoya, Japan

Valéria Padilha de Vargas ValchanOficial
"What we know is a drop; What we don't know is an ocean." - Isaac Newton


Frank Luo longluo
A Curious Programmer

Shenzhen, China

Joseph Agwuh Casyvina
I build Web automation, GUI, Web application, Machine learning and Deep learning model AI.

CasyAuto Nigeria

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Mashy Mashiane
Freelancer, Web Developer, Database Administrator, Android & IOS App Developer, Java Enthusiast, A CodeProjector

TGIF Zone Inc South Africa

Constantine Morales cereallkiller
Penetration Testing, CTF player of HacktheBox & TryHackMe Coder in Python, Bash, Go, C, C#, NodeJS, C++, Assembler, PHP, Ransomware fanatic!!!


0xLoong Silence-dream
正因你我生于繁华,弥足之花方显珍贵。 Open source is the closest thing to my dream.

@加速革命委员会 ShenZhen,China

@pvr1a +44 7441426955

Sapegah Tehran

Krishnamurthy G B ganeshkbhat
Accountable, Responsible, and Ethical programmer

Inviting projects currently India

Ray Louis raylouis

Turnersville, NJ

YAro Script yarscript
🥷 Full-Stack NodeJS/PHP Web3 Dev 🥷 Author of DND Arena

@yarscript Atlantis

Lili Huang lilihuang-dev
Passionate about tech, committed to learning, aiming to apply programming expertise to cybersecurity, contributing meaningfully to its dynamic landscape.
Fang Zhang Fang-Zhang
Software Product Builder

Working@New Zealnad Auckland

Software Engineer, Android