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Pedro Henrique phsreis
Hey! Joining the Dev's World! I hope to contribute with the community in the future! That's all for now!


Lucas Paiva lpaivareis
Ruby developer

Abler Goiás

Leonardo Taroco tarocoLeo
building things without leaving home 👨‍💻
pushap kamal pradhan Pushapkamalpradhan
Hi there, I am a front end developer.
Guilherme Branco Stracini guibranco
💚Palmeiras🐷 | LEGO🧱 | 007 - James Bond🕵🏼 | Beer🍺 | Coding💻 | Working with finance, payments, insurance, logistics, delivery, e-commerce & q-commerce

@OUTsurance @outsurance-ireland Dublin, Ireland