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Shehjad shjdkhn
cofounder, coo + bizops @usebutler. prev quant @goldmansachs and SWE @microsoft, @mercari.

@usebutler Toronto, Canada

@RPCdotcom RPCdotcom

Swiss - Turkiye - UK - Estonia - Malta

Oba obatirou

Paris, France

Haiko Schol haikoschol
On a mission to increase the cat content on the internet. 😻

international association of nomadic couch potatoes Thailand

Hugo Masclet Hugoo
Founder @ 0x1337 Partners

Berlin, DE

mo mo-anon
trying to make something out of my life
keysemails georgerobescu
"La mémoire poetique, jadis source infinite de jouissances, est devenue an arsénal inépuisable d'instrument de supplices"
John Johnson johnrjj
currently: vibing

@glider-fi SF

Michael Demarais mikedemarais
cofounder @rainbow-me

@rainbow-me New York, NY

Eren Tokmak sanctusMarculus
0x73 0x65 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x65 0x72

EVM mempool

Daniel Zhukovsky danielvzh
Building and breaking things

London, UK

Keeks Keeeeeeeks
miser of coins, getter of lamps
Yann Huynh bampan
I eat the whole day, and preferably bamboo leaves.
✮✮✮ xwillorg
creating digital artefacts
Liam liamti5

University of Zurich Decentraland

fala13 fala13
performance, coding contests. Rust, Python, Solidity&Vyper, C++, Perl, glue-whatever-that-works-together.

retired (?)

0xgleb 0xgleb
Ameya Deshmukh ameya-deshmukh
Doing what I love @SeismicSystems. BITS Pilani CS Class of '24. Interested in all things privacy, distributed systems and blockchains. Remilio.


decentralix xdecentralix
crypto and DeFi in a multi-chain world

Student at University of Zurich Switzerland

yokx yokiyokx
offensive security
blumojo blumojo
offensive security, distributed systems, & ai. rust & python dev.
Stas Belkov stasb
MEV/Blockchain dev.


Maxim popov-maksim

Stealth Saint Petersburg

zerosnacks zerosnacks
🦀 foundry @paradigm | founding engineer @ithacaxyz
Maddiaa Maddiaa0



@project-blanc Berlin, Germany

Ibrahim Abdullahi Kwaine IbrahimKwaine
I always focus on useful things

LinkedIn @Ibrahim Abdullahi Kwaine Gombe, Nigeria

John McClure (pickleback) mcclurejt
Don't let a SQL programmer help you move


Dean Eigenmann decanus
distributing & disrupting systems

Zurich, Switzerland

dora d0ra-1h3-3xpl0ra
Full-Stack Web 3.0 Dev based in Zürich/Zug, tldr: Me => Building, tinkering and hacking stuff together, ideally fast, clean & elegant... pm for collab on TG

Dora the Explora Exploration Ltd. Mempool