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Z SisyphusZheng
πŸ’»A passionate full-stack developer focused on modular UI design, Web Components, and simplifying modern web development.


Bradford1040 (aka-Hammer) Bradford1040
I'm old, but still able to learn new tricks, I am a welder/carpenter by trade, but enjoy getting my code on

AW3DP (Adams & Wheeler 3D Printing) West Palm Beach, Florida

Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.

none tokyo

Showkatul Islam Shovon shov0n-mux
Just hanging aroung πŸ‘

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Esteban Escobar EstebanEscobar99
Hello, I'm an Aeronautical Engineer who ventured into the world of programming. I'm currently a software developer using frameworks like Spring Boot and JavaFX.

Inter-Telco Rionegro, Colombia

Justin B. Baker FFjustin1
Domainer AI Tech Enthusiast | Indie Game Developer

Justin B Baker LLC Unites States

p-nut. je-suis-paradis
I am a writer. But also a single dad who has a girlfriend. The main reason I am here is education. And entertainment. Let's maketh stupid again, th'internet.

Paradiset GΓΆteborg

RhoPaper RhoPaper
纸至执 Paper to Hold.


Pravin Rathod Rathodpd99
I am student of Baba Saheb Ambedkar open University


lgxisbb lgxisbb
Build what people need, write code that matters.
SHAIK DAVUDH Shaikdavudh11
πŸš€ Full Stack Developer & Digital Marketing Associate with expertise in React 🏒 Currently working at Gamutgurus Private Limited, Bengaluru 🌐 Open for collab

Gamut Gurus Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore

Huguette HuguettePtite
Hello!! I am still learning.
Felipe Roveroni de Lima FelipeRoveroniLima

@CocamarCooperativa (Stationsoft) MaringΓ‘, PR

Damianos Giankakis Damian96
Full-Stack Web Developer currently 🎯 in Angular, Typescript


Ibrahim Sharif shuvoaftab
Interests in Infrastructures, WordPress, Automation, Clouds, Networks, and Email Deliverability.

WPManageNinja LLC Sylhet

Aar Arshu$+πŸ’ŽπŸ›¬πŸ›«πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄πŸ—βœ… mohamedplus7
Suke Han hansuke
Full Stack Web Developer


Melvin C Jr d3x41
Crackin codes and breakin hearts..

Colorado Springs

Victor Hugo SΓ‘nchez Gracida trailyunkel

Gatakka&Google&Gracida&Co. Honestidad,173

PardoDev pardodev
software developer live in Jakarta Indonesia

MAM Indonesia



Phillip Durose PduroseXYRO
Computer Science Engineer, Electrical Engineer, and Mathematician with specific development focuses in Flutter and Unity.

Xyro, LLC Minneapolis, MN

Giomar Maestre maestreparra
Father - Yogui - UX / UI designer - Mobile Designer - FrontEnd

Freelance Venezuela

Thomas NerdLive
Marketing Nerd

NEW Energie

Jeremy Craig allin5187
Learning as much as I can.