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ΛBDUL HΛJIYΞV abdulhajiyev
Web Developer ◢◤ Self-taught CG Artist

Eigen LTD Earth


Mountain View, CA, USA

Stacy Devino childofthehorn
Stacy Devino - Sr. Staff @ Fanatics @stacydevino@bksy

@Fanatics Texas

M3-Gary M3-Gary

M3-Solutions Inc.

Florian Idelberger step21


John Fajardo JohnFajardo
Software engineer

New York

Raouf7mada raouf7mada
Hello, I'm Raouf, and I'm an Electrical-Electronics engineer in my final term of university. My area of interest lies in PCB design.

Ankara, Turkey

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Matt Forster matt-forster

@viewthespace Alberta, Canada

Ariel Rezin arielrezinn
A software developer passionate about the intersection of tech and accessibility.

Sentry, Insurance Madison, Wisconsin

Steve Verhelle enqack

Midnight Toll LLC MI, USA

Rey Granillo III reyg3
Director of Technology and Research & Development Engineering under Research at The University of Arizona @uaenvironment

University of Arizona - Research

Alistair Harris amharris
UX-thinking developer. Loves: tinkering with emerging technologies and *NIX. Hates: spaghetti code and breaking coding standards/norms.

@safety-services Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom