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Rafa Lopes rafalopespx
Interested in the dynamics and its signatures on the time series variability on epidemics Working on DENV, CHIKV, ZIKV, and climate change

Yale University, Yale School Of Public Health USA

Jibrin Jaafaru jbrnjfr
My interest is in unraveling the rat’s nest intricacies of complex dynamical systems, uncertainties, & non-linearities to provide better/helpful explanations.

Loughborough University London London, United Kingdom.

Douglas Ezra Morrison d-morrison

University of California, Davis

Paulo Cesar Ventura paulocv
Postdoc fellow at Indiana University School of Public Health. Computational epidemic modeling & etc.

Indiana University School of Public Health

Peihong(Bernie) gpeihong
Researcher at NTU (Infectious disease modeling)

Nanyang Technological University

Carsten ckirkeby

University of Copenhagen Grønnegårdsvej 8

Paulo M R Coelho pmcoelho
We come from the land of the ice and snow From the midnight sun where the hot springs flow The hammer of the gods Will drive our ships to new lands
Audrei Pavanello AudreiPavanello
I'm a biologist working with ML applied to electronic health records and real world evidence (RWE).
Lucca Nielsen Luccan97
Public health background, experience working with Brazilian government agencies and NGOs. Passion for Open Data solutions, Epidemiological Surveillance, and GIS

Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo

Luiz Max Carvalho maxbiostat
Biologist by training, statistician by trade.

School of Applied Mathematics (EMAp), Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Raphael Saldanha rfsaldanha
Geographer, Master's in Public Health, PhD in Health Information and Communication. Postdoc at @INRIA.

Inria Montpellier, FR

Akbar Akbari Esfahani aakbarie

Central California Alliance for Health United States

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Pengfei Song Song921012
Associate Professor, XI'an Jiaotong University. Interested in Partial Differential Equations, Deep Learning, AI for Science

Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, 710049

Isaac Florence isaac-florence
Field Epidemiologist and data person at UK Health Security Agency

@ukhsa-collaboration United Kingdom

Adrian Lison adrian-lison

ETH Zürich Zürich, Switzerland

Mphatso D.S. Phiri mphadsphiri
Tuberculosis epidemiologist. Transmission modelling enthusiast.
João Dionísio jdrdionisio

Unidade de Saúde Pública da ULS Coimbra Coimbra

Sang Woo Park parksw3

Princeton University

James Azam jamesmbaazam
Research Software Engineer, working on the Epiverse Initiative at LSHTM. Mostly work with/in R.

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine United Kingdom

Sam Abbott seabbs
Real-time infectious disease modelling. Developing tools and methods for outbreak response, routine surveillance, and pandemic preparedness.

@epinowcast @EpiAware @epiforecasts Bristol

Julia Epi Julia-Epi
Computational epidemiology in @JuliaLang.
