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Kiran Mishra misskiran
Wanna Build Some Crazy Shit ? I'm interested . Contributor @ GSSoC'24
Cross dillfrescott

Coffee Drinker Earth

Arul Sujith Arul-Sujith
Undergrad | CTF | Blockchain


Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

Arnav Kumar arnav-kr
A Full Stack Web Developer, UI/UX Designer and a Cybersecurity Enthusiast

Curious Coders & Skippet Milky Way Galaxy

Samuel Butler samuelbutler
Working on something new - discord: samdcbu
Srdjan pyropy
Moving fast, breaking things


Richard Eriksson sillygwailo
Lead Customer Support Engineer for Acquia

@acquia Toronto, Ontario

Guilherme Terriaga GuilhermeTerriaga
Bachelor of information systems @umc | dev | Open Source | Minimalism.

Arthur Inc. Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo, Brazil

Vera Gonzalez organizedgrime

Hightouch Washington DC

Gabe Giro GabeGiro
Software Engineer with 10 years professional experience

Epigraph Croatia

Vector vectorisvector
Sui builder | Game developers | Independent educator in Web3

Hong Kong

Raymond L. QutritSystems

Qutrit Systems Hong Kong / Taiwan

Patrick unenunciate
A general-purpose person.
Haruki Kondo mashharuki
Web3やAI、AWSなど幅広く勉強中。学生時代はヨット部に所属しており4年間江ノ島の海で活動していました。 情報処理安全確保支援士 第022981号


abc0xmattyic333 abc0xmattyic333
彡 || ;; sie haben den betreiber gefunden 🥶🧊 || ⓗ𝐞/нᎥ𝕞 || 彡 ⚡️ ♦️


genix PratikDhanave
Mentor for Google summer of code 2022, 2021,2020,2019, Intern for Google Summer of Code 2017-2018
LilPimpn86 FuckStickFunFuck
33 DWF Freelance Journalist Anlyst Cnsltnt Mrktng Blogger, Political Satirist & Commentator, Community Organizer, Podcaster, Radical Activist, Volunteer.

@staywokemedia Indiana USA

cryptomole cryptomole1
crypto digging mole
Erick Watson ErickWa
Don't leave your randomness to chance!

Randamu Greater Seattle Area

Just a person who likes games and computers.


Calcody-Lee Mcneill PinkDiamond1

Polybest Holding B.V. helm repo add twingate

Jonathan Carvalho jonathangoc
Sales Engineer and Mentor at Akamai Technologies.

Akamai Technologies London, UK

Bhupendra Bhudia bhupendra-bhudia
Accomplished Engineer and Architect with core skills in Python, Java, C/C++, micro-services and distributed systems. Interests in procedural generation & WebGL.

@quedexco United Kingdom

Alexandre Ferreira alexjorgef
Full-stack developer, open-source enthusiast


Marquivion Orr Marqui-13
software engineer with expertise in various fields including blockchain, web3, AI, full-stack development, creative development, cryptography, and quantum

Iowa, United States