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Thallys Bezerra thallysbezerra
Front-end Engineer

@corabank São Paulo

Keith J Holmes Jr. 23024T0432060031001
Unknown Keith

Mempool.Space.K.K Mexico MO,

Isabella Lucero iglucero
Desenvolvedora iOS

@corabank São Paulo

Luana Barbosa luana-barbosa
Android Developer


Marianna Kinuyo marikinuyo
Front-end developer and UX/UI Designer in free time. Check out my other profile @mariannakinuyo

@corabank São Paulo

01010010010101010101 D4Fi

FreeLance world

Rodrigo Ferreira Schaer rodrigoschaer
Software Engineer in Brazil. Always learning.

Nubank Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Lucas Magalhães lucasrmagalhaes
Full Stack Developer · PHP · JavaScript · Node.js · Vue.js · React · TypeScript · Next.js

@Fiergs Canoas, RS - Brazil

Lis Barreto lis-barreto
Data Platform Engineer
Júlio Juriolli jjuliodev
Hello. I have an extensive background with NodeJS and Linux technologies. As a plus, I'm passionate about mobile development. Feel free to reach out.
Tatiana Florentino TatianaFlorentino
Product Manager, Aspiring in the world of data and Datascience Tech Explorers: Algoritmos

[email protected] São Paulo

Elvis Julius elvisjulius

Mogi das Cruzes - SP

Allef Br allefbr
Software Frontend Engineer

Platform Builders Caucaia, Ceará

Larissa lariskovski
meio dev meio ops


Adjamilton Junior ajunior
Just someone who likes to share some lines of code and build today a better tomorrow. He/Him.

Cora João Pessoa, PB, Brazil

Micaelly Uchoa Santos MicaellyUchoa
Front-end Developer

Cora Bank São Paulo

Pedro P. pvpscript
In love with FOSS
