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Cody codyjohnsontx
full stack engineer 💻 MERN

100devs Texas

Jack Jack5316
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Electronic Science & Technology


Dwi Mursito moersito
Solution Architect, Software Developer, IT Project Manager, DevOps Specialist, SEO Consultant, Data Science Associate, Cybersecurity Enthusiast, Scrum Master


Tracy B tlbadger09
Just an Insurance Agent trying to grow my business 😉

Badger Health Insurance LLC

Hawkar Mohammad HawkarMohammad
Web Developer

FastTeam Iraq

Kenzo Fachin SnowDingo
Hello, I am snowdingo! I am a Hokkaido Coder 🇯🇵 日本語ー 北海道在住の高校生プログラマーです。 詳細な情報などについてはポートフォリオをご覧ください↓


Soumyadip Majumder SoumyadipYT-OSS
👋 Hi there! I’m Soumyadip Majumder, a passionate developer with a keen interest in C# and Python and enthusiast in AI-ML research.
Showkatul Islam Shovon shov0n-mux
Just hanging aroung 👍

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Filip Dimitrovski fikisipi
Doing Python data processing & Golang infrastructure


Kemboi Elvis kemboi22
Am a fullstack developer. I know different languages: 1)PHP 2)Javascript 3)Typescript 4)C# Linktree:

@geniusdynaimcs Kenya

Abdulmajeed Ali Al-Hazemi AbdulAlhazemi
Software Engineer | Artificial Intelligence Engineer | Postgraduate Student in Computer Science | Passionate About Web Development, IoT, Cloud Computing

Saudi Arabia

chomraeun.chin Kreoun
I'm Chomraeun, Cambodian.

Code-Slaver Cambodia

Hashir Akbar Hashir-Akbar
I like to play with computer


Ebube Ochemba ebubecodes
👨🏽‍💻Software Developer | Full-Stack
Deepanshu Bisht DeeBi9
Architecting a code symphony in the open source cosmos, devoted to giving back to the community

Roorkee India

Quentin Durantay VonStruddle
I do Marketing by writing code

Growth Engineer at Polar Analytics Paris, France

Weijuer weijuer

W.J Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China


TWO Prague, Czechia

Oluwafemi Kolade Mercy1024
I'm a Fullstack Developer
Asmat Ullah Asmatbangash
👋 Hi! I'm Asmat Ullah, a passionate Full Stack Web Developer skilled in building responsive, user-interactive applications in the Full Stack | MERN stack.

self employee peshawar

ghouti_yelles_chaouche Ghouti-work
Student in CS engineering

@0xor1day Algeria

Venkata Sai Esampalli venkatkvikram
Software Engineer.


Allan Murimi Lanizk
Flutter Dev Speacializing in android and IOS apps// Web developer using Laravel


Tunjay Akbarli Tuncayscript
Designer of First Programming Language of Azerbaijan - NeXTCode

@nexthub-oss Badamdar, Baku, Azerbaijan

Amira Hashem Amirahashem
IT student

Asyut, Egypt

Erin Lin erinlin22
Hi there, I'm the Head of Revenue at Appwrite. You can find me running, listening to audiobooks and being silly with my cat!

@appwrite Chicago

Samuel Martins thesmartcoder7
I am fullstack developer who enjoys building exceptional websites and webapps that provide intuitive interfaces with efficient & modern back-ends.


Tony Olsson Bobotech79

IT Consultant Örebro, Sweden