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Kazybek Askarbek QazyBi
Data Scientist


Chaitanya Belekar Chaitanya6Nli
2nd Year B.Tech in Robotics & Automation | Expertise in HTML, CSS, C, MATLAB, Python | Enthusiast in AI & ML

K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research Nashik

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Mr. Punk da Silva mrpunkdasilva
I am passionate and lover of the most beautiful liberal art that has ever been created: programming, the one that everyone should know.

In my mind

Marcus Vinicius marcus-viniciusdev
I'm a Brazilian game developer and web developer.

marcusvinicius productions Brasil, Pará

NABIL nabilify

South Asia / Remote

Kazuma Yagi kzm784

Kansai University Osaka, Japan

VictorLee ZhenshengLee
Middleware Engineer in Robotics.


Federico Salvioli salvioli
I am a mechatronic engineer with a strong passion for coding. My interests fall at the intersection of software engineering, robotics and AI.

ALTEC S.p.A. Turin, Italy

Ruben Arts ruben-arts
Building pixi @prefix-dev

@prefix-dev Cuijk

Zhiang QI qza36
Network Engineering student from Liaoning University of Science and Technology
Frederik F-DSK-SCH
M.Sc. Autonomous Systems from TU Darmstadt


周雨豪 krzhck

Tsinghua University Singapore

Gavin Gavin304
Interest in Robotics, AI
YLFeng Ericsii
Graduate Student at Mobile Perception Lab, ShanghaiTech University. Interests: Robotics / Visual-SLAM / RoboMaster / OIer

ShanghaiTech University Shanghai, China

Jacopo Abramo jacopoabramo
PhD student at the Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien.

Leibniz-IPHT Jena, Germany

Murat KIRTAY muratkrty
Cross-validating humanoid robots, interactivity, and multimodal data.

AIR-Lab Tilburg, Netherlands

Zichong Yang zichongy

Purdue University West Lafayette

Nicky Hu Nicky0325
Software developer in autonomous driving industry, dedicated to the development of calibration and localization algorithm of multi-sensor systems. Shanghai

Rodrigo Betances RaidZeroSix
Mechanical engineer with an interest in control theory and AI.

Somewhere, FL

Kshitij Goel kshitijgoel007

@rislab Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

Simon Schwaiger SimonSchwaiger
Lecturer/Researcher at UAS Technikum Wien and Doctoral Student at Graz University of Technology, working on machine learning and modern robot control methods.

@TW-Robotics Vienna

Manuel Gomes manuelgitgomes
Research Fellow and PhD Student in Robotics and AI at University of Aveiro

@lardemua Aveiro, Portugal

sooriya thuvasooriya
reading electronics and telecom engineering @ university of moratuwa w/ chips, robots, n automation

Sri Lanka

Vitus Maierhöfer VitusMa
PhD student at Regensburg University

Regensburg, Germany

Lucas Mazzetto lucasmazzetto
Research and development engineer. Passionate about science, computers, machines, and robots.
DaveS ZeroNilZero
Planet Code

Sundar robocop-uk
An enthusiastic engineer highly passionate about software and hardware testing for robots, committed to developing solutions to improve people's lives!


Harshal Bhat harshal-14
Autonomous Robots Enthusiast with patents on agricultural robots technology.

Stealth Startup

Jeel Chatrola JeelChatrola
MS in Robotics at WPI

Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA Worcester, MA

Zheng Li LiZheng1997
My main research interest is Neural/Brain-based Vision Perception System for Robots to enhance HRI. SNN, Neurorobotics, neuromorphic hardware will be explored.

The university of Sheffield Shanghai