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SpiralGang spiralgang
<s> [@ user0086] $sudo apt-install pkg update </s> [SpiralGanglionNeuronLabyrinths] #su upgrade qualcomm-qai-hub && android-sdk

Spiral Gang Neuron Labs 0700 GMT

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Aneesh Neelam aneesh-neelam
Software Engineer and Computer Scientist specializing in Operating Systems, Distributed Systems and Storage Systems.

@vmware Bangalore, India

Michael Micha1207
Coding, Linux, RPi & Arduino!!

Nysa, Opole voivodeship, Poland 🇵🇱

Roman Kupriyanov roman-kupriyanov
Software Engineer @Broadcom

Broadcom Prague, CZ

Alessio Durante ADurante
Computer Engineering, @polito

@polito Torino, Italy

Zhe Li AtaraxiaZ

@Bytedance Shanghai, China

Daniel Fedotov FedotovDev8801
hi, my name is Daniel

FedotovDev Inf1n1te Prague, Czech Republic

VTELCO Networks vtelco

vtelco R. Imac. Conceição, 1430 - Prado Velho, Curitiba - PR, 80215-182, Brazil

andofwinds andofwinds
do C/Rust backend and sometimes TS frontend. pfp by:

Moscow, Russia

JEYAGANESHAN jeyaganeshan-dev
Hello! I'm JEYAGANESHAN, a passionate Web Developer and Graphic Designer with over 2 years of experience crafting visually stunning and functional design

Coimbatore, India

Abe A abesqaured
This is my GitHub that stores all my old projects when in SUNY Oswego and also any new projects that I wish to create on my own.
Dylan d-bryan
Full Stack Engineer || Systems Engineer || Homelab Enthusiast

West Virginia

Tariq Monowar Hossain Tariq-Monowar

backbencher studio Rampura, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

tom zhou sequoiar
Meet AI & Robot Technology

@InstantWebP2P @AIWorkspace @Co-Simulation @5GApp SHANGHAI, CHINA

ezzatBalah Ezzatbalah
Flutter Developer


Abdelrahman Eltokhy t0khyo
per aspera ad astra


Petya Ateva pateva

CleverPine Sofia

haichang iosx

Yusur Beijing

Davidson magnata19
Em constante evolução. Tecnologias: JAVA | Springboot | AWS | TypeScript | JS | MYSQL | REACT | NODE | Docker
Vladyslav Spirin vladspirin
🧑‍💻 SW QA Engineer | Network Engineer | 🍏 macOS, 🐧 GNU/Linux and 🐍 Python enthusiast

Ciklum Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Sharan SharanKallur

T-Systems Bangalore

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC

Ananta Bipal aatbip
Software Engineer
Yunqian Chen (Frank) Frank51
DELL Software Engineer. Gopher, Kubernetes, VM.

@DELL Boston, MA

Miroslav Streit Arentaz
ISO/OSI layer invader. Looking for opportunity but this world is Mystery.

@farmingtechnology farmatech Central Europe

Area 1945 area1945
I am warrior of technology

Self employed Bandung