AutoRest generates a client type based on a name defined in the specification (see swagger specification parsing overview). The generated client inherits from ServiceClient<T>
base type available in Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime nuget package.
The client is generated with a number of constructors:
- A default constructor that sets Base URL of the client to the one specified in the specification and configures the client to use anonymous authentication
var myClient = new SwaggerPetstore();
- A constructor that accepts Base URL
var myClient = new SwaggerPetstore(new Uri("https://contoso.org/myclient"));
- A constructor that accepts Credentials object (see Authentication)
var myClient = new SwaggerPetstore(new BasicAuthenticationCredentials
UserName = "ContosoUser",
Password = "P@$$w0rd"
- A constructor that accepts the above parameters and a collection of delegating handlers (see Custom Http Handlers)
var myClient = new SwaggerPetstore(new MyCustomDelegatingHandler());