Ansible role for TinyPilot KVM.
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):
tinypilot_interface: ''
tinypilot_port: 8000
tinypilot_keyboard_interface: /dev/hidg0
# The client is responsible for specifying the path/URL to the TinyPilot Debian
# package
tinypilot_debian_package_path: null
To install TinyPilot using the Ansible role, you need to provide the role with a path or URL to a TinyPilot Debian package.
To build a TinyPilot Debian package, run the following snippet:
cd $(mktemp -d) && \
git clone . && \
This will produce a TinyPilot Debian package under ./debian-pkg/releases
- hosts: all
- role: ansible-role-tinypilot
tinypilot_debian_package_path: /path/to/tinypilot.deb
ansible-galaxy install git+
ansible-playbook example.yml
This role was created in 2020 by Michael Lynch.