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A portable, templated dotfiles management system using chezmoi.


This repository contains my dotfiles and configurations managed with chezmoi. It handles configuration for:

  • VS Code and Cursor editor settings (shared configuration with editor-specific customizations)
  • Terminal settings and shell configurations (ZSH with high-performance Zinit setup)
  • Various development tools and preferences
  • Git abbreviations using zsh-abbr for faster git workflows
  • Custom keyboard shortcuts for Vim-style navigation and productivity


  • Shared settings between VS Code and Cursor with editor-specific customizations
  • Templated configuration files with conditional logic
  • Secure credential management via 1Password integration
  • Machine-specific customizations
  • Vim keybindings for editors
  • Development environment configurations for multiple languages
  • Optimized ZSH configuration with Zinit (faster than Oh-My-Zsh)
  • Git abbreviations for common commands using zsh-abbr


  • chezmoi (dotfile manager)
  • 1Password CLI (optional, for secrets)
  • macOS (primary target platform)
  • Git

Quick Start

One-Line Setup (Recommended)

This will install everything you need in one command:

sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply

Manual Setup

If you prefer a step-by-step approach:

  1. Install chezmoi:

    sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- -b $HOME/.local/bin
  2. Initialize with this repo:

    chezmoi init
  3. Preview changes:

    chezmoi diff
  4. Apply the dotfiles:

    chezmoi apply

Updating Existing Installation

chezmoi update

Key Components

Editor Configuration

This repo includes a shared configuration system for VS Code and Cursor. The magic happens through:

  • A shared template in .chezmoitemplates/vscode-cursor-settings.tmpl
  • Target detection that identifies which editor is being configured
  • Conditional settings based on the target editor

ZSH Configuration

High-performance shell setup using Zinit with:

  • Lazy-loading for slow-starting components (NVM, 1Password)
  • Parallel plugin loading
  • Git abbreviations via zsh-abbr
  • Intelligent path management

How It Works

The template detects which editor it's configuring by checking the target path:

{{- $app := "cursor" -}}
{{- if eq .chezmoi.targetFile (joinPath .chezmoi.homeDir "Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json") -}}
{{-   $app = "vscode" -}}
{{- end -}}

Settings are then customized based on the $app variable:

"workbench.colorTheme": {{ if eq $app "vscode" }}"GitHub Dark"{{ else }}"Palenight (Mild Contrast)"{{ end }},

ZSH Configuration

The shell configuration uses Zinit for fast, efficient plugin management:

Key Features

  • Performance Optimization:

    • Lazy-loading for slow-starting components (NVM, 1Password credentials)
    • Parallel plugin loading with Zinit
    • Standalone plugin installations without SVN dependencies
  • Advanced Plugin Setup:

    # Core utilities
    zinit light zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions       # Intelligent suggestions
    zinit light zdharma-continuum/fast-syntax-highlighting  # Syntax highlighting
    zinit light wfxr/forgit                         # Git workflow improvements
    zinit light ael-code/zsh-colored-man-pages      # Colored manual pages
    zinit light hcgraf/zsh-sudo                     # Easy sudo prefixing
  • Custom Functions & Aliases:

    # Python/Node.js utilities
    alias venv="uv venv"                            # Fast virtual environments
    alias pipx="uv tool run"                        # Isolated tool execution
    # System utilities
    alias pwdc='pwd | pbcopy && echo "πŸ“‹ Path copied"'  # Directory path copying
    function copyfile() { cat $1 | pbcopy }         # File content to clipboard
  • Intelligent Path Management:

    # Structured PATH configuration with deduplication
      $HOME/.local/bin               # User scripts
      $PNPM_HOME                     # PNPM packages
      $BUN_INSTALL/bin               # Bun runtime
      /opt/homebrew/opt/ruby/bin     # Homebrew Ruby
      $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools  # Android tools
      $path                          # Existing paths
    typeset -U path  # Ensure unique entries
  • 1Password Integration:

    # Lazy-loaded credential system
    function openai() {
      # Loads API key only when first used
      [[ "$OPENAI_API_KEY" == "needs_loading" ]] && \
        export OPENAI_API_KEY=$(get_openai_api_key)
      command openai "$@"
  • Node.js Management:

    # Lazy-loaded NVM with automatic .nvmrc detection
    function nvm() {
      unfunction nvm                # Remove placeholder
      source "$NVM_DIR/"      # Load actual nvm
      nvm "$@"                      # Execute command
  • Tool Integrations:

    # Zoxide - smarter directory navigation
    eval "$(zoxide init --cmd cd zsh)"
    # FZF fuzzy finder
    [ -f ~/.fzf.zsh ] && source ~/.fzf.zsh
    # Starship prompt
    eval "$(starship init zsh)"

Performance Characteristics

  • Startup time optimized through:
    • Deferred loading of heavy components (NVM, 1Password)
    • Standalone plugin installations
    • Compiled completion cache
  • Typical startup time: 150-200ms (vs 800ms+ with OMZ)

Unique Features

  • Automatic Brewfile updates via brew-wrap
  • Hybrid completion system (Zinit + traditional fpath)
  • Security-focused credential handling
  • Cross-platform Android development setup
  • Python/Node.js version management coexistence


Personal Information

Edit .chezmoi.toml.tmpl to configure your personal information:

    email = "[email protected]"
    name = "Your Name"

Machine-Specific Settings

chezmoi automatically detects the current machine and OS, allowing for conditional configuration.

Directory Structure

β”œβ”€β”€ .chezmoitemplates/           # Shared templates
β”‚   └── vscode-cursor-settings.tmpl
β”œβ”€β”€ private_Library/              # macOS Library folder (private)
β”‚   └── private_Application Support/
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ private_Curso#!/bin/bash

# Only run on macOS
{{ if eq .chezmoi.os "darwin" -}}

# Install Homebrew if not installed
if ! command -v brew &> /dev/null; then
  echo "Installing Homebrew..."
  /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

# Update Homebrew
echo "Updating Homebrew..."
brew update

# Install from Brewfile in Chezmoi config
echo "Installing packages from Brewfile..."
brew bundle --no-lock --file="{{ .chezmoi.sourceDir }}/dot_config/brewfile/Brewfile"

{{ end -}}r/User/  # Cursor settings
β”‚       └── private_Code/User/    # VS Code settings
β”œβ”€β”€ .zshrc                        # ZSH configuration with Zinit
└── .chezmoi.toml.tmpl           # chezmoi configuration

Common Tasks

Adding a New Dotfile

chezmoi add ~/.some_config_file

Editing a Managed File

chezmoi edit ~/.some_config_file

Updating After Changes

chezmoi apply


  • Sensitive information is handled through 1Password integration
  • Use onepasswordRead template function to access secrets

Brewfile Management

This setup uses a Brewfile to manage Homebrew packages, ensuring consistency across installations. The Brewfile is located in the Chezmoi source directory at dot_config/brewfile/Brewfile.

How It Works

  • Location: The Brewfile is stored in dot_config/brewfile/Brewfile within the Chezmoi source directory.
  • Installation Script: The script installs packages from the Brewfile. It checks if Homebrew is installed, updates it, and then installs packages using the Brewfile.
  • Automatic Updates: With brew-wrap enabled, the Brewfile is automatically updated when packages are installed or removed.

Updating the Brewfile

With brew-wrap enabled, the Brewfile is automatically updated whenever you install or uninstall packages using brew, mas, whalebrew, or code. This means you don't need to manually run brew bundle dump to update the Brewfile.


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