A portable, templated dotfiles management system using chezmoi.
This repository contains my dotfiles and configurations managed with chezmoi. It handles configuration for:
- VS Code and Cursor editor settings (shared configuration with editor-specific customizations)
- Terminal settings and shell configurations (ZSH with high-performance Zinit setup)
- Various development tools and preferences
- Git abbreviations using zsh-abbr for faster git workflows
- Custom keyboard shortcuts for Vim-style navigation and productivity
- Shared settings between VS Code and Cursor with editor-specific customizations
- Templated configuration files with conditional logic
- Secure credential management via 1Password integration
- Machine-specific customizations
- Vim keybindings for editors
- Development environment configurations for multiple languages
- Optimized ZSH configuration with Zinit (faster than Oh-My-Zsh)
- Git abbreviations for common commands using zsh-abbr
- chezmoi (dotfile manager)
- 1Password CLI (optional, for secrets)
- macOS (primary target platform)
- Git
This will install everything you need in one command:
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS get.chezmoi.io)" -- init --apply https://github.com/mikecfisher/dotfiles.git
If you prefer a step-by-step approach:
Install chezmoi:
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS get.chezmoi.io)" -- -b $HOME/.local/bin
Initialize with this repo:
chezmoi init https://github.com/mikecfisher/dotfiles.git
Preview changes:
chezmoi diff
Apply the dotfiles:
chezmoi apply
chezmoi update
This repo includes a shared configuration system for VS Code and Cursor. The magic happens through:
- A shared template in
- Target detection that identifies which editor is being configured
- Conditional settings based on the target editor
High-performance shell setup using Zinit with:
- Lazy-loading for slow-starting components (NVM, 1Password)
- Parallel plugin loading
- Git abbreviations via zsh-abbr
- Intelligent path management
The template detects which editor it's configuring by checking the target path:
{{- $app := "cursor" -}}
{{- if eq .chezmoi.targetFile (joinPath .chezmoi.homeDir "Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json") -}}
{{- $app = "vscode" -}}
{{- end -}}
Settings are then customized based on the $app
"workbench.colorTheme": {{ if eq $app "vscode" }}"GitHub Dark"{{ else }}"Palenight (Mild Contrast)"{{ end }},
The shell configuration uses Zinit for fast, efficient plugin management:
Performance Optimization:
- Lazy-loading for slow-starting components (NVM, 1Password credentials)
- Parallel plugin loading with Zinit
- Standalone plugin installations without SVN dependencies
Advanced Plugin Setup:
# Core utilities zinit light zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions # Intelligent suggestions zinit light zdharma-continuum/fast-syntax-highlighting # Syntax highlighting zinit light wfxr/forgit # Git workflow improvements zinit light ael-code/zsh-colored-man-pages # Colored manual pages zinit light hcgraf/zsh-sudo # Easy sudo prefixing
Custom Functions & Aliases:
# Python/Node.js utilities alias venv="uv venv" # Fast virtual environments alias pipx="uv tool run" # Isolated tool execution # System utilities alias pwdc='pwd | pbcopy && echo "π Path copied"' # Directory path copying function copyfile() { cat $1 | pbcopy } # File content to clipboard
Intelligent Path Management:
# Structured PATH configuration with deduplication path=( $HOME/.local/bin # User scripts $PNPM_HOME # PNPM packages $BUN_INSTALL/bin # Bun runtime /opt/homebrew/opt/ruby/bin # Homebrew Ruby $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools # Android tools $path # Existing paths ) typeset -U path # Ensure unique entries
1Password Integration:
# Lazy-loaded credential system function openai() { # Loads API key only when first used [[ "$OPENAI_API_KEY" == "needs_loading" ]] && \ export OPENAI_API_KEY=$(get_openai_api_key) command openai "$@" }
Node.js Management:
# Lazy-loaded NVM with automatic .nvmrc detection function nvm() { unfunction nvm # Remove placeholder source "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # Load actual nvm nvm "$@" # Execute command }
Tool Integrations:
# Zoxide - smarter directory navigation eval "$(zoxide init --cmd cd zsh)" # FZF fuzzy finder [ -f ~/.fzf.zsh ] && source ~/.fzf.zsh # Starship prompt eval "$(starship init zsh)"
- Startup time optimized through:
- Deferred loading of heavy components (NVM, 1Password)
- Standalone plugin installations
- Compiled completion cache
- Typical startup time: 150-200ms (vs 800ms+ with OMZ)
- Automatic Brewfile updates via
- Hybrid completion system (Zinit + traditional fpath)
- Security-focused credential handling
- Cross-platform Android development setup
- Python/Node.js version management coexistence
Edit .chezmoi.toml.tmpl
to configure your personal information:
email = "[email protected]"
name = "Your Name"
chezmoi automatically detects the current machine and OS, allowing for conditional configuration.
βββ .chezmoitemplates/ # Shared templates
β βββ vscode-cursor-settings.tmpl
βββ private_Library/ # macOS Library folder (private)
β βββ private_Application Support/
β βββ private_Curso#!/bin/bash
# Only run on macOS
{{ if eq .chezmoi.os "darwin" -}}
# Install Homebrew if not installed
if ! command -v brew &> /dev/null; then
echo "Installing Homebrew..."
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
# Update Homebrew
echo "Updating Homebrew..."
brew update
# Install from Brewfile in Chezmoi config
echo "Installing packages from Brewfile..."
brew bundle --no-lock --file="{{ .chezmoi.sourceDir }}/dot_config/brewfile/Brewfile"
{{ end -}}r/User/ # Cursor settings
β βββ private_Code/User/ # VS Code settings
βββ .zshrc # ZSH configuration with Zinit
βββ .chezmoi.toml.tmpl # chezmoi configuration
chezmoi add ~/.some_config_file
chezmoi edit ~/.some_config_file
chezmoi apply
- Sensitive information is handled through 1Password integration
- Use
template function to access secrets
This setup uses a Brewfile to manage Homebrew packages, ensuring consistency across installations. The Brewfile is located in the Chezmoi source directory at dot_config/brewfile/Brewfile
- Location: The Brewfile is stored in
within the Chezmoi source directory. - Installation Script: The
script installs packages from the Brewfile. It checks if Homebrew is installed, updates it, and then installs packages using the Brewfile. - Automatic Updates: With
enabled, the Brewfile is automatically updated when packages are installed or removed.
With brew-wrap
enabled, the Brewfile is automatically updated whenever you install or uninstall packages using brew
, mas
, whalebrew
, or code
. This means you don't need to manually run brew bundle dump
to update the Brewfile.