The following people had commit access to cvs2svn when it was in Subversion. This is not a full list of cvs2svn's authors, however — for that, you'd need to look over the log messages to see all the patch contributors.
If you have a question or comment, please go to, rather than mailing any of these people directly.
cmpilato C. Michael Pilato <[email protected]>
gstein Greg Stein <[email protected]>
brane Branko Čibej <[email protected]>
blair Blair Zajac <[email protected]>
maxb Max Bowsher <[email protected]>
fitz Brian W. Fitzpatrick <[email protected]>
ringstrom Tobias Ringström <[email protected]>
kfogel Karl Fogel <[email protected]>
dionisos Erik Hülsmann <[email protected]>
david David Summers <[email protected]>
mhagger Michael Haggerty <[email protected]>
ossi Oswald Buddenhagen <[email protected]>