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610 lines (417 loc) · 21.3 KB

File metadata and controls

610 lines (417 loc) · 21.3 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.



  • styling: individual tokens no longer contains their own Style, use Decoder's Style() method instead


  • muc: fix a race condition that could cause the loss of the nickname when joining a channel as well as a bug where subsequent join requests would always block forever (or until the provided timeout).
  • muc: fix a deadlock that could occur when leaving a channel.


  • bin: package for sending and retrieving small snippets of binary data using content identifier URLs
  • dial: respect "service not supported" SRV records and do not attempt to dial fallback records if the server has indicated that they do not support a specific service.

v0.22.0 — 2024-09-23


  • xmpp: fix incorrect stanza handling when different stanza type had same ID. A CVE has been issued with the id CVE-2024-46957.



  • receipts: the API for requesting read receipts has been simplified
  • stream: Error.InnerXML() has been replaced by Error.Content
  • pubsub: changed condition names to better reflect their type


  • dial: fix errors dialing connections without implicit TLS
  • dial: TLS dialers now respect timeouts on context
  • muc: fix a goroutine leak when joining or leaving a room and respect the context timeout when leaving the room
  • stanza: when marshaling an error, all translations are now included
  • stanza: when unmarshaling an error, the condition is now unmarshaled even if there are unknown child elements in the stanza
  • stream: whitespace is now allowed around stream start elements during session negotiation
  • stream: fix broken error unmarshaling

v0.21.4 — 2023-01-11


  • xmpp: add UpdateAddr to set the JID during resource binding
  • pubsub: various namespaces and generated types
  • version: add handler and mux option for software version requests
  • blocklist: the ability to report users for spam or abuse


  • ibr2: the deprecated ibr2 package has been removed, no replacement has been provided as it implemented an experimental version of the protocol that was not recommended for use


  • xmpp: authentication no longer fails if the remote server offers channel binding
  • xmpp: better error messages are returned when performing StartTLS
  • blocklist: the blocklist functions now use the correct namespace and are compatible with most servers

v0.21.3 — 2022-08-18


  • ibb: the Expect method can be used to accept only pre-negotiated IBB sessions
  • roster: the ability to set/delete roster items on entities other than the account using SetIQ and DeleteIQ
  • upload: new package implementing file transfer by uploading to an HTTP server
  • xmpp: support SCRAM authentication with channel binding over TLS 1.3 using RFC 9266


  • compress: the compress package has been removed; users of this package can find a drop in replacement at
  • ibb: the Listener type is now a pointer type


  • ibr2: deprecate legacy version of the extensible in-band registration protocol


  • component: ensure that the stream namespace is set on the session so that the mux package and anything else matching on namespaces can be used with component connections
  • internal/discover: a resource leak where XRD response bodies were unlimited in size and could waste bandwidth until the context was canceled even though the XRD files should never be large
  • internal/discover: a resource leak where the XRD response body was not closed until the context timed out
  • xmpp: a bug where resource binding would respond as if it were a client-to-server connection even on server-to-server streams

v0.21.2 — 2022-04-07



  • compress: the compress package has been deprecated and copied to the legacy module as legacy/compress, it will be removed entirely in a future release


  • websocket: rewrote WebSocket discovery to remove TXT record lookups and fix broken XRD file lookups
  • pubsub: the IQ passed in by the user was not respected in DeleteIQ
  • mux: fix a possible crash if a whitespace keepalive is encountered

v0.21.1 — 2022-02-11


  • websocket: fix an issue where the wrong hostname was validated in connections made after looking up DNS TXT records, resulting in a potential MITM. A CVE has been issued with the id CVE-2022-24968.

v0.21.0 — 2022-02-08


  • xmpp: the deprecated methods InSID and OutSID have been dropped in favor of In and Out



  • xmpp: IQ error responses are now sent to the original entity, not to ourselves
  • mux: unhandled IQ result stanzas with no payload no longer result in an error
  • mux: responses are no longer sent for unhandled IQ result stanzas

v0.20.0 — 2021-09-26


  • all: update the default TLS config to disable TLS < 1.2


  • disco: the Feature, Identity, and Item types have been moved to the info and items packages
  • mux: make namespace checking stricter by adding argument to New
  • roster: rename version attribute to ver
  • roster: the Push callback now takes the roster version
  • roster: FetchIQ now takes a roster.IQ instead of a stanza.IQ so that the version can be set
  • styling: decoding tokens now uses an iterator pattern
  • stanza: added stanza namespace argument to Is, AddID, and AddOriginID
  • xmpp: the WebSocket option on StreamConfig has been removed in favor of websocket.Negotiator
  • xmpp: the IterIQ and IterIQElement methods on Session now return the start element token associated with the IQ payload
  • xmpp: Negotiator now takes a stream config function instead of a StreamConfig struct


  • blocklist: new package implementing XEP-0191: Blocking Command
  • carbons: new package implementing XEP-0280: Message Carbons
  • commands: new package implementing XEP-0050: Ad-Hoc Commands
  • history: implement XEP-0313: Message Archive Management
  • form: add Len and Raw methods to form data
  • muc: new package implementing XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat and XEP-0249: Direct MUC Invitations
  • mux: mux.ServeMux now implements info.FeatureIter, info.IdentityIter, form.Iter, and items.Iter
  • roster: the roster Iter now returns the roster version being iterated over from the Version method
  • roster: if a stanza.Error is returned from the Push handler it is now sent in response to the original roster push.
  • stanza: implement XEP-0203: Delayed Delivery
  • stanza: more general UnmarshalError function that doesn't focus on IQs
  • stanza: add Error method to Presence and Message
  • stanza: errors now return text if present instead of condition when converting to a string
  • websocket: add Negotiator to replace the WebSocket option on the stream config
  • disco: new disco.Handler option to configure a mux.ServeMux to respond to disco#info requests
  • disco/info: new package containing the former disco.Feature and disco.Identity types
  • xmpp: add In() and Out() methods to Session for fetching stream info


  • form: calling Set after unmarshaling into an uninitialized form no longer panics
  • form: unmarshaling into an existing form now resets the stored values to prevent data leaks across forms
  • paging: when unmarshaling sets, index is an attribute, not a child element
  • roster: the roster version is now always included, even if empty, to signal that we support roster versioning
  • roster: the handler now responds with an IQ result if the roster Push handler does not return an error
  • stanza: unmarshaling error IQs now works even if the error is not the first child in the payload
  • styling: pre-block start tokens with no newline had nonsensical formatting
  • xmpp: empty IQ iters no longer return EOF when there is no payload
  • xmpp: UnmarshalIQ and UnmarshalIQElement no longer return an XML error on responses with no payload


  • xmpp: the InSID and OutSID methods on Session

v0.19.0 — 2021-05-02


  • color: change list of color vision deficiencies from uint8 to a new type
  • disco: rename GetItems and GetItemsIQ to FetchItems and FetchItemsIQ to signal that they return an iterator
  • xmpp: remove unused argument from DialSession
  • jid: splitting a JID no longer trims trailing dots from the domainpart


  • delay: new package implementing XEP-0203: Delayed Delivery
  • disco: new package implementing XEP-0030: Service Discovery
  • jid: normalization of domainparts for display purposes
  • paging: new package implementing XEP-0059: Result Set Management
  • stanza: new functions AddID and AddOriginID to support unique and stable stanza IDs
  • stanza: ability to compare errors with errors.Is
  • stanza: add Is function to check if an XMLName is a valid stanza name
  • stanza: new Wrap method on Error
  • stanza: new UnmarshalIQError function
  • styling: satisfy fmt.Stringer for the Style type
  • version: new package implementing XEP-0092: Software Version
  • xmpp: satisfy fmt.Stringer for the SessionState type
  • xmpp: new UnmarshalIQ, UnmarshalIQElement, IterIQ, and IterIQElement methods
  • xtime: times can now be marshaled and unmarshaled as XML attributes


  • form: if no field type is set the correct default (text-single) is used
  • jid: JIDs created with New now trim trailing dots from the domainpart
  • xmpp: unknown IQ error responses are now sent to the correct address
  • xmpp: fixed DOS where reads/writes never timed out on Dial* functions

v0.18.0 — 2021-02-14


  • component: NewClientSession has been split in to NewSession and ReceiveSession
  • mux: fixed the signature of the IQFunc option to differentiate it from the normal IQ option
  • stream: the SeeOtherHost function signature has changed now that payload is available for all stream errors
  • stream: the TokenReader method signature has changed to make it match the xmlstream.Marshaler interface
  • stream: renamed ErrorNS to NSError for consistency
  • xmpp: the Negotiator type signature has changed
  • xmpp: the StreamConfig.Features field is now a callback instead of a slice
  • xmpp: the StreamFeature type's Parse function now takes an xml.Decoder instead of an xml.TokenReader
  • xmpp: IQs sent during stream negotiation are now matched against registered stream features based on the namespace of their payload
  • xmpp: the session negotiation functions have been renamed and revamped, see the main package docs for a comprehensive overview
  • xtime: change the Time type to fix unmarshaling


  • internal/integration/mcabber: Mcabber support for integration tests
  • oob: implementations of xmlstream.Marshaler and xmlstream.WriterTo for the types IQ, Query, and Data
  • receipts: add Request and Requested to add receipt requests to messages without waiting on a response
  • roster: add Set and Delete functions for roster management
  • roster: support multiple groups
  • s2s: added a new package implementing Bidi
  • stanza: add Error method on the IQ type
  • stream: new InnerXML and ApplicationError methods on Error provide a way to easily construct customized stream errors
  • stream: ability to compare errors with errors.Is
  • stream: support adding human-readable text to errors
  • stream: add Info block for use by custom Negotiators
  • styling: add Disable and Unstyled to support disabling styling on some messages
  • websocket: added a new package for dialing WebSocket connections
  • xmpp: SetReadDeadline and SetWriteDeadline are now proxied even if the underlying connection is not a net.Conn
  • xmpp: all sent stanzas are now given randomly generated IDs if no ID was provided (not just IQs)
  • xmpp: the start token that triggers a call to Negotiate is now no longer popped from the stream before the actual call to Negotiate for server side stream features
  • xmpp: a SASLServer stream feature for authenticating users
  • xmpp: two methods for getting the stream IDs, InSID and OutSID
  • xmpp: a new state bit, s2s to indicate whether the session is a server-to-server connection


  • dial: resolving SRV records for XMPP over implicit or opportunistic TLS is now done concurrently to make the initial connection faster
  • dial: the fallback for dialing an XMPP connection when no SRV records exist is now more robust
  • xmpp: stanzas sent over S2S connections now always have the "from" attribute set
  • xmpp: the default negotiator now supports negotiating the WebSocket subprotocol when the WebSocket option is set


  • component: the NewSession function (previously NewClientSession) now correctly marks the connection as having been received or initiated
  • component: the wrong error is no longer returned if Prosody sends an error immediately after the start of a stream with no ID
  • dial: dialing an XMPP connection where no xmpps SRV records exist no longer results in an error (fallback works correctly)
  • roster: fix infinite loop marshaling lists of items
  • stream: errors are now unmarshaled correctly
  • xmpp: the Encode methods no longer sometimes duplicate the xmlns attribute
  • xmpp: stream errors are now unmarshaled and returned from Serve and during session negotiation
  • xmpp: XML tokens written directly to the session are now always flushed to the underlying connection when the token writer is closed
  • xmpp: stream feature parse functions can no longer read beyond the end of the feature element
  • xmpp: the resource binding feature was previously broken for server sessions.
  • xmpp: the "to" and "from" attributes on incoming streams are now verified and an error is returned if they change between stream restarts
  • xmpp: empty "from" attributes are now removed before marshaling so that a default value can be set (if applicable)

v0.17.1 — 2020-11-21


  • roster: remove workaround for a bug in Go versions prior to 1.14 which is now the earliest supported version
  • xmpp: the Encode and EncodeElement methods now take a context and respect its deadline


  • internal/integration: new package for writing integration tests
  • internal/integration/ejabberd: Ejabberd support for integration tests
  • internal/integration/prosody: Prosŏdy support for integration tests
  • internal/xmpptest: new ClientServer for testing two connected sessions
  • xmpp: new EncodeIQ and EncodeIQElement methods


  • stanza: converting stanzas with empty to/from attributes no longer fails
  • xmpp: fixed data race that could result in invalid session state and lead to writes on a closed session and other state related issues
  • xmpp: the Send and SendElement methods now respect the context deadline

v0.17.0 — 2020-11-11


  • sasl2: removed experimental package
  • xmpp: removed option to make STARTTLS feature optional



  • roster: iters that have errored no longer panic when closed
  • xmpp: using TeeIn/TeeOut no longer breaks SCRAM based SASL mechanisms
  • xmpp: stream negotiation no longer fails when the only required features cannot yet be negotiated because they depend on optional features

v0.16.0 — 2020-03-08


  • xmpp: the end element is now included in the token stream passed to handlers
  • xmpp: SendElement now wraps the entire stream, not just the first element


  • receipts: new package implementing XEP-0333: Chat Markers
  • roster: add handler and mux option for roster pushes


  • mux: fix broken Decode and possible infinite loop due to cutting off the last token in a buffered XML token stream
  • roster: work around a bug in Go 1.13 where io.EOF may be returned from the XML decoder

v0.15.0 — 2020-02-28


  • all: dropped support for versions of Go before 1.13
  • mux: move Wrap{IQ,Presence,Message} functions to methods on the stanza types


  • mux: ability to select handlers by stanza payload
  • mux: new handler types and API
  • ping: a function for easily encoding pings and handling errors
  • ping: a handler and mux option for responding to pings
  • stanza: ability to convert stanzas to/from xml.StartElement
  • stanza: API to simplify replying to IQs
  • uri: new package for parsing XMPP URI's and IRI's
  • xtime: new package for handling XEP-0202: Entity Time and XEP-0082: XMPP Date and Time Profiles


  • dial: if a port number is present in a JID it was previously ignored

v0.14.0 — 2019-08-18


  • ping: remove IQ function and replace with struct based API


  • ping: add IQ struct based encoding API


  • stanza: a zero value IQType now marshals as "get"
  • xmpp: read timeouts are now returned instead of ignored


  • dial: fix broken fallback to domainpart
  • xmpp: allow whitespace keepalives
  • roster: the iterator now correctly closes the underlying TokenReadCloser
  • xmpp: fix bug where stream processing could stop after an IQ was received

v0.13.0 — 2019-07-27


  • xmpp: change Handler to take an xmlstream.TokenReadEncoder
  • xmpp: replace EncodeToken and Flush with TokenWriter
  • xmpp: replace Token with TokenReader


  • examples/echobot: add graceful shutdown on SIGINT
  • xmpp: Encode and EncodeElement methods


  • xmpp: calls to Serve no longer return io.EOF on success


  • examples/echobot: calling Send from within the handler resulted in deadlock
  • xmpp: closing the input stream was racy, resulting in invalid XML



  • dial: moved network dialing types and functions into new package.
  • dial: use underlying net.Dialer's DNS Resolver in Dialer.
  • stanza: change API of WrapIQ and WrapPresence to not abuse pointers
  • xmpp: add new SendIQ API and remove response from Send and SendElement
  • xmpp: new API for writing custom tokens to a session


  • xmpp: let Session.Close operate concurrently with SendElement et al.