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Matthew Berger's Dotfiles

These are my personal dotfiles for Arch Linux.

Desktop GIF

For demonstration of swapping out wallpapers and then regenerating a colorscheme in the gif I'm pressing a reload hotkey set in my sxhkdrc.

Installation Instructions

git clone dotfiles
cd dotfiles
sudo ./install

Linux Bootstrapper is a script for setting up this environment from the Arch ISO command line.

curl -o && chmod +x

then after booting and logging in, open konsole and run:

curl -o && chmod +x

and remember to update the root and user passwords.

Choosing video drivers

Uncomment the proper line for the desired graphics driver in

vulkan-radeon # default
# vulkan-intel
# nvidia 

KDE Changes

Disable Desktop Toolbox

Right click on the desktop -> Configure Desktop -> Tweaks -> Disable Show Desktop Toolbox

Disable Showing Desktop Icons

Right click on the desktop -> Configure Desktop -> Wallpaper -> Change Layout to Desktop

Disable Wallpaper Change Messages

Notifications -> Local System Message Service -> Disable Show Message in a Popup and Play a Sound

Lenovo Ideapad 330s

To get Arch Linux working on the Lenovo Ideapad 330s, some extra steps are required.

Arch ISO

To get the Arch ISO to boot, press e when the Arch ISO live usb menu comes up, and add the following kernel command line argument:


This allows the touchpad to work and allows the computer to boot.

Installing a WiFi Driver

The wifi driver necessary for using the wireless chip on the Lenovo Ideapad 330s is not present on the Arch ISO by default. Connect to the internet via ethernet using a usb to ethernet adapter or a tethered android phone. Then after you've installed and booted into the system, run:

git clone
cd rtl8821ce
make all
make install
modprobe 8821ce

# OR use yay

yay -S rtl8821ce-dkms-git

Video Drivers

The xf86-video-amdgpu package contains the video drivers necessary for the Lenovo Ideapad 330s.

Tapping Touchpad

Find your touchpad id:

xinput list

List Properties:

xinput list-props id

Set Tapping enabled (assuming touchpad id is 11 property id is 280):

xinput set-prop 11 280 1

Brightness Controls

Using the brightness keys on the keyboard doesn't work for this laptop by default or with any combination of acpi kernel parameters, so xrandr is used for controlling brightness. The script increases or decreases the brightness incrementally using xrandr and is invoked by sxhkd.

To prevent the backlight from failing to load (even though it still doesn't work), add the following kernel parameter:


Windows Bootstrapper

Open a powershell terminal (Powershell 5+ required) and run (as admin):

Invoke-WebExpression -Uri -OutFile bootstrap.ps1
git clone
cd ./bootstrap/windows


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