You're at the Creative Commons home of OEEEO and their friends
We're the shepherds of the sea. If you enter our territory, you will play by our rules. These rules are fair and guarantee a harmonic together of all ocean critters. Don't invite trouble to our game, unless you can take the echo.
-- OEEEO, an orca leader
OEEEO is the mascot of Open Engineering at E.ON Digital Technology. OEEEO's pronouns are they/them, they are non-binary. They are a majestic orca with a kind soul. OEEEO can kill sharks, but most of the time they decide to be calm and friendly to everyone.
Most recent additions to OEEEO's family:

Inclusive designs:
Find all artwork in the /design directory of this repo. The design/comic directory holds the most recent and diverse imagery, while the design/vector directory contains the motion studies that are being used as templates.
You are free to create custom versions of OEEEO and their friends, as long as they don't violate our Code of Conduct. You can submit them as PRs to this repo, and if the maintainers find them fit the general OEEEO theme, we will merge them into the collection.
While this project is shared under the MIT license (see license) all artwork in this repository is published under the Creative Commons license.
Please inform the maintainers of this repo if you distribute any modified versions of OEEEO. They appreciate it.
Open Engineering Orcas © 2024 by Jan Schenk are licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Open Engineering Orcas have been created in March 2024 by Jan Schenk.