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File metadata and controls

62 lines (51 loc) · 3.19 KB


A lightweight H/JSON library for Lua

Ported from hjson-py. Inspired by rxi - json.lua.

  • Implemented in pure Lua: tested with Lua 5.3 and 5.4


Lua Rocks

luarocks install hjson-lua


  1. drop hjson.lua and hjson folder folder into your project
  2. require hjson.lua
    • hjson = require "hjson"


Library exports json.lua like and JS like api.

  • Lua object to HJSON - returns HJSON string
    • encode(obj, options)
    • stringify(obj, options)
    • Parameters:
      • obj - Lua object - table, string, number, nil, boolean
      • options table with following values:
        • indent - default " ". Accepts string of whitespace characters or a number representing number of spaces (non indented HJSON is JSON, automatically forwards to _to_json version)
        • skip_keys - default true Skips invalid keys. If false throws error on invalid key.
          • Valid key types: boolean, nil, string
        • sort_keys - whether to sort keys in objects
        • item_sort_key - sort function which is passed to table.sort sorting object keys
        • invalid_objects_as_type if true functions and others objects are replaced with their type name in format __lua_<type> e.g. __lua_function
  • Lua object to JSON - returns JSON string
    • encode(obj, options)
    • stringify(obj, options)
    • Parameters:
      • obj - Lua object - table, string, number, nil, boolean
      • options table with following values:
        • indent - default " ". Accepts string of whitespace characters or a number representing number of spaces (non indented HJSON is JSON, automatically forwards to _to_json version)
        • skip_keys - default true Skips invalid keys. If false throws error on invalid key.
          • Valid key types: boolean, nil, string
        • sort_keys - whether to sort keys in objects
        • item_sort_key - sort function which is passed to table.sort sorting object keys
        • invalid_objects_as_type if true functions and others objects are replaced with their type name in format __lua_<type> e.g. __lua_function
  • H/JSON to Lua object - returns Lua object
    • decode(str, strict, object_hook, object_pairs_hook)
    • parse(str, strict, object_hook, object_pairs_hook)
    • Parameters:
      • str has to be valid HJSON string
      • strict default true . If true parse/decode fails on invalid control characters.
      • object_hook - function(obj) hook which allows to adjust tables generated from JSON on per JSON object basis (including nested objects). obj is lua table.
      • object_pairs_hook - function(pairs) hook which allows to adjust table before generation. pairs is table (in array form) composited from key/value pairs. It is called before the table for object_hook is generated.

null values contained within an array or object are converted to nil and are therefore lost upon decoding.


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.