Key Features • Requirements • Installation • Configuration • Commands • Add-on
Words are sourced asynchronously from various sources:
- Buffers
- Dictionary files
- Code completion sourced from LSP client
- Snippets from vim-vsnip client
- Words and bigrams from Ngrams database
- Vim's omnifunc
- Path search
- Vim's abbreviations
- Vim9script language (similar to LSP)
- Tmux panes
- Tag names
All crucial source modules are integrated, eliminating the need to manage
multiple plugins. Users have the flexibility to enable or disable each
completion source and customize settings on a per-file-type basis (:h filetype
Completion items are sorted according to the following criteria:
- Recency (using a LRU cache)
- Length of item
- Priority
- Proximity of item (for buffer completion)
- Case match
For cmdline-mode completion (/
, ?
, and :
commands), refer to VimSuggest plugin.
- Vim version 9.1 or higher
Install it via vim-plug.
Show instructions
Using vim9 script:
Plug 'girishji/vimcomplete'
Using legacy script:
call plug#begin()
Plug 'girishji/vimcomplete'
call plug#end()
Install using Vim's built-in package manager.
Show instructions
$ mkdir -p $HOME/.vim/pack/downloads/opt
$ cd $HOME/.vim/pack/downloads/opt
$ git clone
Add the following line to your $HOME/.vimrc file.
packadd vimcomplete
The completion sources mentioned above, aside from buffer, path, and lsp completion, are not enabled by default. This section provides instructions on configuring both the completion sources and the completion engine itself.
This entity retrieves completion items from the enabled completion sources and then displays the popup menu.
Option | Type | Description |
alwaysOn |
Boolean |
If set to true , the completion menu is automatically triggered by any change in the buffer. If set to false , use <C-Space> (control-space) to manually trigger auto-completion. If you choose to map some other key instead, map your favorite key to <Plug>(vimcomplete-do-complete) . If set to false , completeopt Vim option determins popup behavior. Default: true. |
completionKinds |
Dictionary |
Custom text to use when customCompletionKinds is set (explained below). Default: {} . |
customCompletionKinds |
Boolean |
Set this option to customize the 'kind' attribute (explained below). Default: false . |
kindDisplayType |
String |
The 'kind' field of completion item can be displayed in a number of ways: as a single letter symbol (symbol ), a single letter with descriptive text (symboltext ), only text (text ), an icon (icon ), or icon with text (icontext ). For showing VSCode like icons you need a patched font. Default: symbol . |
matchCase |
Boolean |
Prioritize the items that match the case of the prefix being completed. Default: true . |
noNewlineInCompletion |
Boolean |
When true , pressing <Enter> (<CR> ) in insert mode will insert a newline only if an item in the popup menu is selected. If an item is not selected, the popup is dismissed without inserting a newline. Default: false . |
noNewlineInCompletionEver |
Boolean |
When true , pressing <Enter> (<CR> ) will never insert a newline, regardless of whether an item in the popup menu is selected. This option overrides noNewlineInCompletion . If both options are false , <CR> behaves as per the default Vim behavior, inserting a newline whether an item is selected or not. Default: false . |
postfixClobber |
Boolean |
When completing 'foo<cursor>bar' and the candidate is 'foosome', enabling this option (true ) will complete 'foosome' instead of 'foosomebar'. Default: false . |
postfixHighlight |
Boolean |
This option functions similarly to postfixClobber , but instead of deleting adjoining text to the right of the completed text, it highlights it using the 'VimCompletePostfix' highlight group. Use <Esc> to retain the adjoining text and <C-L> to delete. Default: false . |
recency |
Boolean |
Display recently chosen items from the LRU cache. Items are shown at the top of the list. Default: true . |
recentItemCount |
Number |
Count of recent items to show from LRU cache. Default: 5 . |
showKind |
Boolean |
Show the type ('kind') of completion item returned by LSP server. Default: true . |
showCmpSource |
Boolean |
Show the source of the completion item in the menu. Default: true . |
cmpSourceWidth |
Number |
Number of characters displayed for completion source. Default: 4 . |
shuffleEqualPriority |
Boolean |
Arrange items from sources with equal priority such that the first item of all sources appear before the second item of any source. Default: false . |
sortByLength |
Boolean |
Sort completion items by length. Default: false . |
triggerWordLen |
Number |
Minimum number of characters needed to trigger completion menu. Not applicable to completion triggered by LSP trigger characters (this exemption applies only to Vim version 9.1.650 or higher). Default: 1 . |
infoPopup |
Boolean |
Show an info popup (:h completepopup ) for extra information. If you prefer the preview window, set this option to false and set completeopt+=preview . If you prefer to not have any info window, set this option to false and set completeopt-=preview . Default: true . |
setCompleteOpt |
Boolean |
If false , completeopt is not set automatically. To have the first item selected when alwaysOn is enabled, you can manually add set completeopt=menuone,noinsert to your vimrc and type <C-y> to insert the selected item. If true , the first item is not automatically selected. Default: true . |
The current buffer, as well as other open buffers, are searched for completion candidates using an asynchronous mechanism with a timeout. This approach ensures that the completion engine is not slowed down by large buffers.
Option | Type | Description |
completionMatcher |
String |
Enable fuzzy or case insensitive completion. Accepts one of the following values: case for case sensitive matching, icase for ignoring case while matching, and fuzzy for fuzzy match. Default: icase . |
dup |
Boolean |
If true, include items from this source that are duplicates of items from other sources. Default: true . |
enable |
Boolean |
Set this to false to disable buffer completion. Default: true . |
envComplete |
Boolean |
Complete environment variables after typing the $ character. Default: false . |
filetypes |
List |
List of file types for which this source is enabled. Default: ['*'] (all file types). |
maxCount |
Number |
Total number of completion candidates emitted by this source. Default: 10 . |
otherBuffersCount |
Number |
Maximum number of other listed buffers to search. Set it to 0 to only search current buffer. Default: 3 . |
priority |
Number |
Priority of this source relative to others. Items from higher priority sources are displayed at the top. Default: 10 . |
timeout |
Number |
Maximum time allocated for searching completion candidates in the current buffer. Default: 100 milliseconds. If searching in multiple buffers, an additional 100 milliseconds is allocated. The search is aborted if any key is pressed. |
urlComplete |
Boolean |
Enable completion of http links in entirety. This is useful when typing the same URL multiple times. Default: false . |
The dictionary provider is capable of searching an arbitrary list of words placed one per line in a text file. These words can encompass any non-space characters, and the file doesn't necessarily need to be sorted. This feature presents various opportunities. For instance, you can create a dictionary akin to Pydiction, enabling the completion of keywords, functions, and method names for any programming language. Moreover, it can efficiently search a sorted dictionary using binary search.
Unsorted dictionaries are searched in linear time O(n)
, but they tend to perform acceptably well for file sizes below 3MB (performance might vary depending on your system). Only one unsorted dictionary is used for completion, while any number of sorted dictionaries can be used simultaneously.
Dictionary can also include comments. Any line starting with ---
is considered as a comment and ignored.
Additional information can be included for each item which can be displayed in a preview or popup window. Any line starting with 4 spaces is displayed in the 'info' popup (or preview) window as part of the item above. Here is an example of dictionary file:
--- This is a comment
Additional information for 'info' window related to item_1. Can be multi-line.
Additional information for 'info' window related to item_2.
Option | Type | Description |
commentStr |
String |
Any lines beginning with this string is ignored. Default: --- . |
dup |
Boolean |
If true, include items from this source that are duplicates of items from other sources. Default: false . |
enable |
Boolean |
Set this to true to enable dictionary completion. Default: false . |
filetypes |
List |
List of file types for which this source is enabled. Default: ['text', 'markdown'] . |
matcher |
String |
This option is active only when onlyWords is true (text files). It makes sense only when sortedDict is set to false since binary search is done case sensitive (assuming that sorting of the dictionary file is done case sensitive). Accepted values are case (case sensitive) and ignorecase . Default: case . |
maxCount |
Number |
Total number of completion candidates emitted by this source. Default: 10 . |
onlyWords |
Boolean |
Set this to true if both the prefix you are trying to complete and the dictionary contain alphanumeric characters only (text files). For programming language dictionaries it should be set to false , since they can contain characters like @ , . , ( , etc. Default: false . |
priority |
Number |
Priority of this source relative to others. Items from higher priority sources are displayed at the top. Default: 10 . |
sortedDict |
Boolean |
true if the dictionary file is sorted, false otherwise. This option affects both performance and correctness. Take care to set it correctly. Searching is case sensitive. Default: true . |
triggerWordLen |
Number |
Minimum number of characters needed to trigger completion menu. Default: 1 . |
Further information about setting up configurations will be available later. Nonetheless, here is a sample configuration specifically targeting the dictionary source.
Dictionary files can be configured individually for each 'filetype' (:h filetype
var dictproperties = {
python: { sortedDict: false },
text: { sortedDict: true }
var vcoptions = {
dictionary: { enable: true, priority: 11, filetypes: ['python', 'text'], properties: dictproperties },
autocmd VimEnter * g:VimCompleteOptionsSet(vcoptions)
autocmd FileType text set dictionary+=/usr/share/dict/words
By adding the following snippet to your vimrc
, you can add custom completions for each filetype, say python
, by adding a text file dicts/python
into the vimrc
g:vimfiles_dir = &runtimepath->split(',')[0]
autocmd FileType * {
var dict = $'{g:vimfiles_dir}/dicts/{expand("<amatch>")}'->resolve()->fnamemodify(':p')
if dict->filereadable()
exe $'setlocal dictionary={dict}'
For completing English words, you can utilize ngram completion as outlined below, or opt for a custom dictionary containing frequently used words. Unfortunately, the default dictionary that comes pre-installed with Linux or MacOS contains numerous infrequently used words that spam the menu.
For legacy script, the syntax for 'autocmd' is:
autocmd VimEnter * call g:VimCompleteOptionsSet(vcoptions)
This source obtains autocompletion items from the LSP client.
Please install the LSP client separately.
Option | Type | Description |
dup |
Boolean |
If true, include items from this source that are duplicates of items from other sources. Default: true . |
enable |
Boolean |
Set this to false to disable LSP completion. Default: true . |
filetypes |
List |
This option need not be specified. If this option is not specified or is empty, completion items are sourced for any file type for which LSP is configured. Otherwise, items are sourced only for listed file types. Default: Not specified. |
keywordOnly |
Boolean |
If true completion will be triggered after any keyword character as defined by the file type (:h 'iskeyword' ). false will trigger completion after non-keywords like . (for instance). Default: false . |
maxCount |
Number |
Total number of completion candidates emitted by this source. Default: 10 . |
priority |
Number |
Priority of this source relative to others. Items from higher priority sources are displayed at the top. Default: 10 . |
For fuzzy and case insensitive completion, set the completionMatcher
option in the LSP client. See :h lsp-opt-completionMatcher
This source provides snippet completion from vim-vsnip.
Please install the following separately.
Option | Type | Description |
adaptNonKeyword |
Boolean |
(experimental) When completing snippets starting with non-keywords, say '#i' for instance, adjust completion such that they are compatible with items starting with keywords like 'i' (returned by LSP, for instance). Default is false . |
dup |
Boolean |
If true, include items from this source that are duplicates of items from other sources. Default: true . |
enable |
Boolean |
Set this to true to enable this source. Default: false . |
filetypes |
List |
List of file types for which this source is enabled. Default: ['*'] (all file types). |
maxCount |
Number |
Total number of completion candidates emitted by this source. Default: 10 . |
priority |
Number |
Priority of this source relative to others. Items from higher priority sources are displayed at the top. Default: 10 . |
The <Tab>
key facilitates movement within a snippet. When a snippet is active, the popup completion menu won't open. However, the popup window will activate upon reaching the final stop within the snippet. If you wish to navigate backward within the snippet using <S-Tab>
, you can dismiss the popup by using CTRL-E
This source is kept as a separate plugin since it includes large database files. Please see ngram-complete for installation and usage instructions.
This source completes items emitted by the function set in omnifunc
(:h 'omnifunc'
Vim provides language based autocompletion through Omni completion for many
languages (see $VIMRUNTIME/autoload
). This is a lightweight alternative to using LSP.
Vim File | Language |
ccomplete.vim | C |
csscomplete.vim | HTML / CSS |
htmlcomplete.vim | HTML |
javascriptcomplete.vim | Javascript |
phpcomplete.vim | PHP |
pythoncomplete.vim | Python |
rubycomplete.vim | Ruby |
syntaxcomplete.vim | from syntax highlighting |
xmlcomplete.vim | XML (uses files in the xml directory) |
Vim sets the omnifunc
option automatically when file type is detected.
Also, any user defined omnifunc
can also be used for autocompletion.
Disable the LSP Completion when using omnifunc.
Option | Type | Description |
dup |
Boolean |
If true, include items from this source that are duplicates of items from other sources. Default: true . |
enable |
Boolean |
Set this to true to enable omnifunc completion. Default: false . |
filetypes |
List |
List of file types for which this source is enabled. Default: ['*'] (all file types). |
maxCount |
Number |
Total number of completion candidates emitted by this source. Default: 10 . |
priority |
Number |
Priority of this source relative to others. Items from higher priority sources are displayed at the top. Default: 10 . |
Both relative and absolute path names are completed.
Option | Type | Description |
bufferRelativePath |
Boolean |
Interpret relative paths relative to the directory of the current buffer. Otherwise paths are interpreted relative to the directory from which Vim is started. Default: true . |
dup |
Boolean |
If true, include items from this source that are duplicates of items from other sources. Default: true . |
enable |
Boolean |
Set this to false to disable path completion. Default: true . |
filetypes |
List |
List of file types for which this source is enabled. Default: ['*'] (all file types). |
groupDirectoriesFirst |
Boolean |
Group directories before files (like linux's 'ls --group-directories-first'). Default: false . |
maxCount |
Number |
Total number of completion candidates emitted by this source. Default: 10 . |
priority |
Number |
Priority of this source relative to others. Items from higher priority sources are displayed at the top. Default: 12 . |
showPathSeparatorAtEnd |
Boolean |
Show path separator (/ in unix) at the end of directory entry. Default: false . |
Path completion activates when there is a /
for Windows when Vim option shellslash
is not set) or .
in the word before the cursor. To autocomplete deeper in a directory type /
at the end.
Abbreviations (:h abbreviations
) are completed based on the id
Option | Type | Description |
dup |
Boolean |
If true, include items from this source that are duplicates of items from other sources. Default: true . |
enable |
Boolean |
Set this to true to enable abbreviation completion. Default: false . |
filetypes |
List |
List of file types for which this source is enabled. Default: ['*'] (all file types). |
maxCount |
Number |
Total number of completion candidates emitted by this source. Default: 10 . |
priority |
Number |
Priority of this source relative to others. Items from higher priority sources are displayed at the top. Default: 10 . |
This source completes Vim9 script function names, arguments, variables, reserved words and the like. Enable this if you are developing a Vim plugin or configuring a non-trivial .vimrc.
Option | Type | Description |
dup |
Boolean |
If true, include items from this source that are duplicates of items from other sources. Default: true . |
enable |
Boolean |
Set this to false to disable this source. Default: true . |
filetypes |
List |
List of file types for which this source is enabled. Default: ['vim'] . |
maxCount |
Number |
Total number of completion candidates emitted by this source. Default: 10 . |
priority |
Number |
Priority of this source relative to others. Items from higher priority sources are displayed at the top. Default: 10 . |
Words are sourced asynchronously from adjacent tmux panes, ensuring Vim won't hang even with a lot of output in the tmux windows.
Option | Type | Description |
completionMatcher |
String |
Enable fuzzy or case insensitive completion. Accepts one of the following values: case for case sensitive matching, icase for ignoring case while matching, and fuzzy for fuzzy match. Default: icase . |
dup |
Boolean |
If true, include items from this source that are duplicates of items from other sources. Default: false . |
enable |
Boolean |
Set this to true to enable tmux completion. Default: false . |
filetypes |
List |
List of file types for which this source is enabled. Default: ['*'] . |
maxCount |
Number |
Total number of completion candidates emitted by this source. Default: 10 . |
name |
String |
Name of the executable. You can specify the full path if the tmux executable is not found in $PATH. Default: tmux . |
priority |
Number |
Priority of this source relative to others. Items from higher priority sources are displayed at the top. Default: 8 . |
scrollCount |
Number |
Number of lines above visible lines to search for words. Excludes visible lines if Vim is running in a pane. Default: 200. |
Tag names are autocompleted if tags file is available.
Option | Type | Description |
enable |
Boolean |
Set this to true to enable tag name completion. Default: false . |
filetypes |
List |
List of file types for which this source is enabled. Default: ['*'] . |
maxCount |
Number |
Total number of completion candidates emitted by this source. Default: 10 . |
priority |
Number |
Priority of this source relative to others. Items from higher priority sources are displayed at the top. Default: 8 . |
Options can be configured using the global function g:VimCompleteOptionsSet()
. The example below illustrates how to enable and configure completion sources. Please note that not all options are demonstrated here; for a comprehensive list of all available options, refer to the tables provided above.
var options = {
completor: { shuffleEqualPriority: true, postfixHighlight: true },
buffer: { enable: true, priority: 10, urlComplete: true, envComplete: true },
abbrev: { enable: true, priority: 10 },
lsp: { enable: true, priority: 10, maxCount: 5 },
omnifunc: { enable: false, priority: 8, filetypes: ['python', 'javascript'] },
vsnip: { enable: true, priority: 11 },
vimscript: { enable: true, priority: 11 },
ngram: {
enable: true,
priority: 10,
bigram: false,
filetypes: ['text', 'help', 'markdown'],
filetypesComments: ['c', 'cpp', 'python', 'java'],
autocmd VimEnter * g:VimCompleteOptionsSet(options)
For legacy script, the syntax for 'autocmd' is:
autocmd VimEnter * call g:VimCompleteOptionsSet(options)
You can map the <Tab>
and <S-Tab>
keys to navigate autocomplete items in insert mode. By default, Vim uses CTRL-N
and CTRL-P
to cycle through completion menu options. <Tab>
and <S-Tab>
also jump between snippet placeholders where appropriate.
To enable <Tab>
and <S-Tab>
for this purpose, add the following to your configuration:
let g:vimcomplete_tab_enable = 1
Note: Enabling this option will remove any existing mappings for
If you'd like to retain <Tab>
and <S-Tab>
mappings from other plugins, unset the above variable and instead use these custom mappings, substituting {rhs}
as needed (using "\<Tab>"
as "{rhs}"
will behave the same as setting the variable):
inoremap <buffer><expr> <tab> g:VimCompleteTab() ?? "{rhs}"
inoremap <buffer><expr> <s-tab> g:VimCompleteSTab() ?? "{rhs}"
This configuration allows <Tab>
and <S-Tab>
to integrate with other plugin mappings.
Alternatively, you can use the keys <Plug>(vimcomplete-tab)
and <Plug>(vimcomplete-s-tab)
directly in your custom mappings.
is mapped by default to insert the currently selected item and/or insert a literal <CR>
, depending on configuration (see noNewlineInCompletion
and noNewlineInCompletionEver
In case of conflicts with other plugins, this mapping can be disabled entirely:
g:vimcomplete_cr_enable = 0
In this case, the user must define an appropriate <CR>
mapping to resolve conflicts between plugins. When creating your mapping, if alwaysOn
is enabled, consider emitting <Plug>(vimcomplete-skip)
to prevent the next keystroke from automatically reactivating the completion popup.
For help with other keybindings see :h popupmenu-keys
. This help section includes keybindings for <BS>
, <PageUp>
, <PageDown>
, <Up>
, and <Down>
keys when popup menu is open.
Disable all mappings set by vimcomplete.
Please set your preferred mappings.
Both g:vimcomplete_tab_enable
and g:vimcomplete_cr_enable
are ignored.
let g:vimcomplete_do_mapping = 0
You can use Pmenu
, PmenuThumb
, PmenuSbar
, PmenuSel
, PmenuKind
, PmenuExtra
and PmenuExtraSel
Vim highlight groups to alter the
appearance of the popup menu.
You can also customize the appearance of the column containing the 'kind' attribute in the menu. For example, to modify the appearance of the 'Keyword' kind, configure the PmenuKindKeyword
highlight group. Refer to the list for all available 'kind' items.
If postfixHighlight
option is enabled, you can utilize the VimCompletePostfix
highlight group to adjust the appearance of text adjacent to the completion. By default, it is linked to DiffChange
Vim's completion system can display an additional popup window (referred to as the "info" window) next to the selected menu item when supplementary information is available.
To apply basic customizations, you can use the completepopup
option. For example:
autocmd VimEnter * set completepopup+=border:off,highlight:Normal
This provides limited customization. For advanced control over the appearance and behavior of the "info" window, use the g:VimCompleteInfoWindowOptionsSet()
function. This function accepts a dictionary of popup window options. Refer to :h popup_create-arguments
for detailed descriptions. Here’s an example:
drag: false, # Disable dragging
close: 'none', # Disable close button
resize: false, # Disable resizing
Info window can be scrolled using the following keys:
, and
. Here's an example mapping:
inoremap <C-b> <Plug>(vimcomplete-info-window-pageup)
inoremap <C-f> <Plug>(vimcomplete-info-window-pagedown)
Commands are available to list completion sources and to enable or disable the plugin.
The following command displays a list of completion sources enabled for the current buffer.
Autocompletion is enabled by default. At any time, you can enable or disable the plugin using the following commands:
You can selectively enable autocompletion for specific file types. For instance, enable autocompletion for c
, cpp
, python
, vim
, text
, and markdown
:VimCompleteEnable c cpp python vim text markdown
To start Vim with autocompletion disabled, set the following variable.
g:vimcomplete_enable_by_default = false
takes a space-separated list of file types as an argument. If no argument is specified, autocompletion is enabled for all file types.
When Vim is started without any arguments or a new buffer is created with
, it opens an unnamed buffer. This buffer is not associated with any
file type. To enable/disable autocompletion on this buffer use the following
variable. It is set by default.
g:vimcomplete_noname_buf_enable = true
Each item returned by the LSP server has a type associated with it, which can
be displayed on the popup menu. To customize , you need to use the option
and set all custom kinds in the completionKinds
The following table has all default LSP kinds:
Kind | Description |
t | Text |
m | Method |
f | Function |
C | Constructor |
F | Field |
v | Variable |
c | Class |
i | Interface |
M | Module |
p | Property |
u | Unit |
V | Value |
e | Enum |
k | Keyword |
S | Snippet |
C | Color |
f | File |
r | Reference |
F | Folder |
E | EnumMember |
d | Constant |
s | Struct |
E | Event |
o | Operator |
T | TypeParameter |
B | Buffer1 |
D | Dictionary1 |
w | Word1 |
O | Option1 |
a | Abbreviation1 |
e | EnvVariable1 |
U | URL1 |
c | Command1 |
X | Tmux1 |
G | Tag1 |
For example, if you want to change the "Method" kind to the kind "method()":
g:VimCompleteOptionsSet({ Completor: {
customCompletionKinds: true,
completionKinds: {
"Method": "method()"
In the completion popup, will show something like this: >
var file = new File()
| create method() |
| createIfNotExists method() |
| ... |
Start by examining the implementation of an external plugin like ngrams-viewer (which spawns a new process to handle http requests) or ngram-complete.
The completion engine employs an interface similar to Vim's complete-functions. However, the function is invoked in three ways instead of two:
- First, to find the start of the text to be completed.
- Next, to check if completion candidates are available.
- Lastly, to find the actual matches.
The first and last invocation are identical to Vim's complete-functions. During the second invocation, the arguments are:
findstart: 2
base: empty
The function must return true
or false
to indicate whether completion candidates are ready. Only when this return value is true
will the function be invoked for the third time to get the actual matches. This step is essential for asynchronous completion.
The name of the completion function does not matter, but it should take two arguments: findstart: Number
and base: String
, and return <any>
. Register this function with the completion engine by calling vimcompletor.Register()
. Use the User
event of type VimCompleteLoaded
to time the registration.
When users set options through the configuration file, a User
event with type VimCompleteOptionsChanged
is issued. The plugin should register for this event and update its internal state accordingly.
Devdocs.vim - browse documentation from
Scope.vim - fuzzy find anything.
VimBits - curated suite of lightweight Vim plugins.
VimSuggest - autocompletion for Vim's command-line.
Pull requests are welcomed.