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179 lines (105 loc) · 5.44 KB

File metadata and controls

179 lines (105 loc) · 5.44 KB


Beanstalk plugin for ServerDensity. Tested with v1.7.

Requires PyYAML.


This plugin monitors the following stats.

Global stats:

  • current-jobs-urgent is the number of ready jobs with priority < 1024.

  • current-jobs-ready is the number of jobs in the ready queue.

  • current-jobs-reserved is the number of jobs reserved by all clients.

  • current-jobs-delayed is the number of delayed jobs.

  • current-jobs-buried is the number of buried job's.

  • cmd-put is the cumulative number of put commands.

  • cmd-peek is the cumulative number of peek commands.

  • cmd-peek-ready is the cumulative number of peek-ready commands.

  • cmd-peek-delayed is the cumulative number of peek-delayed commands.

  • cmd-peek-buried is the cumulative number of peek-buried commands.

  • cmd-reserve is the cumulative number of reserve commands.

  • cmd-use is the cumulative number of use commands.

  • cmd-watch is the cumulative number of watch commands.

  • cmd-ignore is the cumulative number of ignore commands.

  • cmd-delete is the cumulative number of delete commands.

  • cmd-release is the cumulative number of release commands.

  • cmd-bury is the cumulative number of bury commands.

  • cmd-kick is the cumulative number of kick commands.

  • cmd-stats is the cumulative number of stats commands.

  • cmd-stats-job is the cumulative number of stats-job commands.

  • cmd-stats-tube is the cumulative number of stats-tube commands.

  • cmd-list-tubes is the cumulative number of list-tubes commands.

  • cmd-list-tube-used is the cumulative number of list-tube-used commands.

  • cmd-list-tubes-watched is the cumulative number of list-tubes-watched commands.

  • cmd-pause-tube is the cumulative number of pause-tube commands

  • job-timeouts is the cumulative count of times a job has timed out.

  • total-jobs is the cumulative count of jobs created.

  • max-job-size is the maximum number of bytes in a job.

  • current-tubes is the number of currently-existing tubes.

  • current-connections is the number of currently open connections.

  • current-producers is the number of open connections that have each issued at least one put command.

  • current-workers is the number of open connections that have each issued at least one reserve command.

  • current-waiting is the number of open connections that have issued a reserve command but not yet received a response.

  • total-connections is the cumulative count of connections.

  • pid is the process id of the server.

  • version is the version string of the server.

  • rusage-utime is the cumulative user CPU time of this process in seconds and microseconds.

  • rusage-stime is the cumulative system CPU time of this process in seconds and microseconds.

  • uptime is the number of seconds since this server process started running.

  • binlog-oldest-index is the index of the oldest binlog file needed to store the current jobs

  • binlog-current-index is the index of the current binlog file being written to. If binlog is not active this value will be 0

  • binlog-max-size is the maximum size in bytes a binlog file is allowed to get before a new binlog file is opened

  • binlog-records-written is the cumulative number of records written to the binlog

  • binlog-records-migrated is the cumulative number of records written as part of compaction

Tube stats

  • name is the tube's name.

  • current-jobs-urgent is the number of ready jobs with priority < 1024 in this tube.

  • current-jobs-ready is the number of jobs in the ready queue in this tube.

  • current-jobs-reserved is the number of jobs reserved by all clients in this tube.

  • current-jobs-delayed is the number of delayed jobs in this tube.

  • current-jobs-buried is the number of buried jobs in this tube.

  • total-jobs is the cumulative count of jobs created in this tube in the current beanstalkd process.

  • current-using is the number of open connections that are currently using this tube.

  • current-waiting is the number of open connections that have issued a reserve command while watching this tube but not yet received a response.

  • current-watching is the number of open connections that are currently watching this tube.

  • pause is the number of seconds the tube has been paused for.

  • cmd-delete is the cumulative number of delete commands for this tube

  • cmd-pause-tube is the cumulative number of pause-tube commands for this tube.

  • pause-time-left is the number of seconds until the tube is un-paused.


You can split metrics into multiple graphs on the plugin tab (on your SD account). Tube stats key names come prefixed with the tube name. E.g. the current-jobs-ready key for the tube named email will be feed into ServerDensity as email-current-jobs-ready.

Note that full stop characters (dots, periods) are not allowed in key names. The plugin replaces them with underscores e.g. a tube named 'images.upload' has 'images_upload` as key prefix.


Copy the script to your sd-agent plugins folder e.g. /usr/bin/sd-agent/plugins. Create the plugins folder if it doesn't exist.


Add your Beanstalk host/port to the ServerDensity configuration file e.g. /etc/sd-agent/config.cfg):

host: localhost
port: 11300

Make sure the agent knows where to find your plugins:

plugin_directory: /usr/bin/sd-agent/plugins