A tiny JavaScript library to preview images, better way!
An image viewer library I wrote to implement a better and quicker user experience of viewing images on webpages. On a desktop, there is no click required at all - everything works on hover!
Get the library:
Bower : bower install simplezoom.js
npm: npm install --save simplezoom.js
Now include the library on your website:
<script src="simplezoom.js"></script>
That is it! You have a super simple image previewer enabled on your website.
- Easy to add to any website
- Adds no additional UI
- Smart preview placement
- Modal-less and faster UX
- Mobile friendly
- Less than 1KB minified & gzipped!
- No dependencies!
Tested in latest Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
Copyright (c) 2016 Kushagra Gour Licensed under the MIT license.