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executable file
628 lines (496 loc) · 28.8 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
628 lines (496 loc) · 28.8 KB

Recap, all changes to date since beta release

  • Major versions:
    • 8: Handle requests for partial ranges, enabling scrubbing through videos
    • 7: Ability to read bodies more efficiently from Request streams
    • 6: Able to stream responses to clients
    • 5: Applying recommendations from linters, aggressive refactoring
    • 4: Aggressive refactoring, system exclusively on virtual threads, stricter key usage in templates
    • 3: Code coverage at 100%, new pre and post handler, leaner database API, template respects indentation
    • 2: Renamings to align with HTTP spec, new tutorial added, added Gzip compression
    • 1: Various adjustments per recommendations, heavy refactoring, switch to use Maven as build tool
    • 0: Beta release
  • Converted project to use Maven for building instead of Make, adjusting to follow Maven directory conventions.
  • Increased test code coverage to 100% (statement and branch)
  • Refactorings:
    • Many small adjustments to expose critical parts for easier testing
    • Made all classes "final" to disallow extending
    • Simplified HTTP parsing design to improve debugging
  • System exclusively runs on virtual threads
  • Improved documentation - JavaDocs on variables and methods, developer handbook
  • Tutorial added
  • Large example project added (Memoria_project)
  • Removed StaticFileCache - static files are kept outside the binary, with a configurable option (STATIC_FILE_CACHE_TIME) for how long they are cached.
  • Many small renamings and tunings
  • Applying suggestions from several linting tools, including SonarQube, EqualsVerifier, SpotBugs, and ErrorProne
  • Fixing bugs
  • Usability improvements
    • If lacking a minum.config file, system will still function
    • More robust processing of list-style configuration values, such as EXTRA_MIME_MAPPINGS
    • All test assertions allow adding a message to be shown at failure
    • Fewer CRUD methods on database. Instead of write and update, it is now only write. An index of 0 means to create, and a positive index means to update.
    • Different handling of data for form-urlencoded request bodies versus multipart.
  • New features added
    • New ability to add code before and after endpoint processing (registerPreHandler and registerLastMinuteHandler)
    • GZIP compression for text HTTP responses
    • In templating:
      • values with newlines will all get indented
      • less lenient about unused keys - an exception will be thrown
    • Streaming:
      • Allow the server to send very large data without incurring heavy memory usage. Helper methods provided to enable easier streaming of files, and methods exist to write custom streaming code.
      • Request object provides access to ISocketWrapper, enabling user-built web handlers to control data more precisely. This is valuable in situations like receiving large files, or handling streaming data.
  • Subtle improvements to security programs

v8.0.7 - Feb 7, 2025

Minor adjustments:

  1. No need to include sitemap.xml as a suspicious path in the minum.config, it is a path most search engines will try on a site, it is not an attack.
  2. If the developer makes a mistake and returns a null instead of a valid IResponse interface from a web handler endpoint, we fail faster, and with a clearer message, whereas before the null response would rattle around through some methods before causing an exception with an unclear error message and in an unexpected part of the code.

v8.0.6 - Jan 15, 2025

handle bad URL-encodings better - simply skip

It was discovered that if a user sent a request with improperly-formed URL-encoded data, it would sometimes cause a 500 error. This was not a significant issue, but ergonomically the system should not react so strongly for a relatively minor issue.

This adjustment takes a milder approach, simply moving on to the next key-value pair and logging about the action.

v8.0.5 - Nov 24, 2024

Fixing security vulnerabilities

  • improved regex for finding bad file paths
  • Initial updates to be much stricter about file location and allowed chars
  • adjust for greater flexibility with sending large files, with safety
  • Better handling of redirect
    • when redirecting, check that the target location is a valid URI, and include a body (suggested by the spec)
  • adjust test to work on Mac
  • create version of test to use HTTP/1.0, which doesn't cause keep-alive by default.

v8.0.4 - Nov 11, 2024

Big improvements with small adjustments:

  • Code is modularized. Thanks SentryMan! Some code needed to adjust for this, specifically that searching for the cert location in
  • was adjusted to enable better searching by users. Some new HTML node search methods are in the test directory, in, for your reference.
  • Documentation improved
  • Logger now allows construction of descendant classes which share a queue, enabling smooth continuous logging without fragmented interleaving of text.
  • Updated versions of testing dependencies

v8.0.3 - Sep 15, 2024

  • Bug fix for reading request bodies

A bug was introduced in version 7.0.0 that is resolved in version 8.0.3

Description: It was noticed that request bodies sent to the Minum server were being rejected. Investigating deeper, it was discovered that the variable used to count the number of partitions in a request body was a class variable, and was never getting reset to 0. This bug had no workaround.

Fix: The variable is initialized to zero at the proper time. A test was created to confirm correct behavior.

v8.0.2 - Sep 7, 2024

  • Handling edge conditions in Body better
  • Updating Pitest dependency
  • Documentation - improving JavaDocs

Body methods like .asString(key) or .getPartitionHeaders() require particular body formats. If the body is not in those formats, throw an exception, which will help developers recognize they are using the wrong methods.

For examples, see

v8.0.1 - August 27, 2024

Extra documentation, put back constant for configuring max readline size

  • Documentation was added in key areas to improve user experience of framework API
  • It was found that when the server was sent requests with large headers, such as JWTs, the length exceeded the default of 1024. Putting this back as a configurable property in minum.config.
  • Making InputStreamUtils package-private - it is not intended to be user-facing

v8.0.0 - Aug 17, 2024

Implement partial range requests, enabling video scrubbing

When a user requests a video and scrubs through, the browser will send requests for small portions of the file, using the "range" header. Minum now properly responds to a common subset of this header, specifically a single-range. Multiple ranges are ignored.

Breaking changes:

  • Response.buildLargeFileResponse takes different parameters and may return different status codes depending on the needs.
  • Methods in FileUtils did not need to take a logger for parameter since the methods have access to the logger field in the instance.

Other adjustments:

  • toString methods were adjusted to avoid printing array contents - these could be very large and would overwhelm the log statements.
  • More options made available for sending data in SocketWrapper - using an offset and length from an array, and sending individual bytes.
  • The StatusCode enum now includes all status codes.

Bugs fixed:

  • large files had extra bytes appended in version 7.0.0 when using Response.buildLargeFileResponse. This is now corrected.

v7.0.0 - Aug 3, 2024

Handle incoming body better

Breaking changes:

  • Request and Response have had interfaces extracted, and the WebFramework.registerPath method has been adjusted to take a parameter expecting those interfaces. This was done because close testing of the handler requires an instantiated Request object, and building this as a concrete implementation was more arduous than the alternative of using an interface.

  • Request has converted from a record to a class, with appropriate getter methods renamed:

    • headers() becomes getHeaders()
    • body() becomes getBody()
    • requestLine() becomes getRequestLine()
    • remoteRequester() becomes getRemoteRequester()
  • constants removed from configuration file:

    • MAX_READ_LINE_SIZE_BYTES - permanently set to 1kb. a kilobyte is a sane default for the maximum header line we expect to read.
    • MAX_QUERY_STRING_KEYS_COUNT - permanently set to 50 key-value pairs, which is certainly enough for a query in a URL.
    • MOST_COOKIES_WELL_LOOK_THROUGH - this shouldn't have even been configurable - it's for a sample authentication program.
    • MAX_HEADERS_COUNT - permanently set to 70, which is the most headers our server should handle, and that should be way more than enough.
    • MAX_BODY_KEYS_URL_ENCODED - removed entirely. Since the developer is in charge of what they are sending, we'll just let them send whatever. the difference between this and the query string is that the body is only read
  • Handling multipart/form-data is done differently

    • Previously, the intention was making reasonable assumptions to avoid overly complicating the API. However, due to the way multipart data is sent by browsers, it was necessary to change. Now, the request type is indicated by its property Body.getBodyType. Users must access their data in different ways, depending on the bodytype. For url-encoded forms, continue to use .asBytes and .asString, but for multipart it is necessary to use .getPartitionHeaders and getPartitionByName to get partitions, and then to examine the contentDisposition.
  • Both multipart and url-encoded data are pulled from the network by custom InputStream implementations. This provides flexibility and consistency - developers may choose to pull the whole body like before, which is convenient, but if they want to pull larger data, it is supported through getUrlEncodedDataIterable and getMultiPartIterable in BodyProcessor.

  • New getter added to Request:

    • getSocketWrapper - The Request object was previously of type "record", which provides getters for its data automatically. It was necessary to convert Request to a class, so we could control the getBody() method better. Now, when calling to getBody(), it will process the data off the socket at that time. Previously, the server would process every incoming body, taking memory to do so. This gives an opportunity to choose whether to read the whole body at once, or to pull in the data in more fine-grained fashion by using getSocketWRapper(). Thanks to this adjustment, the security concerns around reading large bodies is somewhat mitigated, and so MAX_READ_SIZE_BYTES is no longer needed.
  • Updated versions of some test-tool and maven plugin dependencies.

v6.0.0 - July 7, 2024

New feature: streaming output from server

Breaking change: Response constructors converted to factory methods. Order of parameters adjusted in certain cases for greater consistency.

A missing capability of the Minum server was to send large files. Yes, it was reasonable to send files up to around several megabytes, but before this change, the data would take room in the server's memory. If the server were making a large file available and there were many requests, it could easily eat up the entire memory.

Now, the Response object and WebFramework have had their code adjusted to enable this without undue requirements. The constructors in Response were converted to factory methods, and some of these are intended to be used for streaming large data, such as buildLargeFileResponse and buildStreamingResponse.

There is no limit to the file size being served. Memory usage will be minimally impactful.

To migrate to version 6 more easily:

Do a global search and replace: "new Response" -> "Response.buildLeanResponse". That will fix a bunch of the cases. The rest are likely "Response.buildResponse", but update those as necessary. In several cases, it will be required to reorder the parameters - the extraHeaders parameter is now the second parameter in almost all the Response factory methods. In some cases, you will find calls to a now-deleted constructor which would provide a status code and body but no extra headers. These should be fixed to include the necessary headers, such as Map.of("Content-Type", "text/plain")

v5.0.0 - July 1, 2024

Excellent test coverage enables fearless refactoring.

It is closing in on a year past beta. We have stability and high test coverage, let's apply the recommendations from linting tools, informed by our tests and usage scenarios.


  • Several class methods and constructors would pass mutable data, leading to the possibility of subtle bugs. Where possible, these have been corrected.
  • Made several methods package-private, to lower scope. Removed methods if possible - e.g. see Context.
  • Consistency and conventionality improvements.
  • Applying recommendations from linting tools that would forestall bugs, such as setting the charset instead of relying on the system default.
  • Organizing the files better. All files are now in subpackages of "minum".
  • Improved documentation.
  • Removed need for Context object during construction of some classes.
  • Added new tools for regular examination of the code - information is provided during compilation and running make lint.

Moved to different package:

  • Context (globally adjust like this: find src/ -type f -name "*.java" -exec sed -i 's/com\.renomad\.minum\.Context/com.renomad.minum.state.Context/g' {} \;)
  • Constants (globally adjust like this: find src/ -type f -name "*.java" -exec sed -i 's/com\.renomad\.minum\.Constants/com.renomad.minum.state.Constants/g' {} \;)
  • ActionQueue (globally adjust like this: find src/ -type f -name "*.java" -exec sed -i 's/com\.renomad\.minum\.utils\.ActionQueue/com.renomad.minum.queue.ActionQueue/g' {} \;)


  • Context.getFileUtils - instead of obtaining from Context, build: new FileUtils(logger, constants);
  • Several other public methods from Context that only related to Minum internals


  • PathDetails is no longer a record. Its methods moved to be prefixed with "get" with adjusted capitalization
  • TagInfo, same thing
  • HtmlParseNode, same thing
  • On TagInfo, the attributes are further encapsulated - it is no longer possible to grab the collection. Get an attribute with "getAttribute()"

Removed use of Context in constructors:

  • Headers
  • RequestLine


  • RequestLine.PathDetails was moved to its own file. It can now be called on its own, "PathDetails" (globally adjust like this: find src/ -type f -name "*.java" -exec sed -i 's/RequestLine\.PathDetails/PathDetails/g' {} \;)

v4.0.3 - June 22, 2024

  • Templates will now complain with a TemplateRenderException if the user supplies keys that end up not being used. For example, in this template: Hello {name}, then if the user provides keys of Map.of("name", "world", "foo", "bar"), rendering will return an exception with a message, No corresponding key in template found for these keys: foo Adding this functionality slightly slowed down the template processor (35k/sec to 32k/sec), but it is still faster than the web handler (20k/sec), which is the bottleneck in this situation. Correctness and simplicity is more important than speed in this situation.
  • SPECIAL NOTE: Because the templates are stricter, you may find your application complaining where it was lenient before. Take care to notice the issues, if any exist.
  • Make the key in LRUCache a generic (the value was already generic)

v4.0.2 - June 14, 2024

  • Minor fix, follow-up to previous update - request handling timer code moved to record timing after the request begins.
  • Improve HtmlParseNodes.innerText to return valuable data when receiving more than one node.

v4.0.1 - June 9, 2024

  • Minor fix - request handling timer was outside the keep-alive loop, showing incorrect timing in the log statements.

v4.0.0 - June 8, 2024

  • Noticed that the utils package had a dependency on the web package in the FileUtils class. Moved code to avoid this cyclical dependency.
  • Disentangle methods in the web code to make stacktraces and debugging simpler
  • Configuration
    • Removed flag to redirect to HTTPS from the HTTP endpoint. This behavior is now provided by writing appropriate code in WebFramework.preHandler. Examples are provided in the documentation for the method.
      • Related: removed REDIRECT_TO_SECURE property
    • Removed ability to choose non-virtual threads. Having two major modes of thread execution increases the testing surface area unnecessarily. Since Java 21 is required, will just use the primary intention.
      • Related: removed USE_VIRTUAL property
      • Related: Removed ExtendedExecutor class and makeExecutorService method
    • Increased default maximum for query string count from 20 to 50
    • Changed default value for using virtual threads to true
    • Changed default value for using the brig to true
    • Including the default values as text in the minum.config file
    • Better documentation in the configuration file
  • Database
    • Made Db.stop() a publicly available method
    • Db.values now returns an unmodifiable collection. This was always the intent, but by using Collections.unmodifiableCollection, this concept is more strictly enforced.
  • TheBrig
    • Calling .stop() on TheBrig will now stop its associated Db.
    • More informative log messages in TheBrig.
    • Better locking

v3.2.1 - May 26, 2024

  • Adjust maximum partitions in serializer. A bug was found: text that was large but but still reasonably sized (it was more than ten thousand lines) was causing a failure in templating. The serializer utility allowed a maximum of ten thousand "partitions" (i.e. lines) before throwing an exception. While it does make sense to set a maximum on any loop, ten thousand was too low. This value was raised to ten million, based on the concept that sending an HTML template with a million lines would be absurdly high, and then putting a safety factor multiple on top of that.
  • Extra testing

v3.2.0 - May 20, 2024

  • New ability to inject code before and after regular endpoint processing. See registerPreHandler and registerLastMinuteHandler in WebFramework.
  • Extra testing across the board.
  • Improve documentation.
  • Remove dead code in ExtendedExecutor.
  • Improve performance test for templating. Uses parallel processing to show more realistic speed.
  • Include indent when rendering template. Often, a user will render a value with newlines in a template. This adjustment tracks the indent of the key in the template and then applies that to subsequent lines of the key values.

As an example, with a template like foo bar {{ color }}:


foo bar red


foo bar red

v3.1.1 - Apr 5, 2024

  • bug fix: multipart data partitioning. The multipart-form decoding was not properly trimming the last two bytes - carriage return and line feed. That is to say, data being received by multipart-form had two bytes appended at the end.

v3.1.0 - Mar 29, 2024

  • Adjust tests to work on Mac
  • Include "throws Exception" on ThrowingRunnable. This obviates handling checked exceptions when adding endpoints - the thrown exception will get caught and logged at throwingRunnableWrapper.

v3.0.0 - Mar 27, 2024

  • Deeper testing - nearly 100% test coverage

  • Breaking changes (see migration guide):

    • Spelling of constant values
    • Name of the HTTP codes
    • Removal of the update method in Db
    • FunctionalTesting now requires the hostname and port
    • FunctionalTesting.send now requires a byte array body parameter
    • Methods in FileUtils now don't throw IOException
    • TheBrig.sendToJail now returns true if succeeded
    • TheBrig.getInmates now returns a list of Inmate instead of List<Map.Entry<String, Long>>
    • FullSystem.close becomes FullSystem.shutdown
  • Refactorings / documentation improved all over

  • New helper methods in TestLogger for searching logs

  • In Logger, if the ActionQueue is stopped or null, will fall back to use System.out.printf

  • In TestLogger, new method doesMessageExist which handles the common usage better, that is:

    assertTrue(logger.findFirstMessageThatContains("foo foo did a foo").length() > 0);


    assertTrue(logger.doesMessageExist("foo foo did a foo"));

  • Truncate timestamp in logging to microseconds

  • Modify the ThrowingRunnable and other functional interfaces to handle exceptions better

  • Raised the bar for testing throughout the system. Methods were adjusted to expose code for testing. Linting tools recommended naming modifications.

  • Documentation was written to help users through migration - see docs/

  • The update and write methods in the database shared so much functionality, it made sense to combine them. There are now only two methods in Db handling data modification. If creating new data, set the index to 0 on the object extending DbData.

    This code creates a new item in the database:

    db.write(new Foo(0, 2, "a"));

    This code updates an item:

    db.write(new Foo(1, 2, "a"));

    Adding a new item with a positive index will fail - the database has to generate the index for you. The returned value from write will provide the new index.

  • ThrowingRunnable and other functional interfaces now properly handle exceptions. It is no longer necessary to try-catch a checked exception when using one - anything thrown will be logged. See ThrowingRunnable.

  • FullSystem.close renamed to FullSystem.shutdown

  • Headers.make now just requires one parameter, Context

  • RequestLine.EMPTY renamed to RequestLine.empty

  • Bug fixes

v2.5.3 - Mar 9, 2024

  • Improve testing, refactoring
    • Deeper testing on InputStreamUtils
    • Rudimentary testing for FullSystem
    • Improved configuration for mutation tests
    • Adjust port in web tests to avoid conflicts with other tests

v2.5.2 - Mar 7, 2024

  • Documentation improvements

v2.5.1 - Feb 11, 2024

  • Edge case improvements. Refactorings.
  1. If the client sends us a message body that has a different length than the content-length header, we will handle it by just logging to debug level.
  2. If we have determined a client is trying to attack us again while already in the brig, we will update their duration.
  3. If a ForbiddenUseException bubbles up to the top, we'll add that client to the brig.
  4. Refactoring Body - does not use a Context object, so remove it.

v2.5.0 - Feb 10, 2024

  • Add GZIP compression. This does not require any modifications by users - but now the Minum web server will reply with GZIP compression if the client browser sends a request that includes an accept-encoding header with a value that includes "gzip". This will only apply to text data.

v2.4.0 - Jan 31, 2024

  • Adjust documentation for ActionQueue.enqueue. The documentation was incorrectly suggesting it was necessary to return null.
  • Add failure message option for all assertions. This way it is possible to include better help when a test fails, across all assertion types.

v2.3.3 - Dec 27, 2023

  • Added a pre-filter to avoid nulls in SearchUtils.findExactlyOne, which helps avoid some null pointer exceptions.
  • Remove ParsingException from being thrown in the BodyProcessor. If any issues take place with parsing the body, it will be logged as a debug issue and the body will continue with processing, just without having determined any key-value pairs.

v2.3.2 - Dec 15, 2023

  • cannot rely on synchronized code with virtual threads. The hope was that using the synchronizedMap method would provide thread-safe access to this data. That has not proven out, and the guide to virtual threads in Java specifically warns against use of the synchronized keyword.

v2.3.1 - Dec 9, 2023

  • It was found that when a client requested a directory, the system would throw an IOException and log an async_error. This fixes that, so that it is merely "file not found".

v2.3.0 - Nov 19, 2023

  • New ability to inject custom properties into Constants, which will provide some better flexibility when testing. For example, you may want to run concurrent tests with different server ports, or different database folders.
  • TestFramework.buildTestingContext now allows injecting a properties file to use when creating the Constants object.
  • Make Constants.getConfiguredProperties public to enable tests to more easily use all the default properties, with programmatically-defined customizations

v2.2.1 - Oct 24, 2023

  • Make code for converting comma-delimited strings to array more robust. Now, extra spaces are much less likely to confuse it.

v2.2.0 - Oct 14, 2023

  • Provide ability to get all the keys returned in the key-value pairs of a Response body: body.getKeys(). Useful for some situations where you are dealing with dynamic fields.
  • Documentation improvements.
  • Increased default for maximum tokens allowed to 1000. This basically corresponds to how many fields you can have on a page. It is customizable in the configuration at MAX_TOKENIZER_PARTITIONS
  • Update version numbers for some Maven plugins, allowing nicer reports, etc.
  • Add Template HTML element

v2.1.2 - Oct 14, 2023

  • Fix to bug in templating code. It was not handling an unmatched double-closing-bracket properly. Also adjusting so if there is a double-opening-bracket without a closing set, it will throw a new custom exception.

v2.1.1 - Oct 9, 2023

  • Fix to bug in output encoding for HTML attributes, in StringUtils.encodeAttr(). There were a couple extra characters that needed encoding.

v2.1.0 - Sep 30, 2023

  • Milder complaint if user lacks minum.config file. Before, if the user did not have a minum.config in the directory where they started Minum, it would halt with an error message showing text for a configuration. Now, the code will continue on with a warning about the missing configuration and instead use reasonable defaults.
  • fixing a bug in the configuration settings for extra mime types ("EXTRA_MIME_MAPPINGS"), where a lack of value for that property would cause the system to fail on startup.
  • Updated the default value for MAX_READ_LINE_SIZE_BYTES from 500 to 1024, along with an adjustment to the error message shown in the logs when the max was encountered. To provide context: this property exists to set a reasonable limit to what a maximum header size could be, to prevent certain security attacks, or to properly handle broken user agents. It was noticed that on localhost, testing against multiple servers could cause so many cookies to exist that it would exceed the 500 byte limit. Now, it is clearer when this limit has been encountered, and the value is adjustable in the configuration - see MAX_READ_LINE_SIZE_BYTES in minum.config.
  • Extra documentation in methods, and added a tutorial "getting started"
  • Added a new constant to control the number of elements in the file LRU cache, called MAX_ELEMENTS_LRU_CACHE_STATIC_FILES

v2.0.0 - Sep 26, 2023

  • Renamings to better align with HTTP specification
  • Better correctness of database code, prevent some race conditions through locking

v1.1.1 - Sep 22, 2023

  • Linter suggestions

v1.1.0 - Sep 21, 2023

  • Improved documentation
  • Improved templating - less strict with whitespace around keys
  • Adjust default time for use in TheBrig
  • Use webapp for static and template files

v1.0.0 - September 19, 2023 - Git commit hash: 5bcf5802652a

  • Remove StaticFileCache - see 25763cfe
  • Incorporate Maven
  • Improve testing - using JUnit rather than custom test framework
  • Various bug fixes, refactoring, and documentation
  • Adjust to allow testing virtual threads on Windows - needed sleeps after closing sockets
  • Rename app.config to minum.config
  • Make most classes "final" to make it clear they are not expected to be extended
  • Better form/multipart handling - now provides headers per partition
  • Adjust files to match typical Java/Maven patterns

v0.1.0 - August 21, 2023 - Git commit hash: 385d47e566

  • Beta release