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Teja Sophista V.R edited this page Jul 18, 2018 · 6 revisions

Using Auto-Versioning

edeliver provides a way to automatically increment the current version for the current build and/or to append the git commit count and/or revision as version metadata. Using a different versions for each release is essential especially if you build hot code upgrades, but also makes sense to see which version is running, e.g. when using mix edeliver version [staging|production].

Notice: This feature cannot be used in conjunction with the --skip-mix-clean command line option or the SKIP_MIX_CLEAN=true config respectively*.

Append git commit count and/or revision to the release version
  mix release.version show
  mix edeliver build release --auto-version=commit-count
  # creates version 1.0.0+3027
  mix edeliver build upgrade --auto-version=git-revision
  # creates version 1.0.0+82a5834
  mix edeliver build upgrade --auto-version=commit-count+git-revision
  # creates version 1.0.0+3027-82a5834
  mix edeliver build upgrade --auto-version=git-revision+commit-count
  # creates version 1.0.0+82a5834-3027
Append other metadata: git branch, build date or mix env
  mix release.version show
  mix edeliver build release --auto-version=git-branch
  # creates version 1.0.0+master
  mix edeliver build release --auto-version=git-revision+git-branch-unless-master
  # creates version 1.0.0+82a5834
  mix edeliver build upgrade --auto-version=build-date
  # creates version 1.0.0+20160414
  mix edeliver build upgrade --auto-version=build-date+time
  # creates version 1.0.0+20160414-210143
  mix edeliver build upgrade --auto-version=git-revision+build-date
  # creates version 1.0.0+82a5834-20160414
  MIX_ENV=staging mix edeliver build release --auto-version=mix-env+git-revision
  # creates version 1.0.0+staging-82a5834
Append metadata to version permanentely

To append metadata permanentely you can set the AUTO_VERSION configuration variable in your .deliver/config file. This can be overridden by the --auto-version= command line argument.

 # ./deliver/config
Available metadata which can be appended to the release version
  • [git-]revision Appends sha1 git revision of current HEAD.
  • [git-]branch Appends the current branch that is built.
  • [git-]branch-unless-master Appends the current branch that is built but only unless it is the master branch.
  • [build-]date Appends the build date as YYYYMMDD.
  • [build-]time Appends the build time as HHMMSS.
  • [git-]commit-count[-all[-branches] Appends the number of commits across all branches. Allows edeliver to detect which version is newer if it is appended as first metadata to the release version.
  • [git-]commit-count-branch Appends the number of commits from the current branch. This makes more sense, if the branch name is also appended as metadata to avoid conflicts from different branches.

Using commit count accross all branches (commit-count[-all[-branches]) or using the build date ([build-]date) as first metadata to append, enables edeliver to consider that values when sorting versions. Using [git-]revision or commit count for the current branch in conjunction with the branch name (commit-count-branch+branch) enables you to uniquely identify the built/deployed version. If the revision is used, edeliver can display the commit message for that version (and the 5 previous commit messages) if edeliver version [staging|production] is used. To achieve both (sorting and identifying versions) and to see whether a feature branch is built/deployed, the following permanent auto-versioning option is recommended: AUTO_VERSION=commit-count+git-revision+branch-unless-master.

For more information also try mix edeliver help upgrade, mix edeliver help release or mix help release.version.

Example Output for edeliver version task if git-revision is used for auto-versioning:

$ mix edeliver version production


-----> getting release versions from production servers

production node: 0

  user    : production
  host    :
  path    : /your/deploy/path
  response: 1.2.3+4915-e834c67
  branch  : master
  revision: e834c67
  date    : 2016-04-19 17:10:13 (git commit)
  commits : Use autoversion for edeliver
            Update release version to 1.2.3
            Revert something
            Add something

production node: 1

  user    : production
  host    :
  path    : /your/deploy/path
  response: 1.2.3+4931-4805b65
  branch  : feature
  revision: 4805b65
  date    : 2016-04-21 16:41:01 (git commit)
  commits : Add another feature
            Add new feature
            Use autoversion for edeliver
            Update release version to 1.2.3
            Revert something
            Add something


Then number of commits can be adjusted by the VERSION_INFO_LAST_COMMITS env / config.

Increment / Set Version for the current release / upgrade
  mix release.version show
  mix edeliver build release --increment-version=patch
  # creates version 1.2.4
  mix edeliver build release --increment-version=minor
  # creates version 1.3.0
  mix edeliver build release --increment-version=major
  # creates version 2.0.0
  mix edeliver build release --set-version=1.3.0-beta.1
  # creates version 1.3.0-beta.1

--increment-version= and --set-version= can be used in conjunction with the --auto-version= option. The AUTO_VERSION default is also used unless the --auto-version= overrides it.

Use the Auto-Versioning / Increment-Version mix task locally

You can also use the auto versioning mix task provided by edeliver locally on your development machine, e.g. when testing your release / upgrade. The argument names to append metadata differ slightly and contain an (optional) append- prefix. If version modifiers are combined, they can be separated by a space (or by the + character as for the edeliver option). It is required to clean the build output before* and to run the release.version and release mix tasks together using the mix do task while running the release.version task before the release task.

  mix release.version show
  mix do clean, release.version increase major revision branch --dry-run
  Would update version from 1.2.3 to 2.0.0+82a5834-test
  # prints only the info above. You can always ommit the 'append-git-' part.
  mix do clean, release.version append-git-revision, release
  # creates version 1.2.3+82a5834
  mix do clean, release.version append-commit-count append-git-revision append-git-branch, release
  # creates version 1.2.3+3027-82a5834-master
  mix do clean, release.version increase major, release
  AUTO_VERSION="append-git-revision" mix do clean, release.version set 1.3.0-beta.1, release
  # creates version 1.3.0-beta.1+82a5834

(*) The build files must be removed to ensure that the file will be (re-)generated with the new version.