This document describes the Parsec API endpoints that allow a user to authenticate, obtain a sessionID
, and list available hosts.
Please see the cURL command examples below and the example scripts in Python. Please reach out at [email protected]
if you have any questions.
The Python examples require Python 3.0 and the requests
pip3 install requests
A sessionID
is string token that is required for secure use of the Parsec API. It is sensitive information, similar to a password, so your application must store the sessionID
securely. The Parsec SDK needs a sessionID
to host via ParsecHostStart
and connect via ParsecClientConnect
A "Host" refers to a computer or game that other users can connect to via Parsec.
The /v1/auth
call may return a 403
if two factor auth is required. If using two factor authentication, resubmit the request with the tfa
property set in the body to your TFA code.
POST Headers: Content-Type: application/json Body: { "email": "YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS", "password": "YOUR_PASSWORD", "tfa": "TFA_CODE" }
STATUS 200 { "data": { "id": "9066e9f2ac56648e83d68c7b5902236361e98f725413af6f8fac0dab720cd270", // The sessionID } }
cURL Example
curl -X "POST" "" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json \ -d $'{ "email": "YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS", "password": "YOUR_PASSWORD" }'
The /v2/hosts
endpoint requires a sessionID
, and will return all the online hosts that the given sessionID
may connect to.
The /v2/hosts
endpoint can return hosts in desktop mode or game mode by specifying the mode
query string parameter. It may also return private game mode hosts if ?mode=game&public=false
is provided.
GET Query String: mode=desktop|game public=true|false Headers: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SESSION_ID
STATUS 200 { "data": [ { "peer_id": "1QA0qE1h0aBW7GKRTXCU0ZInLVZ", "user":{ "id":1337, "name":"The Dude", "warp":false }, "game_id":"", "build":"150-32", "description":"", "max_players":20, "mode":"desktop", "name":"LEBOWSKI", "players":0, "public":false, "self":false // Indicates if the host that made the /v2/hosts call is attached to the same sessionID } ], "has_more": false }
cURL Example
curl -X "GET" "" \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SESSION_ID'
To host's peer_id
above is used to make a connection via ParsecClientConnect
in the Parsec SDK.