diff --git a/__tests__/unit/components/marker-point-spec.ts b/__tests__/unit/components/marker-point-spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..114419e5d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__tests__/unit/components/marker-point-spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+import { createDiv } from '../../utils/dom';
+import { Line } from '../../../src';
+import MarkerPoint from '../../../src/components/marker-point';
+const data = [
+ {
+ date: '2018/8/12',
+ value: 5,
+ },
+ {
+ date: '2018/8/12',
+ description: 'register',
+ value: 5,
+ },
+ {
+ date: '2018/8/12',
+ value: 5,
+ },
+ {
+ date: '2018/8/13',
+ value: 5,
+ },
+describe('Marker Point', () => {
+ const div = createDiv('canvas');
+ const line = new Line(div, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 400,
+ xField: 'date',
+ yField: 'value',
+ padding: [0, 0, 0, 0],
+ data,
+ point: {
+ visible: true,
+ },
+ });
+ line.render();
+ it('normal', () => {
+ const markerPoint = new MarkerPoint({
+ view: line.getLayer().view,
+ data: [data[0], data[1]],
+ });
+ // @ts-ignore
+ const points = markerPoint.points;
+ expect(markerPoint.container.getChildren().length).toBe(2);
+ // @ts-ignore
+ expect(points.length).toBe(2);
+ // @ts-ignore
+ expect(markerPoint.labels.length).toBe(0);
+ const shapes = line.getLayer().view.geometries[1].getShapes();
+ expect(shapes[0].getBBox().minX + shapes[0].getBBox().width / 2).toBe(
+ points[0].getBBox().minX + points[0].getBBox().width / 2
+ );
+ });
+ it('marker: custom image symbol', () => {
+ const markerPoint = new MarkerPoint({
+ view: line.getLayer().view,
+ data: [data[0], data[1]],
+ });
+ // @ts-ignore
+ const points = markerPoint.points;
+ expect(points[0].get('type')).not.toBe('image');
+ const markerPoint1 = new MarkerPoint({
+ view: line.getLayer().view,
+ data: [data[0], data[1]],
+ symbol: 'image://imgaeUrl',
+ });
+ // @ts-ignore
+ expect(markerPoint1.points[0].get('type')).toBe('image');
+ });
+ it('marker, offsetX & offsetY', () => {
+ const markerPoint = new MarkerPoint({
+ view: line.getLayer().view,
+ data: [data[0], data[1]],
+ offsetX: 10,
+ offsetY: -5,
+ });
+ // @ts-ignore
+ const points = markerPoint.points;
+ const shapes = line.getLayer().view.geometries[1].getShapes();
+ const shapeCenterPos = {
+ x: shapes[0].getBBox().minX + shapes[0].getBBox().width / 2,
+ y: shapes[0].getBBox().minY + shapes[0].getBBox().height / 2,
+ };
+ const pointCenterPos = {
+ x: points[0].getBBox().minX + points[0].getBBox().width / 2,
+ y: points[0].getBBox().minY + points[0].getBBox().height / 2,
+ };
+ expect(shapeCenterPos.x).not.toBe(pointCenterPos.x);
+ expect(shapeCenterPos.x + 10 /** offsetX */).toBe(pointCenterPos.x);
+ expect(shapeCenterPos.y - 5 /** offsetX */).toBe(pointCenterPos.y);
+ });
+ it('marker label & label style', () => {
+ const markerPoint = new MarkerPoint({
+ view: line.getLayer().view,
+ data: [data[0], data[1]],
+ label: {
+ visible: true,
+ field: 'description',
+ style: {
+ fill: 'red',
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ // @ts-ignore
+ const points = markerPoint.points;
+ // @ts-ignore
+ const labels = markerPoint.labels;
+ expect(labels.length).toBe(2);
+ expect(labels[1].attr('text')).toBe(data[1]['description']);
+ expect(labels[1].attr('fill')).toBe('red');
+ expect(points[0].getBBox().y).toBeGreaterThan(labels[0].getBBox().y);
+ });
+ it('label position & offsetX & offsetY', () => {
+ const markerPoint = new MarkerPoint({
+ view: line.getLayer().view,
+ data: [data[0], data[1]],
+ label: {
+ visible: true,
+ field: 'description',
+ position: 'bottom',
+ offsetX: 10,
+ offsetY: 5,
+ },
+ });
+ // @ts-ignore
+ const points = markerPoint.points;
+ // @ts-ignore
+ const labels = markerPoint.labels;
+ const labelBBox = labels[0].getBBox();
+ expect(points[0].getBBox().y).toBeLessThan(labelBBox.y);
+ expect(points[0].attr('x') + 10).toBe(labelBBox.minX + labelBBox.width / 2);
+ expect(points[0].attr('y') + 5).toBe(labelBBox.minY);
+ });
+ it('interaction & events', (done) => {
+ let clicked = false;
+ const markerPoint = new MarkerPoint({
+ view: line.getLayer().view,
+ data: [data[0], data[1]],
+ label: {
+ visible: true,
+ field: 'description',
+ },
+ events: {
+ click: () => (clicked = true),
+ },
+ style: {
+ normal: {
+ stroke: 'transparent',
+ },
+ selected: {
+ stroke: 'blue',
+ fill: 'red',
+ },
+ active: {
+ stroke: 'yellow',
+ fill: 'red',
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ // @ts-ignore
+ const points = markerPoint.points;
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ markerPoint.container.emit(`${markerPoint.name}:mouseenter`, {
+ target: points[1],
+ });
+ expect(points[1].attr('stroke')).toBe('yellow');
+ expect(points[1].attr('fill')).toBe('red');
+ // @ts-ignore
+ markerPoint.container.emit(`${markerPoint.name}:click`, {
+ target: points[0],
+ });
+ expect(clicked).toBe(true);
+ expect(points[0].attr('stroke')).toBe('blue');
+ expect(points[0].attr('fill')).toBe('red');
+ expect(points[1].attr('stroke')).toBe('transparent');
+ done();
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/__tests__/unit/plots/line/line-with-markerPoint-spec.ts b/__tests__/unit/plots/line/line-with-markerPoint-spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2bbe595718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__tests__/unit/plots/line/line-with-markerPoint-spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+import { Line } from '../../../../src';
+import { createDiv } from '../../../utils/dom';
+import { income as data } from '../../../data/income';
+import MarkerPoint from '../../../../src/components/marker-point';
+import { IShape } from '@antv/g2/lib/dependents';
+describe('Line plot with marker-point', () => {
+ const div = createDiv();
+ const linePlot = new Line(div, {
+ width: 600,
+ height: 600,
+ data,
+ xField: 'time',
+ yField: 'rate',
+ markerPoints: [
+ {
+ visible: true,
+ data: [{ time: '2013-06-13' }],
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ linePlot.render();
+ it('normal', () => {
+ const layer = linePlot.getLayer();
+ // @ts-ignore
+ const markerPoints: MarkerPoint[] = layer.markerPoints;
+ expect(markerPoints.length).toBe(1);
+ // @ts-ignore
+ expect(markerPoints[0].points.length).toBe(1);
+ // @ts-ignore
+ expect(markerPoints[0].labels.length).toBe(0);
+ });
+ it('with 2 markerPoints component', () => {
+ linePlot.updateConfig({
+ markerPoints: [
+ {
+ visible: true,
+ data: [{ time: '2013-06-13' }],
+ },
+ {
+ visible: true,
+ data: [{ time: '2013-06-16' }],
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ linePlot.render();
+ const layer = linePlot.getLayer();
+ // @ts-ignore
+ const markerPoints: MarkerPoint[] = layer.markerPoints;
+ expect(markerPoints.length).toBe(2);
+ });
+ it('custom markerPoints style', () => {
+ linePlot.updateConfig({
+ markerPoints: [
+ {
+ visible: true,
+ data: [{ time: '2013-06-13' }],
+ style: {
+ normal: {
+ fill: 'red',
+ stroke: '#000',
+ lineWidth: 1,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ linePlot.render();
+ const layer = linePlot.getLayer();
+ // @ts-ignore
+ const pointShapes: IShape[] = layer.markerPoints[0].points;
+ expect(pointShapes[0].attr('fill')).toBe('red');
+ expect(pointShapes[0].attr('stroke')).toBe('#000');
+ expect(pointShapes[0].attr('lineWidth')).toBe(1);
+ });
+ it('markerPoints with label', () => {
+ linePlot.updateConfig({
+ markerPoints: [
+ {
+ visible: true,
+ data: [{ time: '2013-06-13' }, { time: '2013-06-18' }],
+ style: {
+ normal: {
+ fill: 'red',
+ stroke: '#000',
+ lineWidth: 1,
+ },
+ },
+ label: {
+ visible: true,
+ formatter: () => 'hello',
+ style: {
+ fill: 'red',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ linePlot.render();
+ const layer = linePlot.getLayer();
+ // @ts-ignore
+ const labelShapes: IShape[] = layer.markerPoints[0].labels;
+ expect(labelShapes.length).toBe(2);
+ expect(labelShapes[0].attr('fill')).toBe('red');
+ expect(labelShapes[0].attr('text')).toBe('hello');
+ });
diff --git a/docs/manual/plots/pie.en.md b/docs/manual/plots/pie.en.md
index f18ffbca2b..3f3df40a1d 100644
--- a/docs/manual/plots/pie.en.md
+++ b/docs/manual/plots/pie.en.md
@@ -289,7 +289,6 @@ color:(d)=>{
| position | string | 位置,支持三种配置:
'left', 'middle', 'right' | left |
| style | object | 样式:
- fontSize: number 文字大小
- fill: string 文字颜色
- stroke: string 描边颜色
- lineWidth: number 描边粗细
- lineDash: number 虚线描边
- opacity: number 透明度
- fillOpacity: number 填充透明度
- strokeOpacity: number 描边透明度
| `{ fontSize: 12, fill: 'grey' }` |
### legend
**可选**, *object*
@@ -332,6 +331,8 @@ color:(d)=>{
| visible | boolean | 是否显示 | false |
| type | string | label的类型
- inner label显示于扇形切片内
- outer label显示于饼外
- outer-center label呈圆形排布于饼外
- spider 蜘蛛布局label| inner |
| autoRotate | boolean | 是否自动旋转 | false |
+| adjustPosition | boolean | 是否自动调整label位置(当label发生遮挡的时候,会自动进行调整) | true |
+| allowOverlap | boolean | 是否自动遮挡(当label发生遮挡的时候,会自动隐藏) | false |
| formatter | function | 对文本标签内容进行格式化 | - |
| offsetX | number | 在 label 位置的基础上再往 x 方向的偏移量 | - |
| offsetY | number | 在 label 位置的基础上再往 y 方向的偏移量 | - |
diff --git a/docs/manual/plots/pie.zh.md b/docs/manual/plots/pie.zh.md
index d7e6763b7a..3f3df40a1d 100644
--- a/docs/manual/plots/pie.zh.md
+++ b/docs/manual/plots/pie.zh.md
@@ -331,6 +331,8 @@ color:(d)=>{
| visible | boolean | 是否显示 | false |
| type | string | label的类型
- inner label显示于扇形切片内
- outer label显示于饼外
- outer-center label呈圆形排布于饼外
- spider 蜘蛛布局label| inner |
| autoRotate | boolean | 是否自动旋转 | false |
+| adjustPosition | boolean | 是否自动调整label位置(当label发生遮挡的时候,会自动进行调整) | true |
+| allowOverlap | boolean | 是否自动遮挡(当label发生遮挡的时候,会自动隐藏) | false |
| formatter | function | 对文本标签内容进行格式化 | - |
| offsetX | number | 在 label 位置的基础上再往 x 方向的偏移量 | - |
| offsetY | number | 在 label 位置的基础上再往 y 方向的偏移量 | - |
diff --git a/examples/line/marker/API.en.md b/examples/line/marker/API.en.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc82096aa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/line/marker/API.en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+title: API
+说明: **required** 标签代表组件的必选配置项,**optional** 标签代表组件的可选配置项。
+- `style: object` 标注点样式。
+ - `fill: string` 标注点颜色
+ - `opacity: number` 标注点颜色透明度
+ - `stroke: string` 标注点描边色
+ - `lineWidth: number` 标注点描边粗细
+## 快速开始
+ markerPoints: [
+ {
+ visible: true,
+ shape: 'circle',
+ data: [],
+ style: {
+ /** 正常样式 **/
+ normal: {},
+ /** 激活样式 **/
+ active: {},
+ /** 选中样式 **/
+ selected: {},
+ },
+ label: {
+ visible: true,
+ position: 'top',
+ style: {},
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+## symbol
+**optional** string | Function, 默认: `circle`
+1. string 类型。
+- 内置类型,可参见 G2 支持的`symbol`类型,包括: `hexagon`, `bowtie`, `cross`, `tick`, `plus`, `hyphen`, `line`
+- image类型,通过`iamge://url`的方式,指定标注点为具体的图片,url为图片地址
+2. Function 类型,可以自定义 symbol 绘制,如下:
+sumbol: (x: number, y: number, r: number) => {
+ return [
+ ['M', x - r, y - r],
+ ['L', x + r, y + r],
+ ['L', x + r, y - r],
+ ['L', x - r, y + r],
+ ['L', x - r, y - r],
+ ['Z'],
+ ];
+## size
+**optional** number, 默认: 6
+symbol 的大小
+## offsetX
+**optional** number, 默认: 0
+标注点坐标 x 方向偏移
+## offsetY
+**optional** number, 默认: 0
+标注点坐标 y 方向偏移
+## data
+**required** array
+> 注意,标注点的数据数组是图表 data 的子集
+data: [
+ // 匹配所有数据项为 3 的数据点
+ { value: 3 },
+ // 匹配 日期为 2019-10-01,且数值为 3 的数据点
+ { date: '2019-10-01', value: 3 },
+## label
+**optional** object
+- `visible: boolean` 标注点标签是否可见
+- `formatter: function` 标签格式化
+- `field: string` 标注点映射的数据字段,用于标注点标签
+- `position: string` 标注点标签位置,`top` | `bottom`
+- `offsetX: number` x 方向偏移
+- `offsetY: number` y 方向偏移
+- `style: object` 样式
+## style
+**optional** object
+- `normal` 正常样式
+- `active` 激活样式
+- `selected` 选中样式
+## events
+**optional** object
+- `mouseenter` 鼠标移入事件
+- `mouseleave` 鼠标移出事件
+- `click` 鼠标 click 事件
diff --git a/examples/line/marker/API.zh.md b/examples/line/marker/API.zh.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc82096aa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/line/marker/API.zh.md
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+title: API
+说明: **required** 标签代表组件的必选配置项,**optional** 标签代表组件的可选配置项。
+- `style: object` 标注点样式。
+ - `fill: string` 标注点颜色
+ - `opacity: number` 标注点颜色透明度
+ - `stroke: string` 标注点描边色
+ - `lineWidth: number` 标注点描边粗细
+## 快速开始
+ markerPoints: [
+ {
+ visible: true,
+ shape: 'circle',
+ data: [],
+ style: {
+ /** 正常样式 **/
+ normal: {},
+ /** 激活样式 **/
+ active: {},
+ /** 选中样式 **/
+ selected: {},
+ },
+ label: {
+ visible: true,
+ position: 'top',
+ style: {},
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+## symbol
+**optional** string | Function, 默认: `circle`
+1. string 类型。
+- 内置类型,可参见 G2 支持的`symbol`类型,包括: `hexagon`, `bowtie`, `cross`, `tick`, `plus`, `hyphen`, `line`
+- image类型,通过`iamge://url`的方式,指定标注点为具体的图片,url为图片地址
+2. Function 类型,可以自定义 symbol 绘制,如下:
+sumbol: (x: number, y: number, r: number) => {
+ return [
+ ['M', x - r, y - r],
+ ['L', x + r, y + r],
+ ['L', x + r, y - r],
+ ['L', x - r, y + r],
+ ['L', x - r, y - r],
+ ['Z'],
+ ];
+## size
+**optional** number, 默认: 6
+symbol 的大小
+## offsetX
+**optional** number, 默认: 0
+标注点坐标 x 方向偏移
+## offsetY
+**optional** number, 默认: 0
+标注点坐标 y 方向偏移
+## data
+**required** array
+> 注意,标注点的数据数组是图表 data 的子集
+data: [
+ // 匹配所有数据项为 3 的数据点
+ { value: 3 },
+ // 匹配 日期为 2019-10-01,且数值为 3 的数据点
+ { date: '2019-10-01', value: 3 },
+## label
+**optional** object
+- `visible: boolean` 标注点标签是否可见
+- `formatter: function` 标签格式化
+- `field: string` 标注点映射的数据字段,用于标注点标签
+- `position: string` 标注点标签位置,`top` | `bottom`
+- `offsetX: number` x 方向偏移
+- `offsetY: number` y 方向偏移
+- `style: object` 样式
+## style
+**optional** object
+- `normal` 正常样式
+- `active` 激活样式
+- `selected` 选中样式
+## events
+**optional** object
+- `mouseenter` 鼠标移入事件
+- `mouseleave` 鼠标移出事件
+- `click` 鼠标 click 事件
diff --git a/examples/line/marker/demo/animate.js b/examples/line/marker/demo/animate.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..122f837d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/line/marker/demo/animate.js
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import { Line } from '@antv/g2plot';
+const data = [
+ { date: '2019-01-01', value: 3 },
+ { date: '2019-02-01', value: 4 },
+ { date: '2019-03-01', value: 3.5 },
+ { date: '2019-04-01', value: 5 },
+ { date: '2019-05-01', value: 4.9 },
+ { date: '2019-06-01', value: 6 },
+ { date: '2019-07-01', value: 7 },
+ { date: '2019-08-01', value: 9 },
+ { date: '2019-09-01', value: 3 },
+ { date: '2019-10-01', value: 16 },
+ { date: '2019-11-01', value: 6 },
+ { date: '2019-12-01', value: 8 },
+const maxValue = Math.max.apply(
+ [],
+ data.map((d) => d.value)
+const linePlot = new Line(document.getElementById('container'), {
+ title: {
+ visible: true,
+ text: '标注最大值(带动画)',
+ },
+ description: {
+ visible: true,
+ text: '可通过 animation 配置标注点的动画',
+ },
+ forceFit: true,
+ padding: 'auto',
+ data,
+ xField: 'date',
+ yField: 'value',
+ yAxis: {
+ nice: true,
+ },
+ label: {
+ visible: false,
+ },
+ markerPoints: [
+ {
+ visible: true,
+ data: [{ value: maxValue }],
+ label: {
+ visible: true,
+ formatter: () => '最大值',
+ },
+ style: {
+ normal: { fill: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.65)' },
+ },
+ animation: {
+ endState: { size: 4, opacity: 0.3 },
+ animateCfg: {
+ duration: 1500,
+ easing: 'easeLinear',
+ repeat: true,
+ delay: 1200,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
diff --git a/examples/line/marker/demo/basic.js b/examples/line/marker/demo/basic.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f50489e1f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/line/marker/demo/basic.js
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+import { Line } from '@antv/g2plot';
+const data = [
+ { date: '2019-01-01', value: 3 },
+ { date: '2019-02-01', value: 4 },
+ { date: '2019-03-01', value: 3.5 },
+ { date: '2019-04-01', value: 5 },
+ { date: '2019-05-01', value: 4.9, festival: '劳动节' },
+ { date: '2019-06-01', value: 6 },
+ { date: '2019-07-01', value: 7 },
+ { date: '2019-08-01', value: 9 },
+ { date: '2019-09-01', value: 3 },
+ { date: '2019-10-01', value: 13, festival: '国庆节' },
+ { date: '2019-11-01', value: 6 },
+ { date: '2019-12-01', value: 23 },
+const linePlot = new Line(document.getElementById('container'), {
+ title: {
+ visible: true,
+ text: '带标注点的折线图',
+ },
+ description: {
+ visible: true,
+ text: '在折线图上标注重点的数据,如节假日等',
+ },
+ forceFit: true,
+ padding: 'auto',
+ data,
+ xField: 'date',
+ yField: 'value',
+ yAxis: {
+ nice: true,
+ },
+ label: {
+ visible: false,
+ },
+ markerPoints: [
+ {
+ visible: true,
+ data: [{ date: '2019-05-01', value: 4.9 }, { date: '2019-10-01' }],
+ label: {
+ visible: true,
+ field: 'festival',
+ },
+ },
+ ],
diff --git a/examples/line/marker/demo/custom-image.js b/examples/line/marker/demo/custom-image.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf617e0d3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/line/marker/demo/custom-image.js
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import { Line } from '@antv/g2plot';
+const data = [
+ { date: '2019-01-01', value: 3 },
+ { date: '2019-02-01', value: 4 },
+ { date: '2019-03-01', value: 3.5 },
+ { date: '2019-04-01', value: 5 },
+ { date: '2019-05-01', value: 4.9 },
+ { date: '2019-06-01', value: 6 },
+ { date: '2019-07-01', value: 7 },
+ { date: '2019-08-01', value: 9 },
+ { date: '2019-09-01', value: 7 },
+ { date: '2019-10-01', value: 13 },
+ { date: '2019-11-01', value: 13 },
+ { date: '2019-12-01', value: 13 },
+const linePlot = new Line(document.getElementById('container'), {
+ title: {
+ visible: true,
+ text: '使用 image 定义标注点',
+ },
+ description: {
+ visible: true,
+ text: '除了内置 symbol,还可以通过 "image://url" 设置为图片,其中 url 为图片的链接',
+ },
+ forceFit: true,
+ padding: 'auto',
+ data,
+ xField: 'date',
+ yField: 'value',
+ yAxis: {
+ nice: true,
+ },
+ label: {
+ visible: false,
+ },
+ markerPoints: [
+ {
+ visible: true,
+ data: [{ date: '2019-09-01' }],
+ size: 20,
+ symbol: 'image://https://gw.alipayobjects.com/mdn/rms_a30de3/afts/img/A*66RtR4cXNWoAAAAAAAAAAABkARQnAQ',
+ label: {
+ visible: true,
+ position: 'bottom',
+ offsetY: 8,
+ },
+ style: {
+ // 关闭动态样式
+ normal: { lineWidth: 0, fill: 'transparent' },
+ active: { lineWidth: 0, fill: 'transparent' },
+ selected: { lineWidth: 0, fill: 'transparent' },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
diff --git a/examples/line/marker/demo/custom-symbol.js b/examples/line/marker/demo/custom-symbol.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8c06829c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/line/marker/demo/custom-symbol.js
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+import { Line } from '@antv/g2plot';
+const data = [
+ { date: '2019-01-01', value: 3 },
+ { date: '2019-02-01', value: 4 },
+ { date: '2019-03-01', value: 3.5 },
+ { date: '2019-04-01', value: 5 },
+ { date: '2019-05-01', value: 4.9 },
+ { date: '2019-06-01', value: 6 },
+ { date: '2019-07-01', value: 7 },
+ { date: '2019-08-01', value: 9 },
+ { date: '2019-09-01', value: 3 },
+ { date: '2019-10-01', value: 23 },
+ { date: '2019-11-01', value: 6 },
+ { date: '2019-12-01', value: 8 },
+const generateStarPoints = (x, y, r) => {
+ const points = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ const x1 = r * Math.cos(((54 + i * 72) / 180) * Math.PI) + x;
+ const y1 = r * Math.sin(((54 + i * 72) / 180) * Math.PI) + y;
+ // 内接点
+ const x2 = r * Math.cos(((18 + i * 72) / 180) * Math.PI) * 0.5 + x;
+ const y2 = r * Math.sin(((18 + i * 72) / 180) * Math.PI) * 0.5 + y;
+ points.push([x2, y2]);
+ points.push([x1, y1]);
+ }
+ return points;
+const linePlot = new Line(document.getElementById('container'), {
+ title: {
+ visible: true,
+ text: '自定义标注点 symbol',
+ },
+ description: {
+ visible: true,
+ text: '内置 symbol 类型有:cross, hexagon, bowtie, tick, plus, hyphen, line',
+ },
+ forceFit: true,
+ padding: 'auto',
+ data,
+ xField: 'date',
+ yField: 'value',
+ yAxis: {
+ nice: true,
+ },
+ label: {
+ visible: false,
+ },
+ markerPoints: [
+ {
+ visible: true,
+ data: [{ value: 23 }],
+ label: {
+ visible: true,
+ formatter: () => '最大值',
+ },
+ size: 12,
+ style: {
+ normal: { fill: 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.85)', stroke: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.65)', lineWidth: 1 },
+ },
+ symbol: (x, y, r) => {
+ const points = generateStarPoints(x, y, r);
+ const path = [];
+ points.forEach((point, idx) => {
+ path.push([idx === 0 ? 'M' : 'L', point[0], point[1]]);
+ });
+ path.push(['Z']);
+ return path;
+ },
+ animation: {
+ endState: { size: 4, opacity: 0.3 },
+ animateCfg: {
+ duration: 1500,
+ easing: 'easeLinear',
+ repeat: true,
+ delay: 1200,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
diff --git a/examples/line/marker/demo/meta.json b/examples/line/marker/demo/meta.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8936069b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/line/marker/demo/meta.json
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ "title": {
+ "zh": "中文分类",
+ "en": "Category"
+ },
+ "demos": [
+ {
+ "filename": "basic.js",
+ "title": "带标注点的折线图",
+ "screenshot": "https://gw.alipayobjects.com/mdn/rms_d314dd/afts/img/A*b9T_Q5xpZgYAAAAAAAAAAABkARQnAQ"
+ },
+ {
+ "filename": "multi-markerpoint.js",
+ "title": "多种类型标注点",
+ "screenshot": "https://gw.alipayobjects.com/mdn/rms_d314dd/afts/img/A*-WEbS6l8Xk0AAAAAAAAAAABkARQnAQ"
+ },
+ {
+ "filename": "animate.js",
+ "title": "带动画的标注点",
+ "screenshot": "https://gw.alipayobjects.com/mdn/rms_d314dd/afts/img/A*WKioSL5x4rgAAAAAAAAAAABkARQnAQ"
+ },
+ {
+ "filename": "custom-symbol.js",
+ "title": "自定义标注点",
+ "screenshot": "https://gw.alipayobjects.com/mdn/rms_d314dd/afts/img/A*RekySYi5EmoAAAAAAAAAAABkARQnAQ"
+ },
+ {
+ "filename": "custom-image.js",
+ "title": "使用 image 定义标注点",
+ "screenshot": "https://gw.alipayobjects.com/mdn/rms_d314dd/afts/img/A*y6rgTbxv8nsAAAAAAAAAAABkARQnAQ"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/examples/line/marker/demo/multi-markerpoint.js b/examples/line/marker/demo/multi-markerpoint.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4bf9cac2f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/line/marker/demo/multi-markerpoint.js
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import { Line } from '@antv/g2plot';
+const data = [
+ { date: '2019-01-01', value: 3 },
+ { date: '2019-02-01', value: 4 },
+ { date: '2019-03-01', value: 3.5 },
+ { date: '2019-04-01', value: 5 },
+ { date: '2019-05-01', value: 4.9, festival: '劳动节' },
+ { date: '2019-06-01', value: 6 },
+ { date: '2019-07-01', value: 7 },
+ { date: '2019-08-01', value: 9 },
+ { date: '2019-09-01', value: -7, error: '异常' },
+ { date: '2019-10-01', value: 13, festival: '国庆节' },
+ { date: '2019-11-01', value: 13 },
+ { date: '2019-12-01', value: 13 },
+const linePlot = new Line(document.getElementById('container'), {
+ title: {
+ visible: true,
+ text: '多种类型标注点',
+ },
+ description: {
+ visible: true,
+ text: '在折线图上标注重点的数据,如节假日、异常点等',
+ },
+ forceFit: true,
+ padding: 'auto',
+ data,
+ xField: 'date',
+ yField: 'value',
+ yAxis: {
+ nice: true,
+ },
+ label: {
+ visible: false,
+ },
+ markerPoints: [
+ {
+ visible: true,
+ data: [{ date: '2019-05-01', value: 4.9 }, { date: '2019-10-01' }],
+ label: {
+ visible: true,
+ field: 'festival',
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ visible: true,
+ data: [{ date: '2019-09-01' }],
+ symbol: 'cross',
+ label: {
+ visible: true,
+ field: 'error',
+ position: 'bottom',
+ offsetY: 8,
+ },
+ style: {
+ normal: { stroke: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.65)', lineWidth: 2 },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
diff --git a/examples/line/marker/design.en.md b/examples/line/marker/design.en.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d7c247589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/line/marker/design.en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+title: 设计规范
diff --git a/examples/line/marker/design.zh.md b/examples/line/marker/design.zh.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02c31c8d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/line/marker/design.zh.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+title: 设计规范
diff --git a/examples/line/marker/index.en.md b/examples/line/marker/index.en.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7610a9f525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/line/marker/index.en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+title: Marker Point
+order: 8
+Marker point in a chart, the items always are tied to points
diff --git a/examples/line/marker/index.zh.md b/examples/line/marker/index.zh.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d570d087e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/line/marker/index.zh.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+title: 标注点
+order: 8
+图表标注, 标注点与数据点绑定
diff --git a/src/components/marker-point.ts b/src/components/marker-point.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b5e742efd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/marker-point.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+import { View, IGroup, IShape, MarkerSymbols } from '../dependents';
+import { deepMix, isMatch, isString, isArray, each, find } from '@antv/util';
+import { MappingDatum, GAnimateCfg } from '@antv/g2/lib/interface';
+import { DEFAULT_ANIMATE_CFG } from '@antv/g2/lib/animate';
+import { Event } from '@antv/g2/lib/dependents';
+interface PointStyle {
+ size?: number;
+ fill?: string;
+ stroke?: string;
+ lineWidth?: number;
+interface MarkerItem {
+ _origin: object;
+type AnimationOption = {
+ endState: PointStyle;
+ animateCfg: GAnimateCfg;
+interface Cfg {
+ view: View;
+ data: any[];
+ // 'image://http://xxx.xxx.xxx/a/b.png'
+ symbol?: string | ((x: number, y: number, r: number) => any[][]);
+ size?: number;
+ /** 标注点 point 坐标的 x 偏移 */
+ offsetX?: number;
+ offsetY?: number;
+ label?: {
+ visible: boolean;
+ /** marker point 映射的字段 */
+ field?: string;
+ /** _origin: 原始数据 */
+ formatter?: (text: string, item: MarkerItem, index: number) => string;
+ position?: 'top' | 'bottom';
+ offsetX?: number;
+ offsetY?: number;
+ style?: object;
+ };
+ style?: {
+ normal?: PointStyle;
+ active?: PointStyle;
+ selected?: PointStyle;
+ };
+ events?: {
+ mouseenter?: (e: Event) => void;
+ mouseleave?: (e: Event) => void;
+ click?: (e: Event) => void;
+ };
+ animation?: boolean | AnimationOption;
+const DEFAULT_STYLE = {
+ stroke: 'transparent',
+ fill: '#FCC509',
+ lineWidth: 0,
+const ACTIVE_STYLE = {
+ stroke: '#FFF',
+ fill: '#FCC509',
+ lineWidth: 1,
+ stroke: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.85)',
+ fill: '#FCC509',
+ lineWidth: 1,
+interface StateCondition {
+ id: string;
+ data: {};
+type State = 'active' | 'inactive' | 'selected';
+export { Cfg as MarkerPointCfg };
+ * 标注点 绘制在最顶层
+ */
+export default class MarkerPoint {
+ public view: View;
+ public container: IGroup;
+ public config: Cfg;
+ private points: IShape[] = [];
+ private labels: IShape[] = [];
+ private size: number;
+ private name = 'markerPoints';
+ private selectedPoint: IShape;
+ protected defaultCfg = {
+ offsetX: 0,
+ offsetY: 0,
+ style: { normal: DEFAULT_STYLE, selected: SELECTED_STYLE, active: ACTIVE_STYLE },
+ events: {
+ mouseenter: () => {},
+ mouseleave: () => {},
+ click: () => {},
+ },
+ label: {
+ visible: false,
+ offsetY: -8,
+ position: 'top',
+ style: {
+ fill: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)',
+ },
+ },
+ animation: false,
+ };
+ constructor(cfg: Cfg) {
+ this.view = cfg.view;
+ this.size = cfg.size || 6;
+ this.config = deepMix({}, this.defaultCfg, cfg);
+ this._init();
+ }
+ public render() {
+ const dataArray = this.getDataArray();
+ this._renderPoints(dataArray);
+ this.view.canvas.draw();
+ this._addInteraction();
+ }
+ public clear() {
+ if (this.container) {
+ this.container.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ public destroy() {
+ if (this.container) {
+ this.container.remove();
+ }
+ this.points = [];
+ this.labels = [];
+ }
+ protected getDataArray(): MappingDatum[][] {
+ const geometry = this.view.geometries[0];
+ return geometry.dataArray;
+ }
+ private _init() {
+ const layer = this.view.foregroundGroup;
+ this.container = layer.addGroup();
+ this.render();
+ this.view.on('beforerender', () => {
+ this.clear();
+ });
+ }
+ private _renderPoints(dataArray: MappingDatum[][]) {
+ each(this.config.data, (dataItem, dataItemIdx) => {
+ const origin = find(dataArray[0], (d) => isMatch(d._origin, dataItem));
+ if (origin) {
+ const pointAttrs = this.config.style.normal;
+ const group = this.container.addGroup({ name: this.name });
+ let { x, y } = origin;
+ if (isArray(x)) {
+ x = x[0];
+ }
+ if (isArray(y)) {
+ y = y[0];
+ }
+ let symbol = this.config.symbol;
+ const { offsetX, offsetY } = this.config;
+ let point;
+ if (isString(symbol) && symbol.startsWith('image://')) {
+ const imageUrl = symbol.substr(8);
+ point = group.addShape('image', {
+ attrs: {
+ x: x - this.size / 2 + offsetX,
+ y: y - this.size / 2 + offsetY,
+ img: imageUrl,
+ width: this.size,
+ height: this.size,
+ },
+ });
+ } else {
+ symbol = isString(symbol) ? MarkerSymbols[symbol] : symbol;
+ point = group.addShape({
+ type: 'marker',
+ name: 'marker-point',
+ id: `point-${dataItemIdx}`,
+ attrs: {
+ x: x + offsetX,
+ y: y + offsetY,
+ r: this.size / 2,
+ ...pointAttrs,
+ symbol,
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ this.points.push(point);
+ this._animatePoint(point);
+ this._renderLabel(group, origin, dataItemIdx);
+ group.set('data', dataItem);
+ group.set('origin', origin);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ private _renderLabel(container: IGroup, origin: MappingDatum, index) {
+ const { label: labelCfg } = this.config;
+ if (labelCfg && labelCfg.visible) {
+ const { offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0, formatter, position, field } = labelCfg;
+ let text = origin._origin[field];
+ if (formatter) {
+ text = formatter(text, { _origin: origin._origin }, index);
+ }
+ const x = isArray(origin.x) ? origin.x[0] : origin.x;
+ const y = isArray(origin.y) ? origin.y[0] : origin.y;
+ const label = container.addShape('text', {
+ name: 'marker-label',
+ id: `label-${index}`,
+ attrs: {
+ x: x + offsetX,
+ y: y + offsetY,
+ text: text || '',
+ ...labelCfg.style,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ textBaseline: position === 'top' ? 'bottom' : 'top',
+ },
+ });
+ this.labels.push(label);
+ }
+ }
+ private _addInteraction() {
+ const { events } = this.config;
+ each(events, (cb, eventName) => {
+ this.container.on(`${this.name}:${eventName}`, (e) => {
+ cb(e);
+ const target = e.target.get('parent');
+ const pointShape = target.get('children')[0];
+ if (pointShape) {
+ const data = pointShape.get('data');
+ const id = pointShape.get('id');
+ const condition = { id, data };
+ if (eventName === 'click') {
+ if (this.selectedPoint && this.selectedPoint.get('id') === id) {
+ this.selectedPoint = null;
+ this.setState('inactive', condition);
+ } else {
+ this.selectedPoint = pointShape;
+ this.setState('selected', condition);
+ }
+ } else if (eventName === 'mouseenter') {
+ this.setState('active', condition);
+ } else if (eventName === 'mouseleave') {
+ this.setState('inactive', condition);
+ }
+ }
+ this.view.canvas.draw();
+ });
+ this.view.on('click', (e) => {
+ const target = e.target.get('parent');
+ if (!target || (target.get('name') !== this.name && this.selectedPoint)) {
+ this.selectedPoint = null;
+ this.setState('inactive');
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ private setState(state: State, condition?: StateCondition) {
+ if (state === 'active') {
+ if (!this.selectedPoint || condition.id !== this.selectedPoint.get('id')) {
+ this._onActive(condition);
+ }
+ } else if (state === 'inactive') {
+ this.points.forEach((p) => this._onInactive(p));
+ } else if (state === 'selected') {
+ this._onSelected(condition);
+ }
+ }
+ private _onActive(condition?: StateCondition) {
+ const { active } = this.config.style;
+ each(this.points, (point) => {
+ if (point.get('id') === condition.id) {
+ each(active, (v, k) => {
+ point.attr(k, v);
+ });
+ } else {
+ this._onInactive(point);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ private _onInactive(point: IShape) {
+ const { normal } = this.config.style;
+ if (!this.selectedPoint || point.get('id') !== this.selectedPoint.get('id')) {
+ each(normal, (v, k) => {
+ point.attr(k, v);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ private _onSelected(condition: StateCondition) {
+ const { selected } = this.config.style;
+ each(this.points, (point) => {
+ if (point.get('id') === condition.id) {
+ each(selected, (v, k) => {
+ point.attr(k, v);
+ });
+ } else {
+ this._onInactive(point);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /** point animation, not for label */
+ private _animatePoint(shape: IShape) {
+ const { animation, size } = this.config;
+ if (animation !== false) {
+ const { endState = {}, animateCfg = DEFAULT_ANIMATE_CFG.appear } = animation as AnimationOption;
+ shape.animate(
+ {
+ r: Number.isNaN(endState.size / 2) ? size / 2 : endState.size / 2,
+ ...endState,
+ },
+ animateCfg
+ );
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/dependents.ts b/src/dependents.ts
index 62a84c46ef..a190347402 100644
--- a/src/dependents.ts
+++ b/src/dependents.ts
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ export {
} from '@antv/g2';
export { VIEW_LIFE_CIRCLE } from '@antv/g2/lib/constant';
+export { MarkerSymbols } from '@antv/g2/lib/util/marker';
export {
diff --git a/src/plots/line/layer.ts b/src/plots/line/layer.ts
index 2627b40423..3bc39516d6 100644
--- a/src/plots/line/layer.ts
+++ b/src/plots/line/layer.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { deepMix, has, map, each } from '@antv/util';
+import { deepMix, has, map, each, get, some } from '@antv/util';
import { registerPlotType } from '../../base/global';
import { LayerConfig } from '../../base/layer';
import ViewLayer, { ViewConfig } from '../../base/view-layer';
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { getPlotOption } from './animation/clipIn-with-data';
import responsiveMethods from './apply-responsive';
import LineLabel from './component/label/line-label';
import * as EventParser from './event';
+import MarkerPoint, { MarkerPointCfg } from '../../components/marker-point';
import './theme';
import './apply-responsive/theme';
import { LooseMap } from '../../interface/types';
@@ -55,6 +56,9 @@ export interface LineViewConfig extends ViewConfig {
color?: string;
style?: PointStyle;
+ markerPoints?: (Omit & {
+ visible?: boolean;
+ })[];
xAxis?: IValueAxis | ICatAxis | ITimeAxis;
yAxis?: IValueAxis;
@@ -88,16 +92,27 @@ export default class LineLayer exte
position: 'top-left',
wordSpacing: 4,
+ tooltip: {
+ crosshairs: {
+ line: {
+ style: {
+ stroke: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.45)',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ markerPoints: [],
public line: any; // 保存line和point的配置项,用于后续的label、tooltip
public point: any;
public type: string = 'line';
+ protected markerPoints: MarkerPoint[] = [];
public afterRender() {
- const props = this.options;
- if (this.options.label && this.options.label.visible && this.options.label.type === 'line') {
+ const options = this.options;
+ if (options.label && options.label.visible && options.label.type === 'line') {
const label = new LineLabel({
view: this.view,
plot: this,
@@ -105,8 +120,22 @@ export default class LineLayer exte
+ if (options.markerPoints) {
+ // 清空
+ each(this.markerPoints, (markerPoint: MarkerPoint) => markerPoint.destroy());
+ this.markerPoints = [];
+ options.markerPoints.forEach((markerPointOpt) => {
+ if (markerPointOpt.visible) {
+ const markerPoint = new MarkerPoint({
+ ...markerPointOpt,
+ view: this.view,
+ });
+ this.markerPoints.push(markerPoint);
+ }
+ });
+ }
// 响应式
- if (props.responsive && props.padding !== 'auto') {
+ if (options.responsive && options.padding !== 'auto') {
@@ -139,6 +168,14 @@ export default class LineLayer exte
protected coord() {}
+ protected tooltip() {
+ // 如果有标注点,则不展示markers
+ if (some(this.options.markerPoints, (markerPointOpt) => markerPointOpt.visible)) {
+ this.options.tooltip.showMarkers = false;
+ }
+ super.tooltip();
+ }
protected addGeometry() {
// 配置线
diff --git a/src/plots/pie/component/label/base-label.ts b/src/plots/pie/component/label/base-label.ts
index ccddaa73fe..0c428b3b64 100644
--- a/src/plots/pie/component/label/base-label.ts
+++ b/src/plots/pie/component/label/base-label.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { IGroup, IShape, BBox } from '../../../../dependents';
import { transform } from '@antv/matrix-util';
import { deepMix, isString } from '@antv/util';
-import { getEndPoint, getLabelRotate, getAngleByPoint } from './utils';
+import { getEndPoint, getLabelRotate, getAngleByPoint, getOverlapArea, near } from './utils';
import { Label } from '../../../../interface/config';
import PieLayer from '../../layer';
import { getEllipsisText } from './utils/text';
@@ -14,6 +14,17 @@ export function percent2Number(value: string): number {
return percentage / 100;
+ * 超出panel边界的标签默认隐藏
+ */
+function checkInPanel(label: IShape, panel: BBox): void {
+ const box = label.getBBox();
+ // 横向溢出 暂不隐藏
+ if (!(panel.y <= box.y && panel.y + panel.height >= box.y + box.height)) {
+ label.get('parent').set('visible', false);
+ }
export interface LabelItem {
x: number;
y: number;
@@ -28,6 +39,8 @@ export interface LabelItem {
export interface PieLabelConfig extends Omit