Svelte. Item list.
npm install --save svelte-item-list
Look at the example folder for a basic working example.
<!-- App.html -->
<!-- with store method-->
<ItemList configuration="{storeConfiguration}">
<div slot="loading">...loading</div>
<!-- with promise method-->
<ItemList configuration="{promiseConfiguration}">
<div slot="loading">...loading</div>
<!-- without configuration-->
<div slot="loading">...loading</div>
import ItemList from 'svelte-item-list'
let classListModel = {
root: 'item-list__container',
header: 'item-list__header_text',
item: {
root: 'item-list__item-text',
description: {
name: 'item-list_item-name-text',
root: 'item-list__description-root',
text: 'item-list__description-text'
icon: 'item-list__item-icon',
index: 'item-list__item-index',
point: 'item-list__item-point'
pagination: {
root: 'item-list__pagination',
option: 'pagination__option',
arrow: {
doubleLeft: 'icon-angle-double-left',
left: 'icon-angle-left',
right: 'icon-angle-right',
doubleRight: 'icon-angle-double-right'
let storeConfiguration = {
global: {
classListModel: classListModel,
body: {
enabled: true
isVisible: false,
header: {
enabled: true,
text: 'Example with store configuration'
endpoint: {
isStore: true,
value: store,
sortFunction: () => {}
pagination: {
enabled: true,
pageSize: 10,
step: {
limit: 1,
enabled: true
item: {
clickFunction: item => {},
bold: {
enabled: true,
count: 5
name: {
enabled: true,
prop: 'name'
description: {
enabled: true,
prop: 'description',
isHTML: true
point: {
enabled: true,
prop: 'point',
isTimeago: false
icon: {
enabled: true,
prop: 'icon'
index: {
enabled: true
light: {
prop: 'light'
let promiseConfiguration = {
global: {
classListModel: classListModel,
isVisible: false,
body: {
enabled: true
header: {
enabled: true,
text: 'Example with store configuration'
endpoint: {
isStore: false,
value: async () => items,
sortFunction: () => {}
pagination: {
enabled: true,
pageSize: 3,
step: {
limit: 1,
enabled: true
item: {
clickFunction: item => {},
bold: {
enabled: true,
count: 5
name: {
enabled: true,
prop: 'name'
description: {
enabled: true,
prop: 'description',
isHTML: true
point: {
enabled: true,
prop: 'point',
isTimeago: false
icon: {
enabled: true,
prop: 'icon'
index: {
enabled: true
light: {
prop: 'light'
The item list component is the only export of the module.
import ItemList from 'svelte-item-list'
- Describe model and pass to component or use default
- Describe own configuration (you can look at example)
- Describe own global-classes (you can look at example)
- Default configuration looks like the following
let configuration = {
global: {
classListModel: {
root: 'item-list__item-container',
header: 'item-list__header_text',
item: {
root: 'item_list__item-text',
description: {
name: 'item_list_item-name-text',
root: 'item-list__description-root',
text: 'item-list__description-text'
icon: 'item-list__item-icon',
index: 'item-list__item-index',
point: 'item-list__item-point'
pagination: {
root: 'item-list__pagination',
option: 'pagination__option',
arrow: {
doubleLeft: 'icon-angle-double-left',
left: 'icon-angle-left',
right: 'icon-angle-right',
doubleRight: 'icon-angle-double-right'
search: {
root: 'item-list__search',
input: 'item-list__search-input',
icon: {
root: 'icon-search'
isVisible: false,
body: {
enabled: true
header: {
enabled: true,
text: ''
search: {
enabled: true,
placeholder: 'Search right now',
icon: {
enabled: true
property: 'name'
endpoint: {
isStore: false,
value: async () => [],
sortFunction: (a, b) => {
return a[pointProp] - b[pointProp]
pagination: {
enabled: true,
pageSize: 3,
step: {
limit: 1,
enabled: true
item: {
clickFunction: item => {},
bold: {
enabled: true,
count: 5
name: {
enabled: true,
prop: 'name'
description: {
enabled: true,
prop: 'description',
isHTML: true
point: {
enabled: true,
prop: 'point',
isTimeago: false
icon: {
enabled: true,
prop: 'icon'
index: {
enabled: true
light: {
prop: 'light'
- drop non-required fields from config to use default when not assigned
- add animations to config
- add comments to config
- add filters
- add graphs