Week 2 Unit 6: Creating and Previewing the OData UI Service
In the present hands-on exercise, you will define the access control for the travel entity.
The access rules will consist of a literal condition for the view element CurrencyCode
and a PFCG condition for the view element TravelStatus
For the definition of the PFCG condition, you will create an authorization object – including authorization field and data element – from scratch.
You can watch week 2 unit 7: Implementing Basic Authorizations on the openSAP platform.
Hints and Tips
Speed up the typing by making use of the Code Completion feature (shortcut Ctrl+Space) and the prepared code snippets provided. You can easily open an object with the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+A, format your source code using the Pretty Printer feature Shift+F1 and toggle the fullscreen of the editor using the shortcut Ctrl+M.A great overview of ADT shortcuts can be found here: Useful ADT Shortcuts
Please note that the placeholder
used in object names in the exercise description must be replaced with the suffix of your choice during the exercises. The suffix can contain a maximum of 4 characters (numbers and letters). The screenshots in this document have been taken with the suffix1234
and systemD20
. Your system id will beTRL
Please note that the ADT dialogs and views may change in the future due to software updates.
Create the data element ZOSTAT####
(where ####
is your chosen suffix) for the travel status.
- Right-click on the Dictionary folder in the Project Explorer and choose
New > Data Element
from the context menu
as name and a meaningful description (e.g.Travel Status
) in the creation wizard and choose Next > to continue.
Package and Project have been assigned automatically. -
Assign a transport request and choose Finish.
The new data element will now appear in the appropriate editor. Make sure that
is selected in the Category field. -
as Type name.
Maintain the Fields Labels:Status
for the short label andTravel Status
for the medium, long and heading labels.
The maintenance of dditional properties is not needed for the current scenario.
Now create the authorization field ZOSTAT####
(where ####
is your chosen suffix) for the travel status.
Right-click on your package in the Project Explorer and select
New > Other ABAP Repository Objects
from the context menu. -
Filter the entries in the appearing dialog by entering
, chooseAuthorization Field
from the list and choose Next > to continue. -
as name in the creation wizard and choose Next >.
Package and Project have been assigned automatically. -
Assign a transport request and choose Finish.
The new authorization field appears in the appropriate editor.
Maintain the name of the previously created data element
in the Data Element field and savethe new authorization field. It will be automatically activated.
You’re through with the creation of the authorization field.Keep the Authorization object open and go to the next step to create the authorization object.
You will now create the authorization object ZOSTAT####
(where ####
is your chosen suffix) for the field travel status.
- Open the authorization field
and click on the linkCreate a new Authorization object and Assign the authorization field to it
in the What Next? section.
To start the creation wizard, you can also right-click on the authorization field
and chooseNew Authorization Object
from the context menu.
as name and a meaningful description (e.g. Authorization object for Travel Status) in the creation wizard and choose Next > to continue. -
Assign a transport request and choose Finish.
The new authorization object appears in the appropriate editor.
The previously created authorization fieldZOSTAT####
and the default activity fieldACTVT
are both listed in the Authorization Fields area. -
Maintain the permitted activities in the Permitted Activities area in the editor.
Double click Enter new Value and enter the four permitted activities below as shown on the screenshot.01
(Add or Create)02
the changes to activate the authorization object.
The Object Class will be maintained automatically.You’re now through with the creation of the authorization object.
You will now define the CDS access control (aka CDS role) ZI_RAP_Travel_####
(where ####
is your chosen suffix) for the Travel BO view. The access rules will consist of a literal condition for the view element CurrencyCode
and a PFCG condition for the view element TravelStatus
Right-click on your Travel BO View
in the Project Explorer and choose New Access Control from the context menu. -
as name and a meaningful description (e.g.Access control for ZI_RAP_Travel_####
) and choose Next to continue.The Project, the package and the Protected Entity are automatically assigned in the creation wizard.
Assign a transport request and choose Next to continue.
Select the template
Define Role with Simple Conditions
from the list and choose Finish.
Various Access Control templates are provided for your convenience.The created CDS Access Control appears in the appropriate editor.
You can make use of the Source Code Formatter (Shift+F1) to format the code.Short explanation:
The annotation@MappingRole:true
is defined at the top to assign the CDS role to every user regardless of the client.
The name of the CDS role is specified after theDEFINE ROLE
statement, the name of protected CDS entity is specified after theGRANT SELECT ON
statement and a dummy access rule is defined in theWHERE
clause consisting of a dummy literal condition and a user condition. -
Replace the dummy conditions in the
clause with a literal condition on the elementCurrencyCode
only allowing the records with the currency code Euro to be retrieved.
Use the code snippet provided below as shown on the screenshot for the purpose.CurrencyCode = 'EUR';
To check the result, start the Data Preview for the Travel BO view.
For that, choose the CDS viewZI_RAP_TRAVEL_####
in the Project Explorer and pressF8
or chooseOpen with > Data Preview
from the context menu (right-click) to display the data.Now only records with the currency key
(EURO) have been retrieved from the database.You can compare this result with the data preview of the underlying database table
that also comprises other currencies (e.g. USD, JPY).
Now go back to the CDS access control
and enhance the access rule with a PFCG condition on theTravelStatus
element. Only the authorized data according to the authorization objectZOSTAT####
should be retrieved and displayed for each user.For that, replace the condition in the WHERE clause with the code snippet provided below as shown on the screenshot.
Do not forget to replace all the occurrences of####
with your chosen suffix.( TravelStatus ) = aspect pfcg_auth ( ZOSTAT####, ZOSTAT####, actvt = '03') and CurrencyCode = 'EUR';
Now check again the result by starting the Data Preview for the Travel BO view
.No data is retrieved this time around!
The reason being that your user does not yet have the required authorization granted.
We will not handle the creation of Authorization Models in this course. -
Start again the Travel App preview in the service binding or simply refresh it (
) in the browser, and press go to retrieve the data.The data is still retrieved.
The reason behind this is that you have not yet defined access rules for the Travel BO projection viewZC_RAP_TRAVEL_####
that is used for in the service definition.
You can also run the Data preview for the CDS viewZC_RAP_TRAVEL_####
and see that the data is still retrieved.A CDS access control (aka CDS role) must be explicitly defined for each CDS entity. There is no implicit inheritance of access rules.
You will now define the CDS access control ZC_RAP_Travel_####
(where ####
is your chosen suffix) for the Travel BO projection view by inheriting the access rules defined in the underlying Travel BO view.
- Right-click on your Travel BO projection view
in the Project Explorer and chooseNew Access Control
from the context menu.
- Maintain
as name and a meaningful description (e.g.Access control for ZC_RAP_Travel_####
) and Choose Next to continue.
The Project, the Package and the Protected Entity fields are automatically assigned in the creation wizard.
Assign a transport request and choose Next to continue.
Select the template
Define Role with inherited Conditions
from the list and choose Finish.The created CDS access control appears in the appropriate editor.
Short explanation: The annotation
is defined at the top to assign the CDS role to every user regardless of the client. The name of the CDS role is specified after theDEFINE ROLE
statement, the name of protected CDS entity is specified after theGRANT SELECT ON
statement and theinheriting conditions from entity
statement with a dummy CDS entity name is defined in theWHERE
clause. -
Replace the dummy CDS entity name
in theinheriting conditions from entity
statement with the name of the Travel BO viewZI_RAP_TRAVEL_####
is your chosen suffix. -
Now you can again check the Data Preview of the Travel BO projection view
in ADT and in the Travel App preview in the browser.No data should be retrieved this time around.
You’re through with the creation of the access control for the Travel BO projection view.
As already mentioned, we will not handle the creation of Authorization Models in this course to grant user the required authorizations. Therefore, to recover the full access to your data without requiring such steps, you will just adjust the present access conditions.
Go to the CDS access control for the Travel BO view
is your chosen suffix), comment out the current access conditions defined in theWHERE
clause, and add the Booleantrue;
instead as shown in the screenshot below. -
You can now run the Data Preview for the Travel BO view
in ADT and test the Travel App in the browser. -
Now, you can again check the Data Preview of the Travel BO projection view
in ADT and in the Travel App preview in the browser.There is no need to make a change in the access control on the BO projection layer, because the changes in the underlying BO view layer will be inherited.
You have completed the exercise!
In this unit, you have learned how to create CDS roles to control the access to data at the CDS data model level and implement the inheritance access conditions at the CDS data model projection level.
Find the source code for the created CDS access controls in the /week2/sources folder:
Do not forget to replace all the occurrences of ####
with your chosen suffix in the copied source code.