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475 lines (325 loc) · 26.7 KB

Live Reload Middleware for ASP.NET Core

embeddable Live Reload Functionality for ASP.NET Core Applications


This library provides live reload functionality for static asset and code changes, and refreshing content as code is updated. This library is meant to be used:

  • When Visual Studio and .NET Hot Reload fails (as it often does)
    Built-in Hot Reload is great when it works, but unfortunately often it doesn't, or works badly requiring many explicit project restarts during debugging sessions. This library is very simple in detecting changes and refreshing and if necessary recompiling and re-running your server quickly.

  • Embeddable Live Reload for ASP.NET Applications
    This component is part of your ASP.NET application and can be configured via configuration (on/off, what files to monitor etc.). This means you can use Live Reload functionality any time including in deployed applications. Useful for building custom tools.

What's provided:

  • Live Reload Middleware Component
    Add the middleware to an existing Web UI Project to provide Live Reload functionality that causes the active page to reload if a file is changed.

  • Generic local Web Server as a Dotnet Tool
    There's also a standalone, self-contained local Web Server using this Live Reload functionality available as Dotnet Tool and Chocolatey Package. The server optionally also supports loose Razor Pages and rendering of Markdown documents. Simply run LiveReloadServer --WebRoot <folder> to locally serve a Web site.

This middleware automatically reloads content on any active HTML page in the project, when monitored source files are changed. The middleware by default monitors and detects changes in:

  • Razor Pages/Views
  • Client source files (.html, .css, .js, .ts etc.)
  • Server files (.cs, .json) using dotnet watch
  • Limited Blazor Support (see below)

The middleware is configurable so you can fine tune what triggers updates and which requests are automatically live reloaded. It can configure:

  • Which file extensions to monitor for changes
  • An optional handler to determine whether a changed file should reload the browser
  • An optional handler to decide whether a Web request url should live reload on change

Using these configuration options allow precise control over what triggers a refresh and which requests can be auto-refreshed.

Partial Integration in .NET 5.0's dotnet watch

.NET Core 5.0 and later integrates similar behavior based on this middleware directly in dotnet watch run. The advantage of built-in tooling is that it's external, and doesn't require any of the small code changes or additional library as this middleware does.

Unfortunately, it seems this functionality is half-baked in .NET 5.0. I've never gotten it to work on any working projects, so it may take .NET 6.0 to get this actually working reliably.This middleware offers a bit more functionality and has much more control over what content is monitored and which requests should auto-refresh, which is not possible with the built-in tooling. This library is also useful if you need to build your own custom servers that include live reload functionality like our generic static file Live Reload Web Server.

Install the Live Reload Middleware

You can install the Live Reload middleware from NuGet:

PS> Install-Package Westwind.AspNetCore.LiveReload

or via the .NET Core CLI:

dotnet add package Westwind.AspNetCore.LiveReload

The Middleware is self-contained and has no external dependencies - there's nothing else to install or run. The best running environment for this middleware is to run with dotnet watch run to automatically reload server side code to reload the server. The middleware can then automatically refresh the browser for both client side, Razor and server side files. You can also run the application in debug mode and get all but the server side change detection/live reload.

Minimum Requirements:

  • Works with ASP.NET Core 3.1, .NET 5.0

Here's a short video that demonstrates some of the functionality:

This demonstrates updating Razor Views/Pages, static CSS and HTML content, and making a source code change in a controller that affects the UI. The only thing 'running' in this demo is dotnet watch run and all page refreshes occur automatically when a change is made.

What does it do?

This middleware monitors for file changes in your project and tries to automatically refresh your browser when a change is detected. It uses a FileWatcher to monitor for file client file changes, and a WebSocket 'server' that client pages connect to refresh the page. The file watcher monitors client side files, while dotnet watch run is used for handling server side code change detection and server restart. The middleware automatically refreshes any active pages when the server is restarted.

The middleware intercepts all Content-Type: text/html page requests and injects a block of JavaScript code that hooks up the client WebSocket interface to support the 'remote' refresh operation. This includes both static pages as well as server generated pages and views. When file changes are detected, the server pushes a request to refresh the page to the WebSocket running in any HTML page rendered on the server, which causes the browser page to refresh. If you have 5 different pages open in your site, all 5 will refresh even if they are in different browsers.

This tool uses raw WebSockets, so it's very light weight with no additional library dependencies.

Live Reload can be turned off with a single configuration switch either in applicationConfiguration.json or via a single config.LiveReloadEnabled flag. When disabled the middleware is not hooked up and the entire code base is bypassed so there's no overhead when disabled. Any overhead for HTML injection and response buffering is only incurred if Live Reload is active.

In order to detect server side code changes and restart the server, you need to run your application with dotnet watch run. This built-in tool automatically restarts your .NET Core application any time a code change is made. dotnet watch run is optional, but without it server side code changes require you to manually restart the server. Razor Views/Pages don't require dotnet watch run to refresh since they are dynamically compiled at runtime (as long as AddRazorRuntimeCompilation() is added).


The full configuration and run process looks like this:

  • Add services.AddLiveReload() in Startup.ConfigureServices()
  • Add app.UseLiveReload() in Startup.Configure() before any output generating middleware
  • Run dotnet watch run to run your application

Add the namespace in Startup.cs:

using Westwind.AspNetCore.LiveReload;


Start with the following in Startup.ConfigureServices():

services.AddLiveReload(config =>
    // optional - use config instead
    //config.LiveReloadEnabled = true;
    //config.FolderToMonitor = Path.GetFullname(Path.Combine(Env.ContentRootPath,"..")) ;

// for ASP.NET Core 3.x and later, add Runtime Razor Compilation if using anything Razor

The config parameter is optional and it's actually recommended you set any values via standard .NET configuration (see below).


In Startup.Configure() add:

// IMPORTANT: Before **any other output generating middleware** handlers including error handlers


I recommend you add this early in the middleware pipeline before any other output generating middleware runs as it needs to intercept any HTML content and inject the Live Reload script into it.

Start your application

There are a couple of different ways to run your application:

  • Start as normal (via Dev IDE, or dotnet run)
    In this scenario Live Reload works for static files and Razor files (assuming Razor Compilation was added to the project), but not for .NET source files in the Web project (ie. controllers or codebehind Razor Page files, Models etc.)

  • Start with dotnet watch run
    Using this approach runs the application and it can detect changes to .NET Project files. Changes in .NET project files causes the server to be restarted.

When using dotnet watch run you'll want to disable to built-in browser refresh functionality so the recommended startup is:

dotnet watch run

Configuration Settings

LiveReload middleware has a number of configuration options, and you can use the standard .NET Core configuration paths - AppSettings.json, environment vars, command line - to add configuration settings.

Here's a typical AppSettings.json file:

  "LiveReload": {
    "LiveReloadEnabled": true,
    "ClientFileExtensions": ".cshtml,.css,.js,.htm,.html,.ts,.razor,.custom",
    "ServerRefreshTimeout": 1000,
    "WebSocketUrl": "/__livereload",
    "LiveReloadScriptUrl": "/__livereloadscript",
    "FolderToMonitor": "~/"
    // ... more options 

There are two event handlers that have to be set in the Startup.cs initialization code.

Here are the available configuration settings:

  • LiveReloadEnabled
    If this flag is false live reload has no impact as it simply passes through requests.
    The default is: true.

    I recommend you put: "LiveReloadEnabled": false into appsettings.json and "LiveReloadEnabled": true into appsettings.Development.json so this feature isn't accidentally enabled in Production.

  • ClientFileExtensions
    File extensions that the file watcher watches for in the Web project. These are files that can refresh without a server recompile, so don't include source code files here. Source code changes are handled via restarts with dotnet watch run.

  • FileInclusionFilter (code only) This filter allows to control whether a file change should cause the browser to refresh. This is useful to explicitly exclude files or files in entire sub-folders that shouldn't cause the browser to refresh, even though they are included in the file extension list for refreshes.

    The path passed in is a full OS path.

services.AddLiveReload(config => {
    config.FileInclusionFilter = path =>
        // don't trigger refreshes for files changes in the LocalizationAdmin sub-folder
        if (path.Contains("\\LocalizationAdmin", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            return FileInclusionModes.DontRefresh;

        // explicitly force a file to refresh without regard to file extension et al. rules
        // are checked before the configuration file filter is applied
        if (path.Contains("/"))
            return FileInclusionModes.ForceRefresh;
        // continue regular file extension list filtering
        return FileInclusionModes.ContinueProcessing;
  • FileInclusionFilter Delegate (code only)
    This filer lets you intercept files that have been changed and optionally decide whether you want to check the file for changes as it comes in.

The path passed in as a physical OS path.

services.AddLiveReload(config =>
    config.FileInclusionFilter = osPath =>
        // don't check /LocalizationAdmin subfolder
        if (osPath.Contains("LocalizationAdmin", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            return FileInclusionModes.DontRefresh;

        return FileInclusionModes.ContinueProcessing;
  • RefreshInclusionFilter Delegate (code only) This filter lets you control whether a URL should refresh or not. This setting is useful for excluding individual files or folders from auto-refreshing in the browser.

The path passed in is a Root Relative Web Path.

services.AddLiveReload(config =>
    // config.LiveReloadEnabled = true;   ideally set this in appsettings.json
    config.RefreshInclusionFilter = webPath =>
        // don't refresh files on the client in the /LocalizationAdmin folder
        if (webPath.Contains("/LocalizationAdmin", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            return FileInclusionModes.DontRefresh;
        return RefreshInclusionModes.ContinueProcessing;
  • ServerRefreshTimeout This value affects whether there's a timeout used for .cshtml and .razor pages when refreshing. This is to avoid refreshing the page before recompilation has started which might cause the page to refresh the unchanged view/page.

    In most cases this shouldn't be necessary so leave this value at 0 unless you run into problems with refreshing Razor views/pages, then bump that value by small increments.

  • WebSocketUrl
    The site relative URL to the Web socket handler. The default is /__livereload and there should be little reason to change this.

  • LiveReloadScriptUrl
    By default this points at the internal /__livereloadscript URL which serves the live reload script from a compiled resource, is linked into the page via a <script> tag. You can provide a custom URL with a custom script, or set the value to null which serves the live reload script inline of the original HTML document rather than the <script> tag.

  • WebSocketHost
    An explicit WebSocket host URL. Useful if you are running on HTTP2 which doesn't support WebSockets (yet), so you can point at another exposed host URL in your server that serves HTTP1.1.

    Don't set this value unless you have to - the default uses the current request's host and protocol handler ($"{prefix}://{host.Host}:{host.Port}"). Example: wss://localhost:5200.

    Note: Ideally set up your applications to support both HTTP 1.1 and 2.0. More info here.

  • FolderToMonitor
    This is the folder that's monitored. By default it's ~/ which is the Web Project's content root (not the Web root). Other common options are: ~/wwwroot for Web only, ~/../ for the entire solution, or ~/../OtherProject/ for another project (which works well for client side Razor).

Try it out

So to check out this functionality you can run the simple stock ASP.NET Core sample project. Let's demonstrate the three common live reload scenarios:

  • Updating Static Files
  • Updating Razor Views/Pages
  • Updating on server code changes

Update Static Files

  • Start the application (recommend dotnet watch run but not required)
  • Open the Index Page
  • Open `wwwroot/css/site.css'
  • Make a change in the CSS (change the Font-size in the first html entries)
  • Save the file

You should see the change reflected immediately. Sometime you may have to refresh once to get the cache to reset for CSS changes to show, but subsequent refreshes should show immediately.

CSS Refresh may require one Hard Browser Refresh first

When updating CSS files, changes may not cause the browser to refresh autoamtically in some cases, due to the caching rules that browsers use. However, you can hard refresh the page (ctrl-shift-r) once, and any subsequent requests should show any changes you make to the CSS file.

Update Razor Views

  • Start the application (recommend dotnet watch run but not required)
  • Open the Index Page
  • Open Views/Home/Index.cshtml
  • Make a change in the Header text - Welcome Live Reload
  • Save the file

You should see the change reflected immediately.

First Time Razor Refresh can be slow

The first time you refresh a Razor Page or View can be very slow as the Razor runtime and compiler are loaded for the first time. It can take a few seconds before this first request is refreshed. Subsequent requests however, will be very quick.

Server Changes

  • Start the application with dotnet watch run (required or otherwise you have to manually restart app)
  • Open the Index Page
  • Open Controllers/HomeController.cs
  • Make a change in ViewBag.Message
  • Save the file

The page will refresh but it will take a while as the server has to restart. Typically 3-5 seconds or so for a simple project, longer for more complex projects obviously.

You may have to tweak the ServerRefreshTimeout value to account for the time your server takes to restart to get a reliable refresh.

HTTP2 Support

If you're using this extension with HTTP2 connections make sure you set your connections to support both Http1 and Http2. WebSockets don't work over HTTP2, so you need to also expose HTTP1 endpoints.

To do this you you can use this in your startup Builder configuration:

public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
        .ConfigureKestrel(options =>
            options.ConfigureEndpointDefaults(c => c.Protocols = HttpProtocols.Http1AndHttp2);

The important bit is c.Protocols = HttpProtocols.Http1AndHttp2.

Blazor Support?

Several people have asked about Blazor support and yes this tool can provide refresh to Blazor applications and yes it can - sort of.

Server Side Blazor

If you are using a server side Blazor project you can just use dotnet watch run which automatically provides browser refresh (unreliable but it sort of works). You'll need to add:

    <Watch Include="**\*.razor" />

and that should work. In my experience this is really flakey though and you can double that up with this Live Reload addin which will also refresh the page when the project restarts.

Client Side Blazor

For client side Blazor the story is more complex and there's no real good solution for quick auto-reload, because client side blazor has no individual page recompile, but has to completely recompile the blazor project.

Live Reload can work with this but it's slow as both the Blazor project has to be recompiled and the server project restarted (don't know if there's a way to just trigger a recompile of the client project on its own - if you think of a way please file an issue so we can add that!)

The following is based on the default project template that uses two projects for a client side blazor: The ASP.NET Core hosting project and the Blazor client project.

  • Add LiveReload to the ASP.NET Core Server Project
  • Set up monitoring for the entire solution (or the Blazor Project only)
  • Add the Blazor extension

You can do this in configuration via:

  "LiveReload": {
    "LiveReloadEnabled": true,
    "ClientFileExtensions": ".css,.js,.htm,.html,.ts,.razor,.cs",
    "FolderToMonitor": "~/.."

This adds the .razor,.cs extensions and it basically monitors the entire Solution (~/..) for changes. Alternately you can also point at the Blazor project instead:

"FolderToMonitor": "~/../MyBlazorProject"

Since Blazor projects tend to not care about the .NET Core backend that just acts as static file service you probably only need to monitor the client side project in Blazor projects. Either the entire solution or Blazor project folders work.

  • Start the application with dotnet watch run (required or you need to manually restart)
  • Open the Index Page
  • Open Pages/Index.razor
  • Make a change in the page
  • Save the file

Reload will not be quick because the Blazor client project and the .NET Core project will recompile and restart. For a simple hello world it takes about 5 seconds on my local setup. For a full blown applications this may be even slower.

Obviously this is not ideal, but it's better than nothing. Live Reload works as it should but the underlying problem is that the actual content is not refreshing quickly enough to make this really viable.

We can only hope Microsoft come up with a built-in solution to trigger the recompilation of the client project or better yet recompilation of a single view as it's changed.

Change Log

Version 0.3.7

  • Fix: LiveReload JavaScript code
    Cleanup the reload code for consistency. Explicitly set no-cache header in HTML pages to force pages to not cache on the client and always reload on a window.location.reload().

Version 0.3.6

  • Add explicit .NET 6.0 Target
    Add explicit .NET 6 targeting support and sample. Thanks to @davidfowler for finding the missing implementation for new WriteAsync() behavior in 6.0.

Version 0.3.3

  • External Script Request for Reload JavaScript
    Added a LiveReloadScriptUrl configuration property that when set embeds a script URL to serve the Live reload script externally. This allows customizing how the JavaScript script is loaded for special cases or for easier debugging. If set the script URL is used and the default is /__livereloadscript which is internally served from an embedded resource. By setting LiveReloadScriptUrl blank or null, the old behavior of loading the script inline in the page is used instead.

  • Fix: WebSocket Reload Logic Updated WebSocket reload logic by clearing the interval to avoid overlapping WebSocket reload requests if a socket is not available. This should cut down on the noise that was created when a connection with the server is lost and then fires many backed up socket requests at once. PR #46

Version 0.3.0

  • Add .NET Core 5.0 Target
    Added support for .NET Core 5.0 and removed .NET Core 2.1 support which cleans up a bit of code due to core framework interface differences.

Version 0.2.11

  • Fix: Now refreshes Developer Error Page
    When an error page using app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); is displayed, the page is now refreshed when you make any changes to fix your error. The error page refreshes using the original URL that caused the error and should display the fixed page - or not if you mucked it up 😄.

Version 0.2.10

  • Add RefreshInclusionFilter Configuration Property This setting allows you to programmatically exclude a file or folder from live refreshing. The Func<string, RefreshInclusionModes> hook allows you to explicitly create rules to include or exclude files or entire folders from processing.

  • Add FileInclusionFilter Configuration Property
    Adds a configuration Func<string, FileInclusionModes> hook to allow explicitly specifying whether files are checked for change notifications. You can either include or reject files in this hook function which gives precise control over what files are monitored and passed through for triggering browser refresh.
    Note: this feature was added by PR in 0.2.7, but has been changed to return an FileInclusionModes enum for more explicit options rather than the original bool.

Version 0.2.4

  • Better preservation of scroll position in Refresh script
    Changed the client script to use location.reload() instead of a force refresh with location.reload(true). The forced refresh also forces the top of the page to be displayed, while reload preserves scroll position in most browsers (Edge Chromium not for some reason)

  • Add Lifecycle Management CancellationToken to Web Socket Read
    Added the cancellation token to the WebSocket.Receive() operation so the socket can safely abort when the application is shut down. Previously this was causing problems in some application that used ASP.NET Core Lifecycle operations to not fire those event due to the still active WebSocket timing out before the app would shut down.

  • Fix: Rendering Errors when Live Reload Enabled
    Fix issue where rendering was failing due to a missing await on output generation which would intermittently cause pages to fail. Fixed.

  • Fix: Errors with Concurrency for WebSocket Storage
    Switched to ConcurrentDictionary for the Web Socket list storage.

Version 0.1.17

  • Delay load injected WebSocket Script Code
    Change the injected WebSocket script code so it delay loads to avoid potential page load hangs or dual updates.

  • Update Response Rewrite to use IHttpResponseStreamFeature
    Update internal code used to rewrite response data for HTML content using the recommended HTTP Features rather than rewriting the Response.Body stream directly.

Version 0.1.14

  • Change Targeting to .NET Core 2.1 and 3.1
    Changed targets to the LTS releases of .NET Core. Also changed dependencies to Microsoft.AspNetCore.App to reference all base ASP.NET Core base dependencies for better update package management support for apps integrating with this library.

  • Update Samples
    Updated the samples to be easier to use and provide links to files that can be edited so it's easier to try out the sample and see live reloading work. Also re-targeted the sample app to .NET Core 2.2 and 3.1 (two separate projects due to separate ASP.NET configuration config).

Version 0.1.07

  • Add explicit support for .NET Core 3.0
    Add a .NET Core 3.0 target to the NuGet package, to minimize package resolution issues.

  • Add LiveReloadWebServer Chocolatey Package
    Add support for a deployed fully self-contained Chocolatey Package.


  • Add new standalone LiveReloadServer Dotnet Tool
    Added a new generic live reload server that's used that can be used to serve generic static HTML content and loose Razor Pages out of a folder. It's basically a standalone static Web Server which by default has Live Reload enabled. Although meant as a local server/tool, it can also be used like any other ASP.NET Core application and run behind a Web server like IIS or NGINX.

  • Fix issues with .NET Core 3.0
    Fixed various compatibility issues related to API changes in .NET Core 3.0. Library now works with .NET Core 3.0.


  • Fix bug with Static HTML Files Content Length
    Fix Response.ContentLength by setting to null to force contentlength be calculated. Static files set this value to a fixed length and when we re-write this breaks the length. Fixed.

  • Update ASP.NET Core Packages to 2.1.1
    Updated all core dependencies to use patched 2.1.1. Stick with