All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.2.0 (2023-09-09)
- Flutter 3.13 support (c7f8766)
- ctrl + click or ctrl + enter copies without closing window (f040556)
- use more fps gifs (800c9b9)
- use table for about page (c38d390)
- settings page list tile no title gap & show character for invalid emoji at least (a815e62)
- window closing on focus change (53b3f29)
0.1.1 (2023-04-27)
- custom shortcut manager and registry (9f99216)
- shortcut edit dialog (26d5f27)
- shortcut edit page (681f1a8)
- shortcut persistance (1af0d53)
- add settings and about page (86b61d2)
- basic navigation related shortcuts (6dd24d3)
- close on wayland support, launch at start up support and headless mode (1878ddd)
- create tenor client requests and response models (1cfa2e6)
- dark mode support and wayland instant shortcut support (4f650c8)
- dependencies added and configured plugins (e9b31ff)
- emoticons support (dc8ded0)
- gif search (7149cfd)
- gif: loading spinner and hide on copy (b79b65d)
- infinitely scrollable trending page, copy gif to clipboard support and fix model types (b9de096)
- keyboard shortcut configuration panel (3188edb)
- launch at startup toggle and material 3 (74931bb)
- loading animation and tenor + giphy branding (f2c8cf2)
- performance: dispose every widget on window hidden and re-initialize when shown (1ed5452)
- semi transparent background and minimal theme configuration (5ba216d)
- server based window invoke on wayland (bae62b4)
- show wayland alert dialog for shortcuts (7241ca3)
- top bar and system accent color (79cc68e)
- upgrade lean deps and better theme (290424e)
- use twemoji, window show/hide, search emoji, focus management (ee550af)
- vertical tabs (7c2320d)