Version column description:
"-" Means this util was added from the start.
"5678" Means this util was introduced in revision 5678.
"-5678" Means this util was removed in revision 5678.
- AbsI
- AbsS
- ArrayAppend
- ArrayAppendI
- ArrayAppendS
- ❌ ArrayElementCount
- ArrayElementCount
- ❌ ArrayElementCountI
- ArrayElementCountI
- ❌ ArrayElementCountS
- ArrayElementCountS
- ArrayFindMaxI
- ArrayFindMaxS
- ArrayFindMinI
- ArrayFindMinS
- ❌ ArrayHasElement
- ArrayHasElement
- ❌ ArrayHasElementI
- ArrayHasElementI
- ❌ ArrayHasElementS
- ArrayHasElementS
- ArraySumI
- ArraySumS
- ColorFromHSB
- ColorFromHSV
- ColorFromRGB
- DistanceI
- DistanceS
- EnsureRangeI
- EnsureRangeS
- FMod
- Format
- HexToInt
- IfThen
- IfThenI
- IfThenS
- InAreaI
- InAreaS
- InRangeI
- InRangeS
- Lerp
- LerpXY
- MapRange
- MaxI
- ❌ MaxInArrayI
- ❌ MaxInArrayS
- MaxS
- MinI
- ❌ MinInArrayI
- ❌ MinInArrayS
- MinS
- Power
- Random
- RandomI
- Sqr
- ❌ SumI
- ❌ SumS
- TimeToString
Ver sion |
Utility function description |
Parameters and types |
Returns |
5422 | AbsI Returns absolute value of specified integer |
aValue: Integer; | Integer |
5422 | AbsS Returns absolute value of specified single number |
aValue: Single; | Single |
15066 | ArrayAppend Appends value to an array of string and returns new array. String array should be declared as TKMStringArray instead of "array of string". |
var aArray: TKMStringArray; aValue: string; |
15066 | ArrayAppendI Appends value to an array of integer and returns new array. Integer array should be declared as TKMIntegerArray instead of "array of integer". |
var aArray: TKMIntegerArray; aValue: Integer; |
15066 | ArrayAppendS Appends value to an array of single and returns new array. Single array should be declared as TKMSingleArray instead of "array of single". |
var aArray: TKMSingleArray; aValue: Single; |
5422 | ArrayElementCount ❌ Removed Method was removed, use ArrayElementCount instead |
aArray: array of String; aElement: string; |
Integer |
15136 | ArrayElementCount Checks how many times specified string comes in requested array |
aArray: array of String; aElement: string; |
Integer |
5422 | ArrayElementCountI ❌ Removed Method was removed, use ArrayElementCountI instead |
aArray: array of Integer; aElement: Integer; |
Integer |
15136 | ArrayElementCountI Checks how many times specified integer comes in requested array |
aArray: array of Integer; aElement: Integer; |
Integer |
5422 | ArrayElementCountS ❌ Removed Method was removed, use ArrayElementCountS instead |
aArray: array of Single; aElement: Single; |
Integer |
15136 | ArrayElementCountS Checks how many times specified single comes in requested array |
aArray: array of Single; aElement: Single; |
Integer |
15136 | ArrayFindMaxI Returns max number of array elements |
aArray: array of Integer; | Integer |
15136 | ArrayFindMaxS Returns max number of array elements |
aArray: array of Single; | Single |
15136 | ArrayFindMinI Returns min number of array elements |
aArray: array of Integer; | Integer |
15136 | ArrayFindMinS Returns min number of array elements |
aArray: array of Single; | Single |
5422 | ArrayHasElement ❌ Removed Method was removed, use ArrayHasElement instead |
aArray: array of String; aElement: string; |
Boolean |
15136 | ArrayHasElement Checks whether requested array has specified string |
aArray: array of String; aElement: string; |
Boolean |
5422 | ArrayHasElementI ❌ Removed Method was removed, use ArrayHasElementI instead |
aArray: array of Integer; aElement: Integer; |
Boolean |
15136 | ArrayHasElementI Checks whether requested array has specified integer |
aArray: array of Integer; aElement: Integer; |
Boolean |
5422 | ArrayHasElementS ❌ Removed Method was removed, use ArrayHasElementS instead |
aArray: array of Single; aElement: Single; |
Boolean |
15136 | ArrayHasElementS Checks whether requested array has specified single number |
aArray: array of Single; aElement: Single; |
Boolean |
15136 | ArraySumI Returns sum of the elements of requested array |
aArray: array of Integer; | Integer |
15136 | ArraySumS Returns sum of the elements of requested array |
aArray: array of Single; | Single |
14387 | ColorFromHSB Create RGB color from Hue, Saturation and Brightness Hue goes from 0.0 to 1.0 (RoyG.Biv) Saturation goes from 0.0 to 1.0 (Grey to Colorful) Brightness goes from 0.0 to 1.0 (Black to Bright to White) Returns RGB color value |
H: Single; S: Single; B: Single; |
Integer |
14387 | ColorFromHSV Create RGB color from Hue, Saturation and Volume Hue goes from 0.0 to 1.0 (RoyG.Biv) Saturation goes from 0.0 to 1.0 (Grey to Colorful) Volume goes from 0.0 to 1.0 (Black to Bright) Returns RGB color value |
H: Single; S: Single; V: Single; |
Integer |
14387 | ColorFromRGB Create RGB color from Red, Green and Blue components All values need to be in the range 0.0 to 1.0 Returns RGB color value |
R: Single; G: Single; B: Single; |
Integer |
14363 | DistanceI Returns the length of the vector. Sqrt(x * x + y * y) |
aX, aY: Integer; | Single |
14363 | DistanceS Returns the length of the vector. Sqrt(x * x + y * y) |
aX, aY: Single; | Single |
5422 | EnsureRangeI Returns the closest to aValue integer that is in interval [aMin..aMax] |
aValue: Integer; aMin, aMax: Integer; |
Integer |
5422 | EnsureRangeS Returns the closest to aValue single number that is in interval [aMin..aMax] |
aValue: Single; aMin, aMax: Single; |
Single |
15658 | FMod Returns floating point remainder of aNumerator / aDenominator (like mod in integers) with the same sign as aNumerator. |
aNumerator: Single; aDenominator: Single; |
Single |
5422 | Format Wrapper for pascal Format function Formats aFormat string with specified aArgs array of arguments |
aFormat: string; aArgs: array of const; |
string |
5422 | HexToInt Converts hex string into a number |
aHexString: string; // should be in form "1234AB", without $ or 0x prefix | Integer |
5422 | IfThen Checks condition aBool and returns aTrue/aFalse string depending on check result |
aBool: Boolean; aTrue: string; aFalse: string; |
string |
5422 | IfThenI Checks condition aBool and returns aTrue/aFalse integer depending on check result |
aBool: Boolean; aTrue: Integer; aFalse: Integer; |
Integer |
5422 | IfThenS Checks condition aBool and returns aTrue/aFalse single number depending on check result |
aBool: Boolean; aTrue: Single; aFalse: Single; |
Single |
5422 | InAreaI 2D variant of InRange, can be used for unit locs checks |
aX, aY: Integer; aXMin: Integer; aYMin: Integer; aXMax: Integer; aYMax: Integer; |
Boolean |
5422 | InAreaS 2D variant of InRange |
aX, aY: Single; aXMin: Single; aYMin: Single; aXMax: Single; aYMax: Single; |
Boolean |
5422 | InRangeI Checks whether specified aValue is in interval [aMin..aMax] |
aValue: Integer; aMin, aMax: Integer; |
Boolean |
5422 | InRangeS Checks whether specified aValue is in interval [aMin..aMax] |
aValue: Single; aMin, aMax: Single; |
Boolean |
14995 | Lerp Interpolates linearly between A and B. The function will work with any value of aFraction, but usually it must be between 0.0 and 1.0 |
A, B: Single; aFrac: Single; |
Single |
14995 | LerpXY Interpolates linearly between two sets of X and Y values. The function will work with any value of aFrac, but usually it must be between 0.0 and 1.0 |
aX1: Single; aX2: Single; aY1: Single; aY2: Single; aFracX: Single; aFracY: Single; |
Single |
14995 | MapRange Maps a value proportionally from one range to another |
aValue: Single; aFromMin: Single; aFromMax: Single; aToMin: Single; aToMax: Single; |
Single |
5422 | MaxI Returns max number of two specified |
A, B: Integer; | Integer |
5422 | MaxInArrayI ❌ Removed Method was removed, use ArrayFindMaxI instead |
aArray: array of Integer; | Integer |
5422 | MaxInArrayS ❌ Removed Method was removed, use ArrayFindMaxS instead |
aArray: array of Single; | Single |
5422 | MaxS Returns max number of two specified |
A, B: Single; | Single |
5422 | MinI Returns min number of two specified |
A, B: Integer; | Integer |
5422 | MinInArrayI ❌ Removed Method was removed, use ArrayFindMinI instead |
aArray: array of Integer; | Integer |
5422 | MinInArrayS ❌ Removed Method was removed, use ArrayFindMinS instead |
aArray: array of Single; | Single |
5422 | MinS Returns min number of two specified |
A, B: Single; | Single |
5422 | Power Exponentation, returns base "aBase" raised to power "aExp". F.e. Power(3, 2) = 3^2 = 9 |
aBase: Extended; aExp: Extended; |
Extended |
6683 | Random Returns random float within 0..1 |
Single | |
6683 | RandomI Returns random integer within 0..aMax-1 |
aMax: Integer; | Integer |
5422 | Sqr Returns A^2 = A*A |
A: Extended; | Extended |
5422 | SumI ❌ Removed Method was removed, use ArraySumI instead |
aArray: array of Integer; | Integer |
5422 | SumS ❌ Removed Method was removed, use ArraySumS instead |
aArray: array of Single; | Single |
5422 | TimeToString Converts game ticks count into string: HH:MM:SS Can be used for scripted timers |
aTicks: Integer; | string |