Public directory of KMR and KP tools and resources and their descriptions.
Dynamic script editor for KMR and KP.
Created by Thibmo
Source code:
Handy tool for working with crashreports on emailserver
Applicable: KMR, KP
Created by Krom and Rey
Source code: private repo on github
Applicable: KMR, KP
Source code:
Hosted: and
Parser and exporter of dynamic script API methods and types for Wiki and Scripting Editor.
Applicable: KMR, KP
Created by Krom, Lewin, Rey, Thibmo
Source code: moved from KMR and KP sources to
Created by Toxic Abandoned Source code:
ExtAI (for KP) #2 - Another external AI API for KP. ExtAIs are in executables (EXE). Exchange via sockets.
Created by Krom and LIFEfreedom Abandoned Source code: private repo on github (
Auth and user accounts platform for KMR and KP. Written with Nette (and uses Doctrine ORM). Has MapArchive implemented Backend created by greeny Source code: private on github Hosted:
by LIFEfreedom on ASP.NET Core. Abandoned
- Auth and user accounts platform for KMR and KP. Written in Delphi. Works via SCGI and Nginx under Windows. Crosscompiled to Linux (thanks Thibmo) Backend created by Krom Source code: private Hosted:
Map Platform - Website with maps for KMR and KP and potentially API methods. Created by Thibmo Source code: Hosted:
Knights Tavern map archive - Website with maps for KMR Created by greeny Source code: Hosted: