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138 lines (107 loc) · 6.6 KB

File metadata and controls

138 lines (107 loc) · 6.6 KB


package: reflexia/internal
imports: errors, flag, fmt, io/fs, log, net/url, os, path/filepath, slices, strings,,,,, reflexia/pkg/project, reflexia/pkg/summarize

cmdline arguments:

  • -g: valid link for github repository
  • -u: github username for ssh auth
  • -t: github token for ssh auth
  • -l: config filename in project_config to use
  • -c: do not check project root folder specific files such as go.mod or package.json
  • -s: do not create and, just print the file summaries
  • -r: do not create
  • -p: do not create for every package in the project
  • -br: overwrite for the root project directory instead of creation
  • -f: Save individual file summary intermediate result to the
  • -bp: create if exists in the package directory instead of overwriting


  • PWD: current working directory
  • HELPER_URL: helper URL
  • MODEL: model
  • API_TOKEN: API token

struct Config:
- GithubLink: *string
- GithubUsername: *string
- GithubToken: *string
- WithConfigFile: *string
- LightCheck: bool
- NoSummary: bool
- NoReadme: bool
- NoPackageSummary: bool
- NoBackupRootReadme: bool
- WithFileSummary: bool
- WithPackageReadmeBackup: bool

func loadEnv(key string) string:
- returns the value of the environment variable with the given key, or logs an error and exits if the key is empty

func getProjectStructure(workdir string) (string, error):
- returns the project file structure as a string, or an error if there is an issue

func fileMapToString(fileMap map[string]string) string:
- converts a map of file names to summaries into a string

func fileMapToMd(fileMap map[string]string) string:
- converts a map of file names to summaries into a markdown string

func getReadmePath(workdir string) (string, error):
- returns the path to the file, or an error if there is an issue

func writeFile(path, content string) error:
- writes the given content to the file at the given path, or returns an error if there is an issue

func processWorkingDirectory(githubLink, githubUsername, githubToken string) (string, error):
- returns the working directory, or an error if there is an issue

func initConfig() (*Config, error):
- initializes the config struct, parses command-line arguments, and loads environment variables, or returns an error if there is an issue

func main():
- initializes the config, processes the working directory, gets the project config, creates a summarizer service, summarizes the code, and writes the results to files, or logs an error if there is an issue


package: util
imports: io/fs, log, path/filepath,

type WalkDirIgnoredFunction:
- Takes two arguments: path string, d fs.DirEntry
- Returns an error

func WalkDirIgnored(workdir, gitignorePath string, f WalkDirIgnoredFunction) error:
- Takes three arguments: workdir string, gitignorePath string, f WalkDirIgnoredFunction
- Returns an error
- Compiles the .gitignore file using ignore.CompileIgnoreFile(gitignorePath)
- Calls filepath.WalkDir(workdir, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error) to iterate through the directory tree
- Inside the filepath.WalkDir function:
- If an error occurs, it returns the error
- If the current entry is a directory and its name is ".git", it returns filepath.SkipDir to skip the directory
- Calculates the relative path from the workdir to the current path using filepath.Rel(workdir, path)
- If the ignoreFile is not nil and it matches the relative path, it returns filepath.SkipDir if the entry is a directory, otherwise it returns nil
- Calls the provided function f(path, d) with the current path and directory entry
- Returns the error from the filepath.WalkDir function


package: project
imports: errors, fmt, go/parser, go/token, io, io/fs, log, os, path/filepath, reflexia/internal, strconv, strings,

struct ProjectConfig:
- Fields: FileFilter, ProjectRootFilter, ModuleMatch, StopWords, CodePrompt, SummaryPrompt, PackagePrompt, ReadmePrompt, RootPath
func GetProjectConfig(currentDirectory, withConfigFile string, lightCheck bool) (*ProjectConfig, error):
- reads all .toml files in the current directory and its subdirectories
- returns the first matching ProjectConfig found
- if no matching ProjectConfig is found, returns an error
func (pc *ProjectConfig) BuildPackageFiles() (map[string][]string, error):
- builds a map of package names to a list of file paths
- returns the map of package names to file paths
func hasFilterFiles(workdir string, filters []string) bool:
- checks if any of the files in the given directory match any of the filters
- returns true if a match is found, false otherwise
func hasRootFilterFile(workdir string, filters []string) bool:
- checks if any of the files in the given directory match any of the filters
- returns true if a match is found, false otherwise


package: summarize
imports: fmt, io/fs, os, path/filepath, reflexia/internal, reflexia/pkg/project, strings,,

struct SummarizerService:
- Fields: HelperURL, Model, ApiToken, Network, LlmOptions

func CodeSummaryRequest(prompt, content string) (string, error):
- Takes prompt and content as input
- Calls helper.GenerateContentInstruction with provided parameters
- Returns response and error

func SummarizeRequest(prompt, content string) (string, error):
- Takes prompt and content as input
- Calls helper.GenerateContentInstruction with provided parameters
- Returns response and error

func SummarizeCode(projectConfig *project.ProjectConfig) (map[string]string, error):
- Takes projectConfig as input
- Creates a map to store file paths and summaries
- Walks through the project directory, ignoring files specified in .gitignore
- For each file, it checks if it matches any of the file filters specified in projectConfig
- If a match is found, it reads the file content, calculates the relative path, and calls CodeSummaryRequest to generate a summary
- Stores the summary in the fileMap along with the relative path
- Returns the fileMap and any error encountered during the process