- Remove version restriction on lxml dependency
- Update Demo Bottle
- Updated Travis file. Forced lxml to be installed using no-validate_binary
- lxml fixed to be lower than 4.7.1 since it seems to have issues validating the signature of encrypted elements See SAML-Toolkits/python3-saml#292
- #292 Add rejectDeprecatedAlgorithm settings in order to be able reject messages signed with deprecated algorithms.
- Upgrade dm.xmlsec.binding to 2.1
- Set sha256 and rsa-sha256 as default algorithms
- Added warning about Open Redirect and Reply attacks
- Removed CC-BY-SA 3.0 non compliant implementation of dict_deep_merge
- Update expired dates from test responses
- Add warning about the use of OneLogin_Saml2_IdPMetadataParser class about SSRF attacks
- Migrate from Travis to Github Actions
- Destination URL Comparison is now case-insensitive for netloc
- Support single-label-domains as valid. New security parameter allowSingleLabelDomains
- Added get_idp_sso_url, get_idp_slo_url and get_idp_slo_response_url methods to the Settings class and use it in the toolkit
- #267 Custom lxml parser based on the one defined at xmldefused. Parser will ignore comments and processing instructions and by default have deactivated huge_tree, DTD and access to external documents
- Add get_friendlyname_attributes support
- Remove external lib method get_ext_lib_path. Add set_cert_path in order to allow set the cert path in a different folder than the toolkit
- Add python2 deprecation info
- #269 Add sha256 instead sha1 algorithm for sign/digest as recommended value on documentation and settings
- #258 Fix failOnAuthnContextMismatch feature
- #250 Allow any number of decimal places for seconds on SAML datetimes
- Update demo versions. Improve them and add Tornado demo.
- Set true as the default value for strict setting
- Adjusted acs endpoint to extract NameQualifier and SPNameQualifier from SAMLResponse. Adjusted single logout service to provide NameQualifier and SPNameQualifier to logout method. Add getNameIdNameQualifier to Auth and SamlResponse. Extend logout method from Auth and LogoutRequest constructor to support SPNameQualifier parameter. Align LogoutRequest constructor with SAML specs
- Added get_in_response_to method to Response and LogoutResponse classes
- Add get_last_authn_contexts method
- Fix bug on friendlyName/nameFormat parameters on RequestedAttribute elements. Wrong variable name caused FriendlyName to overwrite NameFormat
- Add support for Subjects on AuthNRequests by the new name_id_value_req parameeter.Fix testshib test. Improve README: Added inline markup to important references
- Update defusedxml
- Fix path in flask demo
- Security improvements. Use of tagid to prevent XPath injection. Disable DTD on fromstring defusedxml method
- #239 Check that the response has all of the AuthnContexts that we provided
- Fixed a ValidationError misspelling
- Don't require compression on LogoutResponse messages by relaxing the decode_base64_and_inflate method
- Add expected/received in WRONG_ISSUER error
- If debug enable, print reason for the SAMLResponse invalidation
- #238 Fix DSA constant
- Start using flake8 for code quality
- Update dm.xmlsec.binding dependency to 1.3.7
- Update pylint dependency to 1.9.1
- Update Django demo to use LTS version of Django
- Add ID to EntityDescriptor before sign it on add_sign method. Improve the way ds namespace is handled in add_sign method
- Update defusedxml, coveralls and coverage dependencies
- Update copyright and license reference
- Fix vulnerability CVE-2017-11427. Process text of nodes properly, ignoring comments
- Improve how fingerprint is calcultated
- Fix issue with LogoutRequest rejected by ADFS due NameID with unspecified format instead no format attribute
- Be able to invalidate a SAMLResponse if it contains InResponseTo value but no RequestId parameter provided at the is_valid method. See rejectUnsolicitedResponsesWithInResponseTo security parameter (By default deactivated)
- Fix signature position in the SP metadata
- Redefine NSMAP constant
- #205 Improve decrypt method, Add an option to decrypt an element in place or copy it before decryption.
- #204 On a LogoutRequest if the NameIdFormat is entity, NameQualifier and SPNameQualifier will be ommited. If the NameIdFormat is not entity and a NameQualifier is provided, then the SPNameQualifier will be also added.
- Be able to get at the auth object the last processed ID (response/assertion) and the last generated ID.
- Reset errorReason attribute of the auth object before each Process method
- Fix issue on getting multiple certs when only sign or encryption certs
- Allow empty nameid if setting wantNameId is false. Only raise Exceptions when strict mode is enabled
- Replace some etree.tostring calls, that were introduced recfently, by the sanitized call provided by defusedxml
- Update dm.xmlsec.binding requirement to 1.3.3 version
- Be able to relax SSL Certificate verification when retrieving idp metadata
- #195 Be able to register future SP x509cert on the settings and publish it on SP metadata
- #195 Be able to register more than 1 Identity Provider x509cert, linked with an specific use (signing or encryption
- #195 Allow metadata to be retrieved from source containing data of multiple entities
- #195 Adapt IdP XML metadata parser to take care of multiple IdP certtificates and be able to inject the data obtained on the settings.
- #194 Publish KeyDescriptor[use=encryption] only when required
- #190 Checking the status of response before assertion count
- Add Pyramid demo example
- Allows underscores in URL hosts
- NameID Format improvements
- #184 Be able to provide a NameIDFormat to LogoutRequest
- #180 Add DigestMethod support. (Add sign_algorithm and digest_algorithm parameters to sign_metadata and add_sign)
- Validate serial number as string to work around libxml2 limitation
- Make the Issuer on the Response Optional
- #175 Optionally raise detailed exceptions vs. returning False. Implement a more specific exception class for handling some validation errors. Improve/Fix tests
- #171 Add hooks to retrieve last-sent and last-received requests and responses
- Improved inResponse validation on Responses
- #173 Fix attributeConsumingService serviceName format in README
- Several security improvements:
- Conditions element required and unique.
- AuthnStatement element required and unique.
- SPNameQualifier must math the SP EntityID
- Reject saml:Attribute element with same “Name” attribute
- Reject empty nameID
- Require Issuer element. (Must match IdP EntityID).
- Destination value can't be blank (if present must match ACS URL).
- Check that the EncryptedAssertion element only contains 1 Assertion element.
- Improve Signature validation process
- #149 Work-around for xmlsec.initialize
- #151 Fix flask demo error handling and improve documentation
- #152 Update LICENSE to include MIT rather than BSD license
- #155 Fix typographical errors in docstring
- Fix RequestedAttribute Issue
- Fix __build_signature method. If relay_state is null not be part of the SignQuery
- #164 Add support for non-ascii fields in settings
- Change the decrypt assertion process.
- Add 2 extra validations to prevent Signature wrapping attacks.
- Fix Metadata XML (RequestedAttribute)
- Fix Windows specific Unix date formatting bug.
- Docs for OSx instlltion of libsecxml1
- Fix SHA384 Constant URI
- #142 Refactor of settings.py to make it a little more readable.
- Bugfix for ADFS lowercase signatures
- READMEs suggested wrong cert name
- #117 AttributeConsumingService support
- #114 Compare Assertion InResponseTo if not None
- Return empty list when there are no audience values
- Passing NameQualifier through to logout request
- Make deflate process when retrieving built SAML messages optional
- Add debug parameter to decrypt method
- Fix Idp Metadata parser
- Add documentation related to the new IdP metadata parser methods
- Extract the already encoded value directly from get_data
- #133 Fix typo and add extra assertions in util decrypt test
- Fix Signature with empty URI support
- Allow AuthnRequest with no NameIDPolicy
- Remove requirement of NameID on SAML responses
- Prevent signature wrapping attack!!
- #111 Add support for nested
children insideAttributeValue
s - ALOWED Misspell
- Improve how we obtain the settings path.
- Update docs adding reference to test depencence installation
- Fix Organization element on SP metadata.
- #100 Support Responses that don't have AttributeStatements.
- #86 Make idp settings optional (Usefull when validating SP metadata)
- #79 Remove unnecesary dependence. M2crypto is not used.
- #77 Fix server_port can be None
- Fix bug on settings constructor related to sp_validation_only
- Make SPNameQualifier optional on the generateNameId method. Avoid the use of SPNameQualifier when generating the NameID on the LogoutRequest builder.
- Allows the RequestedAuthnContext Comparison attribute to be set via settings
- Be able to retrieve Session Timeout after processResponse
- Update documentation. Clarify the use of the certFingerprint
- Now the SP is able to select the algorithm to be used on signatures (DSA_SHA1, RSA_SHA1, RSA_SHA256, RSA_SHA384, RSA_SHA512).
- Support sign validation of different kinds of algorithm
- Add demo example of the Bottle framework.
- #73 Improve decrypt method
- Handle valid but uncommon dsig block with no URI in the reference
- Split the setting check methods. Now 1 method for IdP settings and other for SP settings
- Let the setting object to avoid the IdP setting check. required if we want to publish SP * SAML Metadata when the IdP data is still not provided.
- Do accesible the ID of the object Logout Request (id attribute)
- Add SAMLServiceProviderBackend reference to the README.md
- Solve HTTPs issue on demos
- Fix PHP-style array element in settings json
- Add fingerprint algorithm support. Previously the toolkit assumed SHA-1 algorithm
- Fix creation of metadata with no SLS, when using settings.get_sp_metadata()
- Allow configuration of metadata caching/expiry via settings
- Allow metadata signing with SP key specified as config value, not file
- Set NAMEID_UNSPECIFIED as default NameIDFormat to prevent conflicts
- Improve validUntil/cacheDuration metadata settings
- Fix wrong element order in generated metadata (SLS before NameID). metadata xsd updated
- Added SLO with nameID and SessionIndex in the demos
- Fix Exception message on Destination validation of the Logout_request
- Update the dm.xmlsec.binding library to 1.3.2 (Improved transform support, Workaround for buildout problem)
- Fix flask demo settings example.
- Add nameID & sessionIndex support on Logout Request
- Reject SAML Response if not signed and strict = false
- Add ForceAuh and IsPassive support on AuthN Request
- Adding AuthnContextClassRef support
- Process nested StatusCode
- Fix settings bug
- SSO and SLO (SP-Initiated and IdP-Initiated).
- Assertion and nameId encryption.
- Assertion signature.
- Message signature: AuthNRequest, LogoutRequest, LogoutResponses.
- Enable an Assertion Consumer Service endpoint.
- Enable a Single Logout Service endpoint.
- Publish the SP metadata (which can be signed).
- Security improved, added more checks at the SAMLResponse validation
- SAML Python Toolkit v1.0.0