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File upload problem with Excel Files in Latest Version of Chrome 125 #8198

ShamaGarg opened this issue May 23, 2024 · 24 comments · Fixed by #8211

File upload problem with Excel Files in Latest Version of Chrome 125 #8198

ShamaGarg opened this issue May 23, 2024 · 24 comments · Fixed by #8211
TYPE: bug The described behavior is considered as wrong (bug).


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ShamaGarg commented May 23, 2024

What is your Scenario?

Started facing an issue with the end to end tests using Test Cafe. These tests check for cases where we have an upload button that accepts excel files sends it to server. We use setFilesToUpload to mimic this behavior in the test environment.

They used to work fine but with a recent update of Chrome, these tests suddenly started failing. We have other tests that upload other file types (pdf, json) which are working perfectly fine.

Also, it's only problem with the e2e tests, when we normally check that functionality in the same version of chrome it works fine.

What we have noticed is file size is different when uploaded in test environment than in a real scenario.

What is the Current behavior?

What is the Expected behavior?

What is the public URL of the test page? (attach your complete example)

What is your TestCafe test code?

Your complete configuration file

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Your complete test report

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Steps to Reproduce


TestCafe version


Node.js version


Command-line arguments

Browser name(s) and version(s)

Chrome 125

Platform(s) and version(s)

Windows, Ubuntu


No response

@ShamaGarg ShamaGarg added the TYPE: bug The described behavior is considered as wrong (bug). label May 23, 2024
@need-response-app need-response-app bot added the STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. label May 23, 2024
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Jisco commented May 24, 2024

We have the same problem regardless of the file extension. The upload stream is cut off at 768kb.

@PavelMor25 PavelMor25 added STATE: Need simple sample A simple sample is required to examine the issue. and removed STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. labels May 24, 2024
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Thank you for submitting a bug report. We would love to help you investigate the issue. Please share a simple code example that reliably reproduces the bug. For more information, read the following article: How To Create a Minimal Working Example When You Submit an Issue. We look forward to your response.

@github-actions github-actions bot added STATE: Need clarification An issue lacks information for further research. and removed STATE: Need simple sample A simple sample is required to examine the issue. labels May 24, 2024
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@ PavelMor25, It's a bit difficult to share working example due to privacy concerns. But as @Jisco also mentioned it looks like its a a normal upload test that is just making either the stream cut off in the latest version of chrome. Is it possible to check that first with a simple upload test with testcafe? Apart from that we are not doing any extra logic, it just takes the excel file and then sends the form data to the server. I have added a simple screenshot of File object that we receive in both cases.



@need-response-app need-response-app bot added the STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. label May 24, 2024
@github-actions github-actions bot removed the STATE: Need clarification An issue lacks information for further research. label May 24, 2024
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PavelMor25 commented May 27, 2024

I tried to reproduce the described scenario and did not encounter any issues.

It's a bit difficult to share a working example due to privacy concerns.

We understand that there are reasons why you cannot share an example. However, the article describes how to create a minimal working example while avoiding the use of any private information that cannot be published. Additionally, if there is any information that can help us reproduce the issue, please share it.

My example:

import { Selector, ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';
import fs from 'fs';

let fileSize = 0;

fs.stat('./upload/stats.xlsx', (err, stats) => {
    if (err) {

    fileSize = stats.size;

const getSizeUploadFile = ClientFunction(() => document.querySelector('#file').files[0].size);

fixture `Upload`
    .page `./index.html`;

test('Upload the file', async t => {
    const finput = Selector('#file');
    await t.setFilesToUpload(finput,'stats.xlsx');

    const uploadSize = await getSizeUploadFile();

    await t.expect(uploadSize).eql(fileSize);

@PavelMor25 PavelMor25 added STATE: Need clarification An issue lacks information for further research. and removed STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. labels May 27, 2024
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Jisco commented May 27, 2024

Sorry, but in our case it's a bit more complicated.

We use a .NET Core 6 server as a backend and to execute the tests we use the json files generated by TestCafe Studio. So we didn't write the test "manually", maybe that helps in any way.

So i could share the backend code with you, but as already said it works "in the real world" but not when executing the tests.

BTW: The file needs to be larger than 768kb to fail, was your test file large enough?!

@need-response-app need-response-app bot added the STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. label May 27, 2024
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Gandhi11 commented May 27, 2024

Same problem on my side, all the upload tests are falling regardless of the project since Latest Version of Chrome 125 and using native-automation.

When using --disable-native-automation it is working.

On our side, we make an XHR request when the input file change to upload the file and that is what get truncated.

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So i could share the backend code with you, but as already said it works "in the real world" but not when executing the tests.

We need a complete application and test where this issue is reproduced so we can investigate it. If you can share the test or create a reproducible example, it will be very helpful.

The file needs to be larger than 768kb to fail, was your test file large enough?!

My test file is 10MB.

Additionally, please specify the following information:

  • Node.js version
  • TestCafe version
  • OS version
  • Any other relevant information that might help us.

@PavelMor25 PavelMor25 removed the STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. label May 28, 2024
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ShamaGarg commented May 28, 2024

We need a complete application and test where this issue is reproduced so we can investigate it

@PavelMor25 Its not possible to do that, also we are close to our release so difficult for now to work on a shareable test/reproducible example for now.

Additionally, please specify the following information:

Node.js version: 20.9.0
TestCafe version: 3.3.0 We also checked it with 3.6 and found same problem
OS version: Windows 10, but we also faced this on Ubuntu which we use on our CI/CD
Any other relevant information that might help us.: What we could notice is something wrong with file data, it changes so better not only look for size but other properties that are being sent and try to see what changes when sent in normal browser vs test cafe.

@need-response-app need-response-app bot added the STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. label May 28, 2024
@github-actions github-actions bot removed the STATE: Need clarification An issue lacks information for further research. label May 28, 2024
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Jisco commented May 28, 2024


We need a complete application and test where this issue is reproduced so we can investigate it. If you can share the test or create a reproducible example, it will be very helpful.

This is our backend code. The first stream here has always 786kb in the test context, no matter how large the file is.

[RequestFormLimits(ValueLengthLimit = Int32.MaxValue, MultipartBodyLengthLimit = Int64.MaxValue, MemoryBufferThreshold = Int32.MaxValue)]
public async Task UploadAsync(String name, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var fileIdentifier = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            var streams = Request
                .ReadSectionsAsync(ModelState, cancellationToken)
                .Select(x => x.Stream);

          using (var targetStream = File.Open(name, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
              await foreach (var sourceStream in streams)
                  await sourceStream.CopyToAsync(targetStream, cancellationToken);


            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return BadRequest(ModelState);

        catch (Exception ex)
            return BadRequest(ModelState);

In frontend we used TestCafe Studio to produce the test and in code we simply use the angular devextreme file-uploader component.

Node.js version: 18.18.2
TestCafe version: 3.4.0 we tried 3.6.0 but it makes no difference
OS version: Windows 11, Windows Server 2022

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We have the same issue, it is breaking our entire test suite.
I cannot share an easy reproduction scenario but this is the error we are now getting:
"Invalid header signature; read 0x0000001AB1A1E011, expected 0xE11AB1A1E011CFD0 - Your file appears not to be a valid OLE2 document" on our Java backend.

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Since we haven't been able to reproduce the issue yet, we ask you to try this workaround. If it helps, it will assist us in addressing the issue.

Add a custom action to your configuration file:

// .testcaferc.js
module.exports = {
    customActions: {
     async uploadFileNativeAutomation (selector, file) {
        const cdpClient  = await this.getCurrentCDPSession(); // for TestCafe version lower 3.6.0 use this.testRun.browserConnection.getNativeAutomation()._client
        const { root }   = await cdpClient.DOM.getDocument();
        const { nodeId } = await cdpClient.DOM.querySelector({
            nodeId: root.nodeId, 

        await cdpClient.DOM.setFileInputFiles({
            files: [file], 

Use this action in your test instead of the setFilesToUpload action:

// test.js
import path from 'path';

fixture `Upload`
    .page `https://page.test`;

test('Upload the file', async t => {
// code
    await t.customActions.uploadFileNativeAutomation(
        path.join(__dirname,'./file1.txt') // path to file must be absolute
// code

Please let us know your results.

@PavelMor25 PavelMor25 added STATE: Need clarification An issue lacks information for further research. and removed STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. labels May 29, 2024
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I just tried it out and the same problem occurred.

Here's the header of a WORKING file upload XHR request made via Chrome directly.

Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 9667
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryBpjhnMLnFCMcjVgW
Sec-Ch-Ua: "Google Chrome";v="125", "Chromium";v="125", "Not.A/Brand";v="24"
Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile: ?0
Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform: "macOS"
Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty
Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

NOT WORKING file upload XHR request made via Chrome with testcafe.

Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 5953
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundarygufuFBG0T8nofzwb
Sec-Ch-Ua: "Google Chrome";v="125", "Chromium";v="125", "Not.A/Brand";v="24"
Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile: ?0
Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform: "macOS"
Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty
Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

The main difference as you can see is that the Content-Length get truncated to 5953.

@need-response-app need-response-app bot added the STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. label May 29, 2024
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Hi @PavelMor25,

I tried with the above workaround and got this error, hope this might be helpful for you in investigating it further:


@need-response-app need-response-app bot added the STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. label May 31, 2024
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Bayheck commented Jun 4, 2024


Thank you for sharing the sample.

For some reason, I get the following error after trying to run ./vendor/bin/sail migrate:


Could you please check it?

In addition, it will be easier for us to work on the issue if the sample setup is as simple as possible. This is because we need to reproduce the issue as well as investigate it.

@Bayheck Bayheck removed the STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. label Jun 4, 2024
@need-response-app need-response-app bot added the STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. label Jun 4, 2024
@Bayheck Bayheck removed the STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. label Jun 4, 2024
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Gandhi11 commented Jun 4, 2024

Hi @Bayheck, I made a typo in the command. I am sorry for that. It should be ./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate.

I understand that a simple setup is the better, but in this case you guys need to have a backend to retrieve and store the uploaded file. That is why I provided you with a Laravel Sail setup. It may be possible to achieve the same result with a nodejs backend but I am not in the position to provide a working setup.

@need-response-app need-response-app bot added the STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. label Jun 4, 2024
@Bayheck Bayheck added STATE: Issue accepted An issue has been reproduced. and removed STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. labels Jun 5, 2024
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github-actions bot commented Jun 5, 2024

We appreciate you taking the time to share information about this issue. We reproduced the bug and added this ticket to our internal task queue. We'll update this thread once we have news.

@github-actions github-actions bot removed the STATE: Issue accepted An issue has been reproduced. label Jun 5, 2024
@Bayheck Bayheck added STATE: Issue accepted An issue has been reproduced. and removed STATE: Need clarification An issue lacks information for further research. labels Jun 5, 2024
@github-actions github-actions bot removed the STATE: Issue accepted An issue has been reproduced. label Jun 5, 2024
@DevExpress DevExpress deleted a comment from github-actions bot Jun 5, 2024
@Bayheck Bayheck self-assigned this Jun 11, 2024
@Bayheck Bayheck mentioned this issue Jun 19, 2024
2 tasks
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Bayheck commented Jun 19, 2024

Hello, we have created a fix for this issue. Could you please check your tests with this build?

I look forward to your results.

@need-response-app need-response-app bot added the STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. label Jun 19, 2024
@Bayheck Bayheck removed the STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. label Jun 19, 2024
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Hello, we have created a fix for this issue. Could you please check your tests with this build?

I look forward to your results.

I had the same exact issue, and now when I ran the test with this build - it seems ok! The upload worked, and my tests is green :)
When can we expect this to be in the official version we can download using NPM/Yarn?

@need-response-app need-response-app bot added the STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. label Jun 21, 2024
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fix for this issue. Could you pleas

Hello, the fix is also working for our team. Thank you!

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Bayheck commented Jun 24, 2024


Thank you for testing the build.

Unfortunately, we cannot give an ETA on when we will introduce this fix. If everything goes as planned, it will be in the next TestCafe release.

@Bayheck Bayheck removed the STATE: Need response An issue that requires a response or attention from the team. label Jun 24, 2024
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Release v3.6.2-rc.1 addresses this.

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TYPE: bug The described behavior is considered as wrong (bug).
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8 participants