- [선형대수] 3Blue1Brown : Essence of linear algebra
- [확률/통계] Seeing Theory : Basic Probability/Compound Probability/Probability Distributions/Frequentist Inference/Basyesian Inference/Regression Analys
- [수학/계산] 3Blue1Brown : Essence of calculus
- [확실성 및 추정이론] Havard Univ. : Introduction to Probability
- [확실성 및 추정이론] Havard Univ. : Introduction to Probability (YouTube)
- [프로그래밍/툴] Harvard Univ. : Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python
- [프로그래밍/툴] Harvard Univ. : Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python (YouTube)
- [빅데이터/데이터분석/데이터마이닝] Harvard Univ. : Data Science: R Basics (Youtube)
- [심층학습/강화학습/다층학습] Stanford Univ. : Reinforcement Learning
- [심층학습/강화학습/다층학습] Stanford Univ. : Reinforcement Learning (Youtube)
- [심층학습/강화학습/다층학습] MIT : Introduction to Deep Learning
- [언어(NLP,NLU,STT)] Stanford Univ. : Natural Language Processing Understanding
- [언어(NLP,NLU,STT)] Stanford Univ. : Natural Language Processing Understanding (YouTube)
- [언어(NLP,NLU,STT)] Stanford Univ. : Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
- [언어(NLP,NLU,STT)] Stanford Univ. : Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning (YouTube)
- [컴퓨터 비전/인식/영상] Georgia Tech. : Introduction to Computer Vision
- [컴퓨터 비전/인식/영상] Stanford Univ. : Deep Learning for Computer Vision
- [컴퓨터 비전/인식/영상] Stanford Univ. : Deep Learning for Computer Vision (YouTube)