In realtime compiling of dotnet v35/v40 exe/dll binaries + obfuscation with ConfuserEx on your linux cobalt strike server.
When you specify a .cs file to compile and execute on a beacon, the compiler will automaticly search for all .cs dependencies in that source directory and sub directories and compile against them so there is no need for merging everything into 1 .cs file. By default, all the .dll files under Compiler/References/net*/
will be loaded as a References to each compiled project. If you want better opsec and load just the necessary .dll files as References you can do that by dropping a file called Refs
in the source directory of the project you are compiling and it will import just those .dll names instead of everything.
Refs Example
root@kali:/# cat Rubeus-master/Rubeus/Refs
The compiler can be used outside of Cobalt Strike and it might be a good idea to do that for new projects just to verify that there are no missing References, if there are References missing just drop them to Compiler/References/net*/
root@kali:/Compiler# dotnet build -c Release ; dotnet bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/Compiler.dll -s /Rubeus-master/Rubeus/Program.cs -f /tmp/rub.exe
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.2.37902+b5aaefc9f for .NET Core
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Restore completed in 60.77 ms for /opt/C2/Cobaltstrike/scripts/SharpCobaltStrike/Compiler/Compiler.csproj.
Compiler -> /opt/C2/Cobaltstrike/scripts/SharpCobaltStrike/Compiler/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/Compiler.dll
Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:00:01.48
Source Dir : ../Rubeus-master/Rubeus
Source File : ../Rubeus-master/Rubeus/test.cs
Output Kind : ConsoleApplication
.Net Version : Net40
Platform : AnyCpu
References : /Compiler/References/net40/System.IdentityModel.dll, /Compiler/References/net40/System.Core.dll, /Compiler/References/net40/System.Management.dll, /Compiler/References/net40/System.dll, /Compiler/References/net40/System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll, /Compiler/References/net40/System.Management.Automation.dll, /Compiler/References/net40/mscorlib.dll, /Compiler/References/net40/System.DirectoryServices.dll
Optimize : False
Confuse : False
UnsafeCompile : False
Another use case is that we can use this to compile .Net loaders to inject beacon shellcode into processes
This project uses a modified version of SharpGen to compile .cs source files and obfuscate them with ConfuserEx. All creds to @cobbr for making the compiler, more detials on it here
The APC shellcode loader is taken from
To use this you first need to install dotnet core sdk
wget -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dotnet-sdk-2.1