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coolstar edited this page Dec 23, 2014 · 7 revisions

Anemone supports theming badges on the home screen.

Badge Backgrounds

iOS 7 & 8

In the SpringBoard bundle (, Anemone checks for SBBadgeBG(@2x/@3x).png. If found, Anemone will load that image as the badge background instead of letting iOS render it as a solid red color.

iOS 5 & 6

SpringBoard loads badges from SBBadgeBG(@2x/@3x).png. Simply add this image to your theme to theme badges.

Badge Labels

iOS 7 & 8

To your Info.plist, add the key "BadgeSettings". You may then use the standard Label Settings Keys to theme the badge labels.

iOS 5 & 6

To be done.

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